Total Distance Traveled
Cannot be used
Total Distance Traveled - Unit
Cannot be used
Online Adjustment Progress Status
Online axis adjustment progress of forward recognition camera
0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%
The online axis adjustment progress is displayed.
Online Adjustment Normal Completion Flag
Online axis adjustment status of forward recognition camera
Not Normal Complete or Normal Complete
The online axis adjustment status is displayed.
FOE Confirmation All Target Recognition Process Complete Flag
Axis alignment (One Time Recognition) status of forward recognition camera
Incomplete or Complete
The axis alignment (One Time Recognition) status is displayed.
Confirmation FOE Origin X
FOE coordinates X when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
0 to 2896 pix
Confirmation FOE Origin Y
FOE coordinates Y when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
0 to 1876 pix
Confirmation Roll Angle
Roll angle when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
-5 to 5 deg
FOE Origin X Gap
Difference between initial FOE coordinates X and FOE coordinates X when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
-5 to 5 deg
FOE Origin Y Gap
Difference between initial FOE coordinates Y and FOE coordinates Y when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
-5 to 5 deg
Roll Angle Gap
Difference between initial roll angle and roll angle when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
-5 to 5 deg
Field FOE Origin X gap
Difference between learned FOE coordinates X and FOE coordinates X when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
-5 to 5 deg
Field FOE Origin Y gap
Difference between learned FOE coordinates Y and FOE coordinates Y when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
-5 to 5 deg
Field Roll Angle Gap
Difference between learned roll angle and roll angle when forward recognition camera optical axis confirmation is being performed
-5 to 5 deg
IG Voltage
IG voltage value
0.00 to 21.31 V
11 to 14 V
Camera Temperature
Temperature of forward recognition camera
-128 to 127°C (-262 to 261°F)
Temperature of forward recognition camera displayed
Buzzer (Line) Information
Whether or not a buzzer is installed to the forward recognition camera
Without Buzzer (Line) or With Buzzer (Line)
Without Buzzer (Line): Not installed
With Buzzer (Line): Installed
Camera Low Temperature Flag Counter
Cumulative number of times forward recognition camera low temperature flag was set
0 to 255
Current number of times forward recognition camera low temperature flag was set
By clearing vehicle control history (RoB), the count will be reset
If the number is 255 or more, 255 is displayed.
Camera High Temperature1 Flag Counter
Cumulative number of times forward recognition camera high temperature flag 1 was set
0 to 255
Current number of times forward recognition camera high temperature flag 1 was set
By clearing vehicle control history (RoB), the count will be reset
If the number is 255 or more, 255 is displayed.
Camera Low Voltage Flag Counter
Cumulative number of times forward recognition camera was outside of the guaranteed operation voltage range (vehicle control history (RoB) (low voltage))
0 to 255
Current number of times forward recognition camera was outside of the guaranteed operation voltage range (vehicle control history (RoB) (low voltage))
By clearing vehicle control history (RoB), the count will be reset
If the number is 255 or more, 255 is displayed.
Camera High Voltage Flag Counter
Cumulative number of times forward recognition camera was outside of the guaranteed operation voltage range (vehicle control history (RoB) (high voltage))
0 to 255
Current number of times forward recognition camera was outside of the guaranteed operation voltage range (vehicle control history (RoB) (high voltage))
By clearing vehicle control history (RoB), the count will be reset
If the number is 255 or more, 255 is displayed.
Online Adjustment Easiness
Ease of adjusting driving axis alignment
0 to 100
Axis Misalignment Cumulative Count
Cumulative number of forward recognition camera axis misalignment
0 to 255
Displays the cumulative number of forward recognition camera beam axis misalignments.
If the number is 255 or more, 255 is displayed.
