Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM100000002DUHJ
Model Year Start: 2024 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [08/2023 - 09/2024]
Title: NETWORKING: CAN COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model): TERMINALS OF ECU; 2024 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [08/2023 - 09/2024]



  • After the ignition switch is turned off, there may be a waiting time before disconnecting the negative (-) battery terminal.

    Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; SETUP: WHEN DISCONNECTING OR RECONNECTING BATTERY TERMINAL: BEFORE DISCONNECTING BATTERY

  • When disconnecting and reconnecting the battery.


    When disconnecting and reconnecting the battery, there is an automatic learning function that completes learning when the respective system is used.

    Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; SETUP: WHEN DISCONNECTING OR RECONNECTING BATTERY TERMINAL: AUTOMATIC LEARNING CHART

  • Before measuring the resistance of the CAN bus, turn the ignition switch off and leave the vehicle for 1 minute or more without operating the key or any switches, or opening or closing the doors. After that, disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal and leave the vehicle for 10 minutes or more before measuring the resistance.
  • This section describes the standard values for all CAN related components.


  • The systems (ECUs and sensors) that use CAN communication vary depending on the vehicle and optional equipment. Check which systems (ECUs and sensors) are installed to the vehicle.

    Click here 2024 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [08/2023 - 09/2024]; NETWORKING: CAN COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model): SYSTEM DIAGRAM

  • Operating the ignition switch, any other switches or a door triggers related ECU and sensor communication on the CAN. This communication will cause the resistance value to change.
  • Even after DTCs are cleared, if a DTC is stored again after driving the vehicle for a while, the malfunction may be occurring due to vibration of the vehicle. In such a case, wiggling the ECUs or wire harness while performing the inspection below may help determine the cause of the malfunction.


(a) Check the No. 10 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 10 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 10 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

A179-2 (CANH)


Brake actuator assembly

(for Bus 4)

A179-13 (CANL)


A179-3 (CANH)


No. 13 CAN junction connector

(for Bus 4)

A179-14 (CANL)


A179-4 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 4)

A179-15 (CANL)



(a) Check the No. 10 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 10 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 10 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

A142-2 (CANH)


Brake actuator assembly

(for Bus 4)

A142-6 (CANL)


A142-3 (CANH)


No. 13 CAN junction connector

(for Bus 4)

A142-7 (CANL)


A142-4 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 4)

A142-8 (CANL)



(a) Check the No. 11 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 11 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 11 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

A147-1 (CANH)



(for Chassis Local Bus)

A147-12 (CANL)


A147-2 (CANH)


Brake actuator assembly

(for Chassis Local Bus)

A147-13 (CANL)


A147-5 (CANH)



(for Bus 2)

A147-16 (CANL)


A147-6 (CANH)



(for Bus 2)

A147-17 (CANL)


A147-7 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 2)

A147-18 (CANL)


  • *: for CVT (K120)


(a) Check the No. 12 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 12 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 12 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

A180-1 (CANH)


Main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU)

(for Bus 5)

A180-12 (CANL)


A180-2 (CANH)


No. 17 CAN junction connector

(for Bus 5)

A180-13 (CANL)



(a) Check the No. 13 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 13 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 13 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I187-1 (CANH)


Airbag sensor assembly

(for Bus 4)

I187-5 (CANL)


I187-2 (CANH)


No. 10 CAN junction connector

(for Bus 4)

I187-6 (CANL)


I187-3 (CANH)


Steering sensor

(for Bus 4)

I187-7 (CANL)


I187-4 (CANH)


Power steering ECU with motor assembly

(for Bus 4)

I187-8 (CANL)



(a) Check the No. 15 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 15 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 15 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I214-1 (CANH)


Radio and display receiver assembly

(for Bus 3)

I214-12 (CANL)


I214-2 (CANH)


DCM (telematics transceiver)*

(for Bus 3)

I214-13 (CANL)


I214-3 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 3)

I214-14 (CANL)


I214-4 (CANH)


Combination meter assembly

(for Bus 3)

I214-15 (CANL)


  • *: w/ Telematics Transceiver


(a) Check the No. 15 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 15 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 15 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I188-1 (CANH)


Combination meter assembly

(for Bus 3)

I188-12 (CANL)


I188-2 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 3)

I188-13 (CANL)


I188-3 (CANH)


DCM (telematics transceiver)

(for Bus 3)

I188-14 (CANL)


I188-4 (CANH)


Radio and display receiver assembly*

(for Bus 3)

I188-15 (CANL)


  • *: w/ Radio and Display Receiver Assembly

NO. 16 CAN JUNCTION CONNECTOR (for Hatchback except G16E-GTS)

