Total Distance Traveled
Total distance traveled
Min.: 0
Max.: 16777215
Total Distance Traveled - Unit
Unit for Total Distance Traveled
km or mile
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle speed
Min.: 0 km/h (0 mph)
Max.: 255 km/h (158 mph)
Actual vehicle speed
This is the current vehicle speed.
The vehicle speed is detected using the wheel speed sensors.
Vehicle speed data is delayed when it is displayed. Therefore, even if the vehicle speed listed in the freeze frame data is 0 km/h (0 mph), this does not always mean that the malfunction occurred when the vehicle was stopped.
Engine Speed
Engine Speed
Min.: 0 rpm
Max.: 16383 rpm
950 to 1050 rpm: Engine idling (shift lever in P, engine warmed up and A/C off)
When the crankshaft position sensor is malfunctioning, "Engine Speed" is approximately 0 rpm or varies greatly from the actual engine speed.
Calculate Load
Load calculated by ECM
Min.: 0%
Max.: 100%
Coolant Temperature
Engine coolant temperature
Min.: -40°C (-40°F)
Max.: 140°C (284°F)
75 to 100°C (167 to 212°F): After warming up
This is the engine coolant temperature.
After warming up the engine, the engine coolant temperature is 75 to 100°C (167 to 212°F).
After a long soak, the engine coolant temperature, intake air temperature and ambient air temperature are approximately equal.
If the value is -40°C (-40°F), or higher than 135°C (275°F), the sensor circuit is open or shorted.
Check if the engine overheats when the value indicates higher than 135°C (275°F).
Intake Air Temperature
Intake air temperature
Min.: -40°C (-40°F)
Max.: 140°C (284°F)
Equivalent to temperature at location of mass air flow meter sub-assembly
After a long soak, the engine coolant temperature, intake air temperature and ambient air temperature are approximately equal.
If the value is lower than -40°C (-40°F), or higher than 128°C (262°F), the sensor circuit is open or shorted.
Ambient Temperature
Ambient temperature
Min.: -40°C (-40°F)
Max.: 215°C (419°F)
Equivalent to ambient air temperature
This is the ambient temperature.
After a long soak, the engine coolant temperature, engine oil temperature, intake air temperature and ambient air temperature are approximately equal.
Engine Run Time
Engine run time
Min.: 0 seconds
Max.: 65535 seconds
Time after engine start
Battery Voltage
Battery voltage
Min.: 0
Max.: 65.5 V
11 to 14 V: Ignition switch ON
If 11 V or less, characteristics of some electrical components may change.
BATT Voltage
Battery voltage
Min.: 0
Max.: 79.998 V
11 to 14 V: Ignition switch ON
Status of IGP terminal
Status of IGR terminal
Glow Indicator Supported
Glow indicator supported
Unsupp or Supp
Throttle Position Sensor No.1 Voltage %
Absolute No. 1 throttle position sensor
Min.: 0%
Max.: 100%
10 to 22%: Accelerator pedal fully released
64 to 96%: Accelerator pedal fully depressed (engine running)
The No. 1 throttle position sensor output is converted using 5 V = 100%.
If there are no throttle position sensor DTCs stored, it is possible to conclude that the throttle position sensor system is normal.
Starter SW
Starter signal
ON: Starter operating
OFF: Starter not operating
Neutral Position SW
Park/neutral position switch status
ON: Shift lever in P or N
OFF: Shift lever not in P or N
When the shift lever position displayed on the GTS differs from the actual position, the adjustment of the park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect.
If a malfunction still occurs even after adjusting these parts, refer to DTC P070513 or P070562*3.