Front Recognition Camera Not Adjusted Flag
Status of forward recognition camera optical axis alignment
OFF: Adjusted
ON: Not adjusted
FOE Improper Flag
FOE error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Targets Distance Improper Flag
Target distance error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Targets Not Fixed Flag
Target fixing error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Numbers of Targets Improper Flag
Abnormal target number error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Relative Distance of Targets Improper Flag
Target setting position error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Target 1 Improper Flag
Target 1 error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Target 2 Improper Flag
Target 2 error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Target 3 Improper Flag
Target 3 error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Recognition Time Exceeded Flag
Excessive recognition time error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Not exceeded
ON: Exceeded
Improper Roll Angle Flag
Roll angle error when forward recognition camera optical axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Online Adjustment Vehicle Speed Improper Flag
Excessive vehicle speed error when forward recognition camera driving axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Not exceeded
ON: Exceeded
Online Adjustment Camera Blockage Flag
Camera dirty state when forward recognition camera driving axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Not dirty
ON: Dirty
Online Adjustment Impossible Flag
Recognition invalid state when forward recognition camera driving axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Recognition valid
ON: Recognition invalid
Online Adjustment FOE Improper Flag
Outside of FOE range error when forward recognition camera driving axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Online Adjustment FOE Writing Incomplete Flag
FOE writing error when forward recognition camera driving axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Normal
ON: Abnormal
Online Adjustment Bad Condition Flag
Bad environment state when forward recognition camera driving axis alignment is being performed
OFF: Environment not bad
ON: Environment bad
Camera Low Voltage Flag
Excessive low voltage status of forward recognition camera
OFF: Low voltage not detected
ON: Low voltage detected
If this item indicates "ON", the camera might be temporarily unavailable.
Camera High Voltage Flag
Excessive high voltage status of forward recognition camera
OFF: High voltage not detected
ON: High voltage detected
If this item indicates "ON", the camera might be temporarily unavailable.
Camera Low Temperature Flag
Excessive low temperature status of forward recognition camera
OFF: Excessive low temperature not detected (approximately -30°C (-22°F) or more)
ON: Excessive low temperature detected (approximately -30°C (-22°F) or less)
If this item indicates "ON", the camera might be temporarily unavailable.
If this item indicates "ON", vehicle control history (RoB) X2016 is stored.
If this item indicates "ON", the camera will be temporarily unavailable. If the situation does not improve even after the vehicle is heated, it is possible that the forward recognition camera is malfunctioning.
Camera High Temperature 1 Flag
Excessive low temperature status of forward recognition camera
OFF: Excessive high temperature not detected (approximately 80°C (176°F) or less)
ON: Excessive high temperature detected (approximately 80°C (176°F) or more)
If this item indicates "ON", the camera might be temporarily unavailable.
If this item indicates "ON", vehicle control history (RoB) X2016 is stored.
The temperature of the windshield glass may reach 100°C (212°F) or more in summer.
If this item indicates "ON", the camera will be temporarily unavailable. If the situation does not improve even after the vehicle is cooled and left as is for 10 minutes or more, it is possible that the forward recognition camera is malfunctioning.
ECU Security Key Registered Incomplete Flag
Security key unregistered status of forward recognition camera ECU
OFF, ON or Not Fixed
Current security key registration status of ECU
Camera Low Visibility Flag
Low visibility of the forward recognition camera
No Low Visibility or Under Low Visibility
The current visibility is displayed
Blockage Condition Visibility Level
Blockage condition recognized by the forward recognition camera
Level0, Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4, Level5, Level6, Level7 or Level8
The blockage condition is displayed.
Fogged Condition Visibility Level
Fogged condition recognized by the forward recognition camera
Level0, Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4, Level5, Level6, Level7 or Level8
The fogged condition is displayed.
Bad Weather Condition Visibility Level
Bad weather condition recognized by the forward recognition camera
Level0, Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4, Level5, Level6, Level7 or Level8
The bad weather condition is displayed.
Heater Available Flag
Whether a hot-wire heater exists or not
Heater Absent or Heater Present
Heater Absent: w/o Heater Wire
Heater Present: w/ Heater Wire
If this item is Heater Absent, a new forward recognition camera with an open in the heater wire circuit may be installed.
Heater Control Allow Flag
Whether heater wire control allowed or not
Not Allowed or Allowed
Not Allowed: Heater wire control not allowed
Allowed: Heater wire control allowed
If this item is Not Allowed, following conditions are expected.