(a) Check the No. 16 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 16 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 16 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I215-1 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 6)

I215-7 (CANL)


I215-2 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 6)

I215-8 (CANL)


I215-3 (CANH)


Tire pressure warning ECU and receiver*

(for Bus 6)

I215-9 (CANL)


  • *: w/ Tire Pressure Warning System

NO. 16 CAN JUNCTION CONNECTOR (for Sedan except G16E-GTS)

(a) Check the No. 16 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 16 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 16 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I236-1 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 6)

I236-12 (CANL)


I236-2 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 6)

I236-13 (CANL)


I236-3 (CANH)


Tire pressure warning ECU and receiver*

(for Bus 6)

I236-14 (CANL)


  • *: w/ Tire Pressure Warning System


(a) Check the No. 16 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 16 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 16 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I189-1 (CANH)


4WD ECU assembly

(for Bus 6)

I189-5 (CANL)


I189-2 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 6)

I189-6 (CANL)


I189-3 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 6)

I189-7 (CANL)


I189-4 (CANH)


Tire pressure warning ECU and receiver

(for Bus 6)

I189-8 (CANL)



(a) Check the No. 17 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 17 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 17 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I237-1 (CANH)


Certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly)*

(for Bus 5)

I237-12 (CANL)


I237-2 (CANH)


Air conditioning amplifier assembly

(for Bus 5)

I237-13 (CANL)


I237-3 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 5)

I237-14 (CANL)


I237-4 (CANH)


No. 12 CAN junction connector

(for Bus 5)

I237-15 (CANL)


  • *: w/ Smart Key System


(a) Check the No. 17 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 17 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 17 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I190-8 (CANH)


Main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU)

(for Bus 5)

I190-19 (CANL)


I190-9 (CANH)


Certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly)

(for Bus 5)

I190-20 (CANL)


I190-10 (CANH)


Air conditioning amplifier assembly

(for Bus 5)

I190-21 (CANL)


I190-11 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)

(for Bus 5)

I190-22 (CANL)



(a) Check the No. 18 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 18 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 18 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

I192-1 (CANH)


Forward recognition camera*1

(for Bus 1)

I192-5 (CANL)


I192-2 (CANH)


Forward recognition camera*2*3

(for Bus 1)

I192-6 (CANL)


I192-2 (CANH)


No. 19 CAN junction connector*4

(for Bus 1)

I192-6 (CANL)


I192-3 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)*2

(for Bus 1)

I192-7 (CANL)


I192-3 (CANH)


Clearance warning ECU assembly*5

(for Bus 1)

I192-7 (CANL)


I192-4 (CANH)


Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU)*1

(for Bus 1)

I192-8 (CANL)


  • *1: for G16E-GTS
  • *2: except G16E-GTS
  • *3: w/ Front Camera System
  • *4: w/o Front Camera System
  • *5: w/ Intuitive Parking Assist System

NO. 19 CAN JUNCTION CONNECTOR (for Hatchback except G16E-GTS)

(a) Check the No. 19 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 19 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 19 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

O179-1 (CANH)


Millimeter wave radar sensor assembly

(for Bus 1)

O179-5 (CANL)


O179-2 (CANH)


CAN junction terminal

(for Bus 1)

O179-6 (CANL)


O179-3 (CANH)


Blind spot monitor sensor LH (B)*

(for Bus 1)

O179-7 (CANL)


  • *: w/ Blind Spot Monitor System


(a) Check the No. 19 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 19 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 19 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

O203-1 (CANH)


Millimeter wave radar sensor assembly*1

(for Bus 1)

O203-5 (CANL)


O203-1 (CANH)


No. 18 CAN junction connector*2

(for Bus 1)

O203-5 (CANL)


O203-2 (CANH)


CAN junction terminal

(for Bus 1)

O203-6 (CANL)


O203-3 (CANH)


Blind spot monitor sensor LH (B)*3

(for Bus 1)

O203-7 (CANL)


  • *1: w/ Front Camera System
  • *2: w/o Front Camera System
  • *3: w/ Blind Spot Monitor System


(a) Check the No. 19 CAN junction connector.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to No. 19 CAN Junction Connector)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the No. 19 CAN junction connector.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

O179-1 (CANH)


CAN junction terminal

(for Bus 1)

O179-5 (CANL)


O179-3 (CANH)


Blind spot monitor sensor LH (B)*

(for Bus 1)

O179-7 (CANL)


O179-4 (CANH)


Millimeter wave radar sensor assembly

(for Bus 1)

O179-8 (CANL)


  • *: w/ Blind Spot Monitor System


(a) Check the CAN junction terminal.