Shift SW Status (Neutral) Supported
Status of shift switch (neutral) supported
Unsupp or Supp
Stop Light SW
Stop light switch status
ON: Brake pedal depressed
OFF: Brake pedal released
Complete Parts Monitor
Comprehensive component monitor
Not Avl or Avail
Complete Parts Monitor Result
Comprehensive component monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Ignition Monitor
Ignition monitor
Spark Ignition or Compression Ignition
Fuel System Monitor
Fuel system monitor
Not Avl or Avail
Fuel System Monitor Result
Fuel system monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Misfire Monitor
Misfire monitor
Not Avl or Avail
Misfire Monitor Result
Misfire monitor
Compl or Incmpl
EGR/VVT Monitor
EGR/VVT monitor
Not Avl or Avail
EGR/VVT Monitor Result
EGR/VVT monitor
Compl or Incmpl
A/F (O2) Sensor Heater Monitor
O2S (A/FS) heater monitor
Not Avl or Avail
A/F (O2) Sensor Heater Monitor Result
O2S (A/FS) heater monitor
Compl or Incmpl
A/F (O2) Sensor Monitor
O2S (A/FS) monitor
Not Avl or Avail
A/F (O2) Sensor Monitor Result
O2S (A/FS) monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Secondary Air Injection System Monitor
Secondary air injection system monitor
Not Avl or Avail
Secondary Air Injection System Monitor Result
Secondary air injection system monitor
Compl or Incmpl
EVAP Monitor
EVAP monitor
Not Avl or Avail
EVAP Monitor Result
EVAP monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Heated Catalyst Monitor
Heated catalyst monitor
Not Avl or Avail
Heated Catalyst Monitor Result
Heated catalyst monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Catalyst Monitor
Catalyst monitor
Not Avl or Avail
Catalyst Monitor Result
Catalyst monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Component Monitor ENA (Current)
Comprehensive component monitor
Unable or Enable
Component Monitor Result (Current)
Comprehensive component monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Ignition Monitor (Current)
Ignition monitor
Spark Ignition or Compression Ignition
Fuel System Monitor ENA (Current)
Fuel system monitor
Unable or Enable
Fuel System Monitor Result (Current)
Fuel system monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Misfire Monitor ENA (Current)
Misfire monitor
Unable or Enable
Misfire Monitor Result (Current)
Misfire monitor
Compl or Incmpl
EGR/VVT Monitor ENA (Current)
EGR monitor
Unable or Enable
EGR/VVT Monitor Result (Current)
EGR monitor
Compl or Incmpl
O2 Sensor Heater ENA (Current)
O2S (A/FS) heater monitor
Unable or Enable
O2 Sensor Heater Monitor Result (Current)
O2S (A/FS) heater monitor
Compl or Incmpl
A/F (O2) Sensor Monitor ENA (Current)
O2S (A/FS) monitor
Unable or Enable
A/F (O2) Sensor Monitor Result (Current)
O2S (A/FS) monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Secondary Air Injection System Monitor ENA (Current)
Secondary air injection system monitor
Unable or Enable
Secondary Air Injection System Monitor Result (Current)
Secondary air injection system monitor
Compl or Incmpl
EVAP Monitor ENA (Current)
EVAP monitor
Unable or Enable
EVAP Monitor Result (Current)
EVAP monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Heated Catalyst Monitor ENA (Current)
Heated catalyst monitor
Unable or Enable
Heated Catalyst Monitor Result (Current)
Heated catalyst monitor
Compl or Incmpl
Catalyst Monitor ENA (Current)
Catalyst monitor
Unable or Enable
Catalyst Monitor Result (Current)
Catalyst monitor
Compl or Incmpl
TC Terminal
TC terminal Status
MIL status
MIL ON Run Distance
MIL ON run distance
Min.: 0 km (0 mile)
Max.: 65535 km (40723 mile)
Distance driven since DTC detected
Running Time from MIL ON
Running time from MIL ON
Min.: 0 min
Max.: 65535 min
Equivalent to running time since MIL illuminated
Time after DTC Cleared
Time after DTC cleared
Min.: 0 min
Max.: 65535 min
Equivalent to time since DTCs cleared
Distance from DTC Cleared
Distance after DTC cleared
Min.: 0 km (0 mile)
Max.: 65535 km (40723 mile)
Equivalent to time since DTCs cleared
Warmup Cycle Cleared DTC
Warm-up cycle after DTC cleared
Min.: 0
Max.: 255
Number of warm-up cycles since DTCs cleared
Number of Emission DTC
Emission related DTCs
Min.: 0
Max.: 127
IG ON Duration Time
IG ON duration time
Min.: 0 ms, Max.: 2147483647 ms
IG OFF Duration Time
IG OFF duration time
Min.: 0 ms, Max.: 2147483647 ms
Accel Position from EFI
Absolute Accelerator Pedal Position
Min.: 0.0%
Max.: 127.5%
NT Sensor Speed
Input shaft speed
Min.: 0 rpm
Max.: 65535 rpm
Equal to engine speed: Lock-up on (after warming up engine)
Nearly equal to engine speed: Lock-up off (engine idling with shift lever in N)
Data is displayed in increments of 50 rpm
NC Sensor Speed
Counter gear speed
Min.: 0 rpm
Max.: 12750 rpm
Shift SW Status (P Range)
Park/neutral position switch assembly status
OFF: Shift lever not in P
ON: Shift lever in P
When the shift lever position displayed on the GTS differs from the actual position, the adjustment of the park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect.