Vehicle control history (ROB) stored by forward recognition camera
Air conditioning system is malfunctioning
Communication malfunction between forward recognition camera and air conditioning amplifier assembly
Heater During Control Flag
Heater wire control status
Not Controlled or In Control
Not Controlled: Heater wire not operating
In Control: Heater wire operating
This item becomes In Control when Heater Control Allow Flag is Allowed, ambient temperature is 10°C (50°F) or less and area front of forward recognition camera is fogged. (w/ heated windshield defroster: While heated windshield defroster is operating, this item remains Not Controlled)
IG status
IGP Flank
IG status
Out of IGP-ON -> OFF or IGP-ON -> OFF
PCS Installation Availability
Whether pre-collision system installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: PCS not installed
Installed: PCS installed
FCTA Installation Availability
Whether front cross traffic alert installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: FCTA not installed
Installed: FCTA installed
Cannot be used
ACC Installation Availability
Whether dynamic radar cruise control installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: ACC not installed
Installed: ACC installed
CCS Installation Availability
Whether cruise control installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: CCS not installed
Installed: CCS installed
LDA Installation Availability
Whether lane departure alert installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: LDA not installed
Installed: LDA installed
LTA Installation Availability
Whether lane trace assist installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: LTA not installed
Installed: LTA installed
LCA Installation Availability
Whether lane change assist installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: LCA not installed
Installed: LCA installed
AHB Installation Availability
Whether automatic high beam installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: AHB not installed
Installed: AHB installed
RSA Installation Availability
Whether road sign assist installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: RSA not installed
Installed: RSA installed
TMN Installation Availability
Whether TMN installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: TMN not installed
Installed: TMN installed
Cannot be used
PDA Installation Availability
Whether proactive driving assist installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: PDA not installed
Installed: PDA installed
ISA Installation Availability
Whether speed limiter system installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: ISA not installed
Installed: ISA installed
Cannot be used
DESA Installation Availability
Whether emergency driving stop system installed or not
Not Installed or Installed
Not Installed: DESA not installed
Installed: DESA installed
ARS Equipped
Whether dynamic rear steering system installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
ACN Equipped
Whether air conditioning system installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
CSR Equipped
Whether Toyota parking assist-sensor system installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
MAV Equipped
Whether MAV installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
DCM Equipped
Whether telematics system installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
SBW Equipped
Whether SBW installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
EPS Equipped
Whether a power steering system is installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
ITS Equipped
Whether the ITS connect is installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
EPB Equipped
Whether the electric parking brake system is installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
TBC Equipped
Whether the trailer brake control system is installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Without system
Equipped: System installed
Front Side Radar Equipped
Whether the front side radar sensor is installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Not equipped
Equipped: Equipped
Rear Side Radar GLOBAL Equipped
Whether the blind spot monitor sensor is installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Not equipped
Equipped: Equipped
Rear Side Radar LOCAL Equipped
Whether the blind spot monitor sensor is installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Not equipped
Equipped: Equipped
Drive Monitor Equipped
Whether the driver monitor ECU assembly is installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Not equipped
Equipped: Equipped
FWM Equipped
Whether FWM installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Not equipped
Equipped: Equipped
IFU Equipped
Whether IFU installed or not
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Not equipped
Equipped: Equipped
Vehicle Speed (SP1)
Vehicle speed
Estimate Vehicle Acceleration
Estimated vehicle acceleration value
-32.768 to 32.767 m/s
Estimated Vehicle Acceleration Condition
Estimated vehicle acceleration condition
Not Fixed, Valid, Invalid or Error
Mediation Result Longitudinal ID Value
Mediation result longitudinal ID value
0 to 63
Steering Wheel Information
Steering wheel information
Unused, Left, Right or Default Value
Steering wheel installation location
2WD/4WD Information
Vehicle drive information
2WD, 4WD or Default Value
The vehicle drive information is displayed
Powertrain Information
Powertrain information
Conventional, SS, HV, PHV, EV, 1MHV, FCV or Default Value
Conventional: Conventional vehicle
SS: w/ Stop and start vehicle
Default Value: Vehicle information not confirmed
Transmission Information
Transmission information
MT, AT, CVT, MMT, SMT, AT for HV or Default Value
The transmission type is displayed
Body Shape Information
Displays the body type information
L1 or L2
The body type is displayed
EHW (Left) Drive Instruction
The EHW (Left) drive status displayed.