(1) Connection diagram


Front view of wire harness connector

(to CAN Junction Terminal)



(2) Check the connection diagram of the components which are connected to the CAN junction terminal.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Connected to

O95-3 (CANH)


No. 19 CAN junction connector

(for Bus 1)

O95-2 (CANL)



(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.





Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I26-6 (CANH) - I26-14 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I26-6 (CANH) - I26-4 (CG)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I26-14 (CANL) - I26-4 (CG)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I26-6 (CANH) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I26-14 (CANL) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher



Component without harness connected

(Central Gateway ECU (Network Gateway ECU))



(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I173 central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU) connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Central Gateway ECU (Network Gateway ECU))



Standard Resistance:

Diagnosis Bus Branch Lines (DLC3 - Central gateway ECU (network gateway ECU))

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I173-16 (CA6H) - I173-17 (CA6L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

1 MΩ or higher

I173-16 (CA6H) - I173-22 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-17 (CA6L) - I173-22 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-16 (CA6H) - I173-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I173-17 (CA6L) - I173-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Bus 1 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I173-28 (CA1H) - I173-27 (CA1L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I173-28 (CA1H) - I173-22 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-27 (CA1L) - I173-22 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-28 (CA1H) - I173-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I173-27 (CA1L) - I173-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Bus 2 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I173-26 (CA4H) - I173-25 (CA4L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I173-26 (CA4H) - I173-22 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-25 (CA4L) - I173-22 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-26 (CA4H) - I173-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I173-25 (CA4L) - I173-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Bus 3 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I173-30 (CA3H) - I173-29 (CA3L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I173-30 (CA3H) - I173-22 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-29 (CA3L) - I173-22 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-30 (CA3H) - I173-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I173-29 (CA3L) - I173-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Bus 4 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I173-24 (CA2H) - I173-23 (CA2L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I173-24 (CA2H) - I173-22 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-23 (CA2L) - I173-22 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-24 (CA2H) - I173-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I173-23 (CA2L) - I173-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Bus 5 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I173-7 (CA5H) - I173-8 (CA5L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I173-7 (CA5H) - I173-22 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-8 (CA5L) - I173-22 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-7 (CA5H) - I173-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I173-8 (CA5L) - I173-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Bus 6 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I173-31 (CA7H) - I173-10 (CAVH)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - HIGH-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

Below 1 Ω

I173-32 (CA7L) - I173-11 (CAVL)

LOW-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

Below 1 Ω

I173-31 (CA7H) - I173-22 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-32 (CA7L) - I173-22 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-31 (CA7H) - I173-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I173-32 (CA7L) - I173-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Bus 7 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I173-5 (CA8H) - I173-6 (CA8L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I173-5 (CA8H) - I173-22 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-6 (CA8L) - I173-22 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I173-5 (CA8H) - I173-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I173-6 (CA8L) - I173-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher



Component without harness connected

(Steering Sensor)



(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I211 steering sensor connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Steering Sensor)

Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I211-3 (CANH) - I211-8 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I211-3 (CANH) - I211-6 (ESS)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I211-8 (CANL) - I211-6 (ESS)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I211-3 (CANH) - I211-4 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I211-8 (CANL) - I211-4 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher



Component without harness connected

(Steering Sensor)



(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I46 steering sensor connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Steering Sensor)

Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I46-3 (CANH) - I46-8 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I46-3 (CANH) - I46-6 (ESS)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I46-8 (CANL) - I46-6 (ESS)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I46-3 (CANH) - I46-4 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I46-8 (CANL) - I46-4 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

ECM (for M20A-FKS (CVT (K120)))

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback [03/2023 - 09/2024]; M20A-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): SFI SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECM

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the A47 ECM connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to ECM)

Standard Resistance:

Bus 2 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A47-8 (CANH) - A47-18 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A47-8 (CANH) - A47-10 (E1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A47-18 (CANL) - A47-10 (E1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A47-8 (CANH) - A47-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A47-18 (CANL) - A47-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Chassis Local Bus Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A47-7 (CAN+) - A47-17 (CAN-)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A47-7 (CAN+) - A47-10 (E1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A47-17 (CAN-) - A47-10 (E1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A47-7 (CAN+) - A47-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A47-17 (CAN-) - A47-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

ECM (for M20A-FKS (CVT (K121)))

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback [03/2023 - 09/2024]; M20A-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): SFI SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECM

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the A178 ECM connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to ECM)



Standard Resistance:

Bus 2 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A178-4 (CANH) - A178-5 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A178-4 (CANH) - A178-22 (E1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A178-5 (CANL) - A178-22 (E1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A178-4 (CANH) - A178-31 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A178-5 (CANL) - A178-31 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Chassis Local Bus Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A178-6 (CACH) - A178-7 (CACL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A178-6 (CACH) - A178-22 (E1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A178-7 (CACL) - A178-22 (E1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A178-6 (CACH) - A178-31 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A178-7 (CACL) - A178-31 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

ECM (for G16E-GTS)

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY GR Corolla [09/2022 - 09/2024]; G16E-GTS (ENGINE CONTROL): SFI SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECM

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the A139 ECM connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to ECM)



Standard Resistance:

Bus 2 Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A139-8 (CANH) - A139-18 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A139-8 (CANH) - A139-10 (E1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A139-18 (CANL) - A139-10 (E1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A139-8 (CANH) - A139-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A139-18 (CANL) - A139-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Chassis Local Bus Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A139-25 (CANU) - A139-26 (CAND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A139-25 (CANU) - A139-10 (E1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A139-26 (CAND) - A139-10 (E1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A139-25 (CANU) - A139-1 (BATT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A139-26 (CAND) - A139-1 (BATT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

TCM (for CVT (K120))

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback [11/2022 - 09/2024]; K120 / K121 (CVT): K120 CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the C80 TCM connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to TCM)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

C80-15 (CANH) - C80-16 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

C80-15 (CANH) - C80-2 (E1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

C80-16 (CANL) - C80-2 (E1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

C80-15 (CANH) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

C80-16 (CANL) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 09/2024]; METER / GAUGE / DISPLAY: METER / GAUGE SYSTEM (for 12.3 Inch Display): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I4 and I5 combination meter assembly connectors.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Combination Meter Assembly)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I5-31 (CANH) - I5-14 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I5-31 (CANH) - I4-2 (ES)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I5-14 (CANL) - I4-2 (ES)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I5-31 (CANH) - I5-2 (B)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I5-14 (CANL) - I5-2 (B)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; BRAKE CONTROL / DYNAMIC CONTROL SYSTEMS: ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED BRAKE SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model with Electric Parking Brake System): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the A51 brake actuator assembly connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Brake Actuator Assembly)

Standard Resistance:

Bus 4 Branch Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A51-5 (CANH) - A51-19 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

A51-5 (CANH) - A51-46 (GND1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A51-19 (CANL) - A51-46 (GND1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A51-5 (CANH) - A51-30 (+BS)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A51-19 (CANL) - A51-30 (+BS)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Chassis Local Bus Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A51-11 (CA2H) - A51-25 (CA2L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A51-11 (CA2H) - A51-46 (GND1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A51-25 (CA2L) - A51-46 (GND1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A51-11 (CA2H) - A51-30 (+BS)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A51-25 (CA2L) - A51-30 (+BS)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; BRAKE CONTROL / DYNAMIC CONTROL SYSTEMS: ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED BRAKE SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model without Electric Parking Brake System TMC Made): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the A140 brake actuator assembly connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Brake Actuator Assembly)

Standard Resistance:

Bus 4 Branch Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A140-27 (CANH) - A140-43 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

A140-27 (CANH) - A140-1 (GND1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A140-43 (CANL) - A140-1 (GND1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A140-27 (CANH) - A140-14 (+BS)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A140-43 (CANL) - A140-14 (+BS)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

Chassis Local Bus Main Lines

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A140-16 (CA2H) - A140-17 (CA2L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A140-16 (CA2H) - A140-1 (GND1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A140-17 (CA2L) - A140-1 (GND1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A140-16 (CA2H) - A140-14 (+BS)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A140-17 (CA2L) - A140-14 (+BS)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; LIGHTING (EXT): LIGHTING SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I85 main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU) connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to Main Body ECU (Multiplex Network Body ECU))



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I85-2 (CANH) - I85-1 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I85-2 (CANH) - I26-4 (CG)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I85-1 (CANL) - I26-4 (CG)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I85-2 (CANH) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I85-1 (CANL) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [03/2023 - 09/2024]; THEFT DETERRENT / KEYLESS ENTRY: SMART KEY SYSTEM (for Start Function, Gasoline Model): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I167 certification ECU (smart key ECU assembly) connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.

Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I167-1 (CANH) - I167-2 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I167-1 (CANH) - I167-29 (E)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I167-2 (CANL) - I167-29 (E)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I167-1 (CANH) - I167-6 (+B)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I167-2 (CANL) - I167-6 (+B)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Certification ECU (Smart Key ECU Assembly))


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; POWER ASSIST SYSTