Total Distance Traveled
Total distance traveled
Min.: 0 [km]
Max.: 1677215 [km]
Total Distance Traveled - Unit
Total Distance Traveled unit
km or mile
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle speed
Min.: 0 km/h (0 mph)
Max.: 255 km/h (158 mph)
Actual vehicle speed
This is the current vehicle speed.
The vehicle speed is detected using the wheel speed sensors.
Vehicle speed data is delayed when it is displayed. Therefore, even if the vehicle speed listed in the freeze frame data is 0 km/h (0 mph), this does not always mean that the malfunction occurred when the vehicle was stopped.
Engine Speed
Engine speed
Min.: 0 rpm
Max.: 16383 rpm
950 to 1050 rpm: Idling (shift state neutral, engine warmed up and A/C off)
When the crankshaft position sensor is malfunctioning, "Engine Speed" is approximately 0 rpm or varies greatly from the actual engine speed.
Mass Air Flow Sensor
Airflow rate from mass air flow meter sub-assembly
Min.: 0 gm/sec
Max.: 655.35 gm/sec
1.5 to 4.5 gm/sec: Idling (engine warmed up)
2.5 to 8.0 gm/sec: 2000 rpm (without load)
4.5 to 12.0 gm/sec: 3000 rpm (without load)
This is the intake air amount measured by the mass air flow meter sub-assembly.
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure
Intake manifold absolute pressure
Min.: 0 kPa (0 psi)
Max.: 2047.96 kPa (296.95 psi)
80 to 110 kPa (11.6 to 15.95 psi): Engine switch on (IG)
20 to 40 kPa (2.9 to 5.8 psi): Idling with warmed up engine
This is the intake manifold pressure.
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure Supported
Status of the Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure Supported
Supp or Unsupp
Coolant Temperature
Engine coolant temperature
Min.: -40°C (-40°F)
Max.: 140°C (284°F)
75 to 100°C (167 to 212°F): After warming up
This is the engine coolant temperature.
Throttle Motor Duty Ratio
Throttle actuator
Min.: 0%
Max.: 100%
0 to 22%: Idling with warmed up engine (A/C off and shift state neutral)
This is the output duty ratio of the throttle actuator drive circuit.
Starter SW
Starter signal
ON: Starter operating
OFF: Starter not operating
Stop Light SW
Stop light switch status
ON: Brake pedal depressed
OFF: Brake pedal released
NIM Sensor Speed
Input shaft speed (NIM)
Min.: 0 rpm
Max.: 16383 rpm
Input shaft speed (NIM) equal to engine speed (NE): Clutch pedal not depressed, vehicle running
NIM Sensor Voltage
Transmission revolution sensor (NIM) output voltage
Min.: 0.000 V
Max.: 4.999 V
0.2 to 1.8 V: Engine idling (Vehicle stopped with shift lever in Neutral)
Shift SW Status (R Range)
Back-up light switch status
ON: Shift lever in R
OFF: Shift lever not in R
Shift SW Status (N,P Range)
Clutch pedal switch status
ON: Clutch pedal fully depressed
OFF: Clutch pedal released
Shift SW Status (N,P Range) Supported
Status of clutch pedal switch supported
Unsupp or Supp
Clutch Stroke Position
Clutch stroke calculated by ECM
Min.: -200.0%
Max.: 199.9%
Value increases: Clutch pedal released → clutch pedal fully depressed
Clutch Stroke Sensor Voltage
Clutch stroke sensor output voltage
Min.: 0.000 V
Max.: 4.999 V
Value increases: Clutch pedal released → clutch pedal fully depressed
M/T Oil Temperature
Manual transaxle oil temperature sensor (temperature sensor) value
Min.: -40°C (-40°F)
Max.: 215.9°C (420.62°F)
If the value is -40°C (-40°F) or 215.9°C (420.62°F) or more, the manual transaxle oil temperature sensor (temperature sensor) circuit is open or shorted.
Drive Mode Status
Drive mode status
Normal, Power, Sport, Sport+, Comfort or ECO
Drive Mode Select Switch (DMS+)
Drive mode select switch (combination switch assembly) status
ON: Drive mode select switch (combination switch assembly) pushed forward
OFF: Drive mode select switch (combination switch assembly) in neutral position
Drive Mode Select Switch (DMS-)
Drive mode select switch (combination switch assembly) status
ON: Drive mode select switch (combination switch assembly) pulled rearward
OFF: Drive mode select switch (combination switch assembly) in neutral position
iMT switch (combination switch assembly) status
ON: iMT switch (combination switch assembly) being pushed
OFF: iMT switch (combination switch assembly) not being pushed
iMT Telltale
iMT telltale display request
OFF, Green or Yellow
OFF: iMT system off
Green: iMT system stand-by
Yellow: iMT system malfunction, indicator light initial check