EHW Relay OFF or EHW Relay On
EHW Relay OFF: Relay OFF Condition
EHW Relay On: Relay ON Condition
AHB/AHS Information
Forward recognition camera function
Customize setting displayed
AHB Control ON Information
Automatic high beam control information
Customize setting displayed
AHB/AHS City Area Constant
Sensitivity pattern of AHB/AHS
Pattern1, Pattern2 or Pattern3
Current sensitivity pattern
Estimated Speed Unit
Vehicle speed unit
Unconfirmed, unit is kph or unit is mph
Estimated Driving Side
Driving side
Unconfirmed, Right-hand driving estimated or Left-hand driving estimated
RSA Equipped
Road sign assist function availability
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Road sign assist function not equipped
Equipped: Road sign assist function equipped
Navigation Fusion Equipped
Road sign assist navigation fusion function availability
Not Equipped or Equipped
Not Equipped: Road sign assist navigation fusion function not equipped
Equipped: Road sign assist navigation fusion function equipped
GNSS Location Information Validation
GNSS location information
Invalid or Valid
LDA Customize Condition Flag
Lane departure alert customize condition
Customize setting displayed
LDA Control Condition
Lane departure alert control condition
LDA Enabled or LDA Disabled
LDA Enabled
LTA Switch Condition Flag
ON/OFF status of LTA switch
ON/OFF status of LTA switch
LTA Control Condition
Lane tracing assist control condition
LTA Enabled or LTA Disabled
LTA Enabled
Hands-Off Customize Condition Flag
Advanced drive customize condition
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
Hands-Off Control Condition
Advanced drive control status
Hands-Off Enabled or Hands-off Disabled
Use of advanced drive possible
Cannot be used
LCA Customize Condition Flag
Lane change assist customize condition
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
LCA Control Condition
Lane change assist control condition
LCA Enabled or LCA Disables
LCA Enabled
Cannot be used
PCS Alarm Sensitivity Output Signal
Pre-collision system alarm sensitivity
Not Displayed, Fast, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
PCS Switch OFF Condition Output Signal
Pre-collision system ON/OFF status
Function ON or Function OFF
Function ON: Pre-collision system ON
Function OFF: Pre-collision system OFF
CTA Switch OFF Condition Output Signal
Front cross traffic alert ON/OFF status
Function ON or Function OFF
Function ON: Front cross traffic alert function ON
Function OFF: Front cross traffic alert function OFF
Cannot be used
PCS Availability Flag Output Signal
Pre-collision system availability
Enabled or Disabled
PCS Right Turn/Left Turn Warning Switch OFF Status
Displays the status of the PCS right turn/left turn warning function
Function ON or Function OFF
Function ON: PCS right turn/left turn warning function ON
Function OFF: PCS right turn/left turn warning function OFF
PCS PBA Invalid Flag
Pre-collision brake assist function status
OFF: Pre-collision brake assist function valid
ON: Pre-collision brake assist function invalid
PCS PCW Invalid Flag
PCS warning buzzer function status
OFF: PCS warning buzzer function valid
ON: PCS warning buzzer function invalid
PCS PB Invalid Flag
Pre-collision brake function status
OFF: Pre-collision brake function valid
ON: Pre-collision brake function invalid
PCS ESA Invalid Flag
Emergency steering assist function status
OFF: Emergency steering assist function valid
ON: Emergency steering assist function invalid
PCS AES Invalid Flag
Active steering assist function status
OFF: Active steering assist function valid
ON: Active steering assist function invalid
Cannot be used
FCTA Invalid Flag
Front cross traffic alert function status
OFF: Front cross traffic alert function valid
ON: Front cross traffic alert function invalid
Cannot be used
PCS PAS A Invalid Flag
Acceleration suppression at low speed (A control) invalid status
OFF: Acceleration suppression at low speed (A control) function valid
ON: Acceleration suppression at low speed (A control) function invalid
PCS PKSB Coordination Invalid Flag
PCS PKSB coordination function status
OFF: PCS PKSB coordination function status valid
ON: PCS PKSB coordination function status invalid
PCS Indicator Display Output Signal
Indicator status of the pre-collision system function
OFF, Lighting, Blinking (Slow) or Blinking (Fast)
CTA Alarm Sensitivity Output Signal
Front cross traffic alert function sensitivity status
Not Displayed, Fast, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
PCS Alarm Sensitivity (For User1 Storing) Output
PCS warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
PCS Alarm Sensitivity (For User2 Storing) Output
PCS warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
PCS Alarm Sensitivity (For User3 Storing) Output
PCS warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
PCS Alarm Sensitivity (For Guest Storing) Output
PCS warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
CTA Alarm Sensitivity (For User1 Storing) Output
Front cross traffic warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
