I4-1 (EP) - Body ground
Below 1 Ω
I4-2 (ES) - Body ground
Below 1 Ω
I4-5 (B) - Body ground
Power source for auxiliary battery
11 to 14 V
I4-6 (IG+) - Body ground
Power source for IG relay
Below 1 V → 10.5 to 16 V
I4-8 (+S) - Body ground
Vehicle speed output signal
Ignition switch ON, wheel being rotated
Pulse generation
(See waveform 1)
I4-11 (SW) - Body ground
Brake fluid level warning switch signal
Ignition switch ON, brake fluid level not low (brake warning light/red (malfunction) off) → low (brake warning light/red (malfunction) on)
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
I4-12 (HZSW) - Body ground
Hazard warning signal switch signal
Hazard warning signal switch off → on
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
I4-13 (WLVL) - Body ground*1
Washer fluid level signal
Ignition switch ON, washer fluid level not low → low
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
I4-23 (ILL-) - Body ground
Illumination signal
Taillights off → on
Below 1 V → Pulse generation
I4-25 (SI) - Body ground
Vehicle speed input signal
Ignition switch ON, wheel being rotated
Pulse generation
(See waveform 1)
I4-27 (VCM) - Body ground
Vacuum warning switch signal
Engine started, vacuum warning switch off (brake warning light off) → Vacuum warning switch on (brake warning light on)
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
I4-28 (LST1) - Body ground
Fuel lid status signal
Fuel lid opener switch opens
11 to 14V
Fuel lid opener switch closed
Below 1V
I5-2 (B) - Body ground
Power source for auxiliary battery
11 to 14 V
I5-5 (LL) - Body ground
Front/side turn signal flasher signal
(LH side)
Turn indicator light (LH) blinking
11 to 14 V ←→ Below 1 V
Turn indicator light (LH) off
Below 1 V
I5-6 (LR) - Body ground
Front/side turn signal flasher signal
(RH side)
Turn indicator light (RH) blinking
11 to 14 V ←→ Below 1 V
Turn indicator light (RH) off
Below 1 V
I5-7 (FR) - I5-25 (FE&B)
Fuel level signal
Ignition switch ON, fuel receiver gauge indicates F → E (fuel level warning light on)
Pulse generation
(See waveform 2)
I5-10 (TC) - Body ground
Tail cancel switch signal
Ignition switch ON (IG), light control rheostat knob not fully turned upward (Tail cancel switch off) → fully turned upward (Tail cancel switch on)
Below 1 V → 4 to 6 V
I5-11 (SW1) - Body ground
Light control rheostat (Power source)
Ignition switch ON (IG)
4 to 6 V
I5-12 (MSTI) - Body ground
Steering pad switch without touch detection function signal
Ignition switch ON, up, down, left and right switches on steering pad switch not pushed
4.8 to 5.2 V
I5-13 (ODO) - Body ground
ODO/TRIP switch signal
Ignition switch ON, ODO/TRIP switch not pushed
4.8 to 5.2 V
I5-14 (CANL)
CAN communication signal
I5-15 (TX-)
Local bus communication signal
I5-21 (TRNR) - Body ground
Rear turn signal flasher signal
(RH side)
Turn indicator light (RH) blinking
11 to 14 V ←→ Below 1 V
Turn indicator light (RH) off
Below 1 V
I5-22 (TRNL) - Body ground
Rear turn signal flasher signal
(LH side)
Turn indicator light (LH) blinking
11 to 14 V ←→ Below 1 V
Turn indicator light (LH) off
Below 1 V
I5-23 (FV) - Body ground
Power source for fuel sender gauge
Ignition switch ON
Pulse generation
(See waveform 3)
I5-24 (FR2) - I5-25 (FE&B)
Fuel level signal
Ignition switch ON, fuel receiver gauge indicates F → E (fuel level warning light on)
Pulse generation
(See waveform 2)
I5-25 (FE&B) - Body ground
Ground for fuel sender gauge
Below 1 Ω
I5-26 (SW3) - Body ground
Ground for trip switch
Below 1 Ω
I5-28 (SW2) - Body ground
Light control rheostat signal
Ignition switch ON (IG), light control rheostat knob fully turned downward → fully turned upward
Below 1 V → 4 to 6 V
(Gradually change)
I5-29 (MSM+) - Body ground
Steering pad switch without touch detection function signal
Ignition switch ON, OK and back switches on steering pad switch not pushed
4.8 to 5.2 V
I5-31 (CANH)
CAN communication signal
I5-32 (TX+)
Local bus communication signal
I248-1 (MGV+)*2
GVIF communication signal
I248-2 (MGV-)*2
GVIF communication signal
I248-3 (MGVG) - Body ground*2
Shield ground
Below 1 Ω