If a malfunction still occurs even after adjusting these parts, refer to DTC P070513 or P070562*3.
Shift SW Status (R Range)
Park/neutral position switch assembly status
OFF: Shift lever not in R
ON: Shift lever in R
When the shift lever position displayed on the GTS differs from the actual position, the adjustment of the park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect.
If a malfunction still occurs even after adjusting these parts, refer to DTC P070513 or P070562*3.
Shift SW Status (N Range)
Park/neutral position switch assembly status
OFF: Shift lever not in N
ON: Shift lever in N
When the shift lever position displayed on the GTS differs from the actual position, the adjustment of the park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect.
If a malfunction still occurs even after adjusting these parts, refer to DTC P070513 or P070562*3.
Shift SW Status (N,P Range)
Shift state status
ON: Shift lever in P or N
OFF: Shift lever not in P or N
Shift SW Status (N,P Range) Supported
Status of shift state status supported
Unsupp or Supp
Shift SW Status (D Range)
Park/neutral position switch assembly status
OFF: Shift lever not in D
ON: Shift lever in D
When the shift lever position displayed on the GTS differs from the actual position, the adjustment of the park/neutral position switch assembly or shift cable may be incorrect.
If a malfunction still occurs even after adjusting these parts, refer to DTC P070513 or P070562*3.
A/T Oil Temperature No.1
ATF temperature sensor value
Min.: -40°C (-40°F)
Max.: 150°C (302°F)
or Invalid Value
Approximately 80°C (176°F): After stall speed test
Equal to ambient temperature: When engine is cold
If value is -40°C (-40°F) or 150°C (302°F), ATF temperature sensor circuit is open or shorted
ATF Thermal Degradation Estimate
Estimated value of ATF thermal degradation
Min.: 0
Max.: 65535
If 50000 or more is displayed, thermal degradation of the ATF is suspected. Perform ATF Thermal Degradation Estimate Reset after replacing the ATF.
Torque Converter Temperature Raise History
Torque converter temperature raise history status
Min.: 0
Max.: 65535
NT Sensor Voltage
NT sensor voltage
Min.: 0.000 V
Max.: 4.999 V
0.1 to 1.9 V: Engine idling
NC Sensor Voltage
NC sensor voltage
Min.: 0.000 V
Max.: 4.999 V
0.1 to 1.9 V: Engine idling
Lock Up Status
Lock up
OFF, ON or Invalid Value
ON: Lock-up operating
OFF: Lock-up not operating
Shift Status
ECM gear shift command
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or Invalid Value
Same as actual gear
Shift Lock Release Request
Shift lock release request
ON: Brake pedal depressed
OFF: Brake pedal released
Solenoid (SLT)
Solenoid (SLT) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SLT) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SLT) valve not operating
Solenoid (SLU)
Solenoid (SLU) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SLU) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SLU) valve not operating
Solenoid (SL1)
Solenoid (SL1) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SL1) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SL1) valve not operating
The value of this item only changes when performing an Active Test.
Solenoid (SL2)
Solenoid (SL2) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SL2) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SL2) valve not operating
The value of this item only changes when performing an Active Test.
Solenoid (SL3)
Solenoid (SL3) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SL3) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SL3) valve not operating
The value of this item only changes when performing an Active Test.
Solenoid (SL4)
Solenoid (SL4) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SL4) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SL4) valve not operating
The value of this item only changes when performing an Active Test.
Solenoid (SL5)
Solenoid (SL5) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SL5) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SL5) valve not operating
The value of this item only changes when performing an Active Test.
Solenoid (SL6)
Solenoid (SL6) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SL6) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SL6) valve not operating
The value of this item only changes when performing an Active Test.
Solenoid (SL)
Solenoid (SL) valve status
ON: Solenoid (SL) valve operating
OFF: Solenoid (SL) valve not operating
Acceleration Sensor Value (Front and Back)
Acceleration sensor value (front and back)
Min.: -655.36 m/s2
Max.: 655.34 m/s2
0 m/s2: Vehicle stopped