CTA Alarm Sensitivity (For User2 Storing) Output
Front cross traffic warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
CTA Alarm Sensitivity (For User3 Storing) Output
Front cross traffic warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
CTA Alarm Sensitivity (For Guest Storing) Output
Front cross traffic warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
PCS Alarm Sensitivity (For Plus Support) Output Signal
PCS warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
CTA Alarm Sensitivity (For Plus Support) Output Signal
Front cross traffic warning sensitivity
Not Displayed, Quick, Standard or Slow
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
Right Turn/Left Turn Warning Switch (Driver1)
Displays the status of the PCS right turn/left turn warning function
Function ON or Function OFF
Function ON: PCS right turn/left turn warning function ON
Function OFF: PCS right turn/left turn warning function OFF
Cannot be used
Right Turn/Left Turn Warning Switch (Driver2)
Displays the status of the PCS right turn/left turn warning function
Function ON or Function OFF
Function ON: PCS right turn/left turn warning function ON
Function OFF: PCS right turn/left turn warning function OFF
Cannot be used
Right Turn/Left Turn Warning Switch (Driver3)
Displays the status of the PCS right turn/left turn warning function
Function ON or Function OFF
Function ON: PCS right turn/left turn warning function ON
Function OFF: PCS right turn/left turn warning function OFF
Cannot be used
Right Turn/Left Turn Warning Switch (Guest)
Displays the status of the PCS right turn/left turn warning function
Function ON or Function OFF
Function ON: PCS right turn/left turn warning function ON
Function OFF: PCS right turn/left turn warning function OFF
Cannot be used
Right Turn/Left Turn Warning Switch (Plus Support)
Displays the status of the PCS right turn/left turn warning function
Function ON or Function OFF
Function ON: PCS right turn/left turn warning function ON
Function OFF: PCS right turn/left turn warning function OFF
Cannot be used
Control Target Vehicle Distance (DDR)
The distance to an object detected by PCS control.
0.0 to 100.3 m
Control Target Side Position (DDR)
The lateral distance to an object detected by PCS control.
-5.1 to 4.8 m
Control Target Type (For DDR)
The type of a target object detected by PCS control.
Target Type_Invalid, Target Type_Forward Vehicle, Target Type_Forward Pedestrians, Target Type_Forward Object, Target Type_Stationary Vehicle, Target Type_Stationary Pedestrians, Target Type_Stationary Object, Target Type_Oncoming Vehicle, Target Type_Oncoming Pedestrians, Target Type_Opposite Object, Target Type_Pedestrian Crossing, Target Type_Bicycle Crossing, Target Type_Forward Bicycle, Target Type_Stationary Bicycle, Target Type_Vehicle Crossing, Target Type_Other
Current Vehicle Speed
Current vehicle speed
0 to 255 km/h (0 to 158 mph)
Current vehicle speed
Memory Vehicle Speed
Cruise control set speed
0 to 255 km/h (0 to 158 mph)
Cruise control set speed
Control Mode
Cruise control mode status
Vehicle-to-vehicle Distance Control (All Speed), Vehicle-to-vehicle Distance Control (Hi Speed), Constant Speed Control or Vehicle-to-vehicle Distance Control (All Speed-Without Brake Hold)
Vehicle-to-vehicle Distance Control (All Speed): Vehicle-to-vehicle distance control (all Speed) mode
Vehicle-to-vehicle Distance Control (Hi Speed): Vehicle-to-vehicle distance control (hi speed) mode
Constant Speed Control: Constant speed control mode
Vehicle-to-vehicle Distance Control (All Speed-Without Brake Hold): Vehicle-to-vehicle distance control (all Speed-without brake hold) mode
Cruise Control Permission Flag
Cruise control permission status
Cruise Control Not Allowed or Cruise Control Allowed
Cruise Control Not Allowed: Cruise control not allowed
Cruise Control Allowed: Cruise control allowed
Main Switch Recognition Flag
Cruise control main switch status
OFF: Cruise control main switch OFF
ON: Cruise control main switch ON
Set Cancel Switch Condition
Set cancel switch operation condition
No Operation or Operation Exists
No Operation: Set cancel switch not operated
Operation Exists: Set cancel switch operated
Resume Switch Condition
RES switch operation condition
No Operation or Operation Exists
No Operation: RES switch not operated
Operation Exists: RES switch operated
Up Switch
+ switch operation condition
No Operation or Operation Exists
No Operation: + switch not operated
Operation Exists: + switch operated
Down Switch
- switch operation condition
No Operation or Operation Exists
No Operation: - switch not operated
Operation Exists: - switch operated
Cancellation Switch Condition
CANCEL switch operation condition
No Operation or Operation Exists
No Operation: CANCEL switch not operated
Operation Exists: CANCEL switch operated
ACC Not Available Icon Lighting Request Flag
Cruise control indicator status
OFF: Off
ON: On
Forward Vehicle Lateral Position
Lateral position of the vehicle ahead
-40.96 to 40.92 m
When the vehicle is not detected, the maximum value is displayed.
Forward Vehicle Distance
Distance to preceding vehicle
0.00 to 327.64 m
When the vehicle is not detected, the maximum value is displayed.
Forward Vehicle Relative Speed
Relative speed against preceding vehicle
-51.200 to 51.175 m/s
When the vehicle is not detected, 0 is displayed.
Set Vehicle Interval Time
Set distance to preceding vehicle for vehicle-to-vehicle distance control
Set Vehicle Interval Time4, Set Vehicle Interval Time3, Set Vehicle Interval Time2 or Set Vehicle Interval Time1
Set Vehicle Interval Time4: Short
Set Vehicle Interval Time3: Middle (short)
Set Vehicle Interval Time2: Middle (long)
Set Vehicle Interval Time1: Long
ACC Control in Operation Flag
Radar cruise control operation status
Cruise Control Not in Operation or Cruise Control in Operation
Cruise Control Not in Operation: Radar cruise control not operating
Cruise Control in Operation: Radar cruise control operating
Acceleration Override
Acceleration pedal operation while cruise control
OFF: Acceleration override OFF
ON: Acceleration override ON
ACC Brake Control in Operation
Radar cruise control brake operation
ACC Brake Control in Operation or No ACC Brake Control Operation
ACC Brake Control in Operation: Brake operated
No ACC Brake Control Operation: Brake not operated
Brake ON Flag
Brake operation status
OFF: Brake operation OFF
ON: Brake operation ON
ACC Installed Flag
Whether the dynamic radar cruise control is installed or not.
OFF: Not equipped
ON: Equipped
CCS Installed Flag
Whether the cruise control is installed or not.
OFF: Not equipped
ON: Equipped
PDA Sensitivity Condition
Proactive driving assist sensitivity
Not Fixed, Fast, Normal or Late
Customize setting displayed
PDA Function ON/OFF Condition
Proactive driving assist operation
OFF: Proactive driving assist OFF
ON: Proactive driving assist ON
PDA (OAA) Function ON/OFF State
Displays the status of the proactive driving assist (OAA) function
OFF: Proactive driving assist (OAA) OFF
ON: Proactive driving assist (OAA) ON
PDA (OAA) Installation Availability
Displays whether the vehicle is equipped with the proactive driving assist (OAA) function
Not Equipped or Equipped
Equipped: Vehicle equipped with function
Not Equipped: Vehicle not equipped with function
PDA Not Available Flag
Proactive driving assist availability
Available or Not Available
Available: Proactive driving assist function valid
Not Available: Proactive driving assist function invalid
PDA (OAA) Not Available (Diagnosis) Flag
Displays whether it is possible to use the proactive driving assist (OAA) function
Available or Not Available
Available: Proactive driving assist (OAA) function can be used
Not Available: Proactive driving assist (OAA) function cannot be used
ISA Main Switch Recognition Flag Input Value
Mode switch input value
OFF: Other than speed limiter selected
ON: Speed limiter selected
Cannot be used
Set Cancellation Switch for Output
Driving assist switch operation status
OFF: Driving assist switch not operated
ON: Driving assist switch operated
Cannot be used
Cancellation Switch for Output
CANCEL switch operation status
OFF: CANCEL switch not operated
ON: CANCEL switch operated
Cannot be used
Resume Switch for Output
RES switch operation status
OFF: RES switch not operated
ON: RES switch operated
Cannot be used
Up Switch for Output
+ switch operation status
OFF: + switch not operated
ON: + switch operated
Cannot be used
Down Switch for Output
- switch operation status
OFF: - switch not operated
ON: - switch operated
Cannot be used
Kick Down Switch for Output
Kick down switch operation status
OFF: Kick down switch not operated
ON: Kick down switch operated
Cannot be used
Clutch Switch for Output
Clutch switch operation status
OFF: Clutch switch not operated
ON: Clutch switch operated
Cannot be used
ASL Main Switch Flag for Output
Speed limiter system ON/OFF status
OFF: ASL main switch not operated
ON: ASL main switch operated
Cannot be used
ISA in Control Flag
Speed limiter system operation status
Not in Operation or In Operation
Not in Operation: Speed limiter system not operating
In Operation: Speed limiter system operating
Cannot be used
ISA Control Flag for Output
Speed limiter request status
OFF: Speed limiter not requested
ON: Speed limiter requested
Cannot be used
ISA Limit Applied Flag
Speed limiter system ON/OFF status
OFF: Speed limiter system OFF
ON: Speed limiter system ON
Cannot be used
ISA Requesting Vertical ID (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter system request status
No Request or Driver Operation
Speed limiter system request status
Cannot be used
ISA Request Acceleration (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter system request acceleration
-32.768 to 32.767 m/s
Speed limiter system request acceleration
Cannot be used
ISA Requesting Vehicle Speed (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter system request vehicle speed
0 to 255 km/h (0 to 158 mph)
Speed limiter system request vehicle speed
Cannot be used
ISA Request Acceleration (Upper Limit) (Variation No Limit)
Speed limiter system request acceleration
-32.768 to 32.767 m/s
Speed limiter system request acceleration
Cannot be used
ISA Braking Force and Driving Force Allocation Method Specification (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter system driving force allocation
Engine Only, Engine and Brake 1, Engine and Brake 2 or Brake Only
Speed limiter system driving force allocation
Cannot be used
ISA Speed Change Priority Request (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter system shift control priority status
No Brake Coordination Down Shifting Request or Brake Coordination Down Shifting Request Exists
Speed limiter system shift control priority status
Cannot be used
ISA Responsiveness Request (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter system feedback status
No FB, FB Control High Gain, FB Control Medium Gain or FB Control Low Gain
Speed limiter system feedback status
Cannot be used
ISA Brake Hold Control Prohibited Flag (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter system brake hold prohibition status
Allowed or Not Allowed
Allowed: Speed limiter system brake hold control allowed
Not Allowed: Speed limiter system brake hold control not allowed
Cannot be used
ISA Stop Control Permission Flag (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter release permission status
Not Allowed or Allowed
Not Allowed: Speed limiter release allowed
Allowed: Speed limiter release not allowed
Cannot be used
ISA Brake Usage Limit Permission Flag (Upper Limit)
Speed limiter system brake usage permission status
Not Allowed or Allowed
Not Allowed: Speed limiter system brake usage not allowed
Allowed: Speed limiter system brake usage allowed
Cannot be used
Driver Acceleration for Output
Acceleration value
-12.8 to 12.7 m/s
Current value is displayed
Cannot be used
Acceleration Limit for Output
Acceleration value
-12.8 to 12.7 m/s
Current value is displayed
Cannot be used
Acceleration for Output
Acceleration value
-12.8 to 12.7 m/s
Current value is displayed
Cannot be used
ISA Memory Limit Vehicle Speed for Output
Set vehicle speed
0 to 255 km/h (0 to 158 mph)
Current value is displayed
Cannot be used
ISA Current Vehicle Speed for Output
ISA current vehicle speed
0 to 255 km/h (0 to 158 mph)
Current value is displayed
Cannot be used
RSA Limit Vehicle Speed for Output
RSA limit vehicle speed
0 to 255 km/h (0 to 158 mph)
Current value is displayed
Cannot be used
Shift Position
Shift position
0 to 255
Fail-Safe Factor B1a
Cumulative number of speed limiter system fail-safe operation
0 to 255
If this item is counted, fail-safe operation may have been performed
Cannot be used
Fail-Safe Factor B1b
Cumulative number of speed limiter system fail-safe operation
0 to 255
If this item is counted, fail-safe operation may have been performed
Cannot be used
Fail-Safe Factor B2
Cumulative number of speed limiter system fail-safe operation
0 to 255
If this item is counted, fail-safe operation may have been performed
Cannot be used
Fail-Safe Factor C1
Cumulative number of speed limiter system fail-safe operation
0 to 255
If this item is counted, fail-safe operation may have been performed
Cannot be used
Fail-Safe Factor C2
Cumulative number of speed limiter system fail-safe operation
0 to 255
If this item is counted, fail-safe operation may have been performed
Cannot be used
Fail-Safe Factor D1
Cumulative number of speed limiter system fail-safe operation
0 to 255
If this item is counted, fail-safe operation may have been performed
Cannot be used
Forward Vehicle Start Alert Function ON/OFF Customizing Switch
Cannot be used
Signal Switching Alert Function ON/OFF Customizing Switch
Cannot be used
Alert Timing Switch
Cannot be used
Alert Timing Setting Information
Cannot be used
Forward Vehicle Start Alert Switch
Cannot be used
TMN (Signal) ON/OFF
Cannot be used
PDA (SA) Customize Status
Displays the status of the proactive driving assist (SA) function
OFF: Proactive driving assist (SA) OFF
ON: Proactive driving assist (SA) ON
PDA (SA) Control Status
Displays whether it is possible to use the proactive driving assist (SA) function
Enabled or Disabled
Enabled: Proactive driving assist (SA) function can be used
Disabled: Proactive driving assist (SA) function cannot be used
Export Used Vehicle Mode
Export used vehicle mode status
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
Illumination Notification
Cannot be used
FCTA Both Side Display
Displays the status of the FCTA both sides display function
OFF: FCTA both sides display function OFF
ON: FCTA both sides display function ON
Cannot be used
PCS Right Turn/Left Turn Warning Function
PCS right turn/left turn warning function status
OFF: PCS Right/left turn warning function OFF
ON: PCS Right/left turn warning function ON
Cannot be used
PCS Right Turn/Left Turn Warning Buzzer Sound
PCS right turn/left turn warning buzzer sound function status
OFF: PCS Right/left turn warning buzzer sounding function OFF
ON: PCS Right/left turn warning buzzer sounding function ON
Cannot be used
Mild Braking in Plus Support Mode
Mild braking in plus support mode status
OFF: Plus support mode slow braking function OFF
ON: Plus support mode slow braking function ON
Cannot be used
PCS Drive Monitor Early Warning Function
Shows the status of the PCS drive monitor early warning function
OFF: PCS drive monitor early warning function is OFF
ON: PCS drive monitor early warning function is ON
This function is used for driver monitor equipped vehicles only.
2 actioned Service Command
2 actioned Service function status
Invalid or Valid
Invalid: Any of the driving assist system is ready with the ignition switch ON (IG)
Valid: The driving assist system is not ready with the ignition switch ON (IG) (the driving assist system will be set to ready after the driving assist mode select switch is operated)
The settings can be changed using the customize function using GTS.
ACC Auto Start Buzzer
Auto start buzzer ON/OFF setting
Invalid or Valid
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
ACC Auto Start Front Gaze Resume Request Buzzer
ACC auto start front gaze resume request buzzer ON/OFF setting
Invalid or Valid
Customize setting displayed
Cannot be used
AHB/AHS Performance Adjustment
Sensitivity settings of forward recognition camera
Normal or Special Performance 1
Customize setting displayed
The settings can be changed using the customize function using GTS.
Driver Emergency Stop Assist Function
Forward recognition camera sensitivity setting
Customize setting displayed
The settings can be changed using the customize function using GTS.
Software Identification Number (High)
Software Identification Number (Low)
Software Identification Number 2 (High)
Software Identification Number 2 (Low)
Software Identification Number 3 (High)
Software Identification Number 3 (Low)
Software Identification Number 4 (High)
Software Identification Number 4 (Low)
Software Identification Number 5 (High)
Software Identification Number 5 (Low)
Software Identification Number 6 (High)
Software Identification Number 6 (Low)
Software Identification Number 7 (High)
Software Identification Number 7 (Low)
Software Identification Number 8 (High)
Software Identification Number 8 (Low)
Software Identification Number 9 (High)
Software Identification Number 9 (Low)
Software Identification Number 10 (High)
Software Identification Number 10 (Low)
Software Identification Number 11 (High)
Software Identification Number 11 (Low)
Software Identification Number 12 (High)
Software Identification Number 12 (Low)
Software Identification Number 13 (High)
Software Identification Number 13 (Low)
Software Identification Number 14 (High)
Software Identification Number 14 (Low)
Software Identification Number 15 (High)
Software Identification Number 15 (Low)
Software Identification Number 16 (High)
Software Identification Number 16 (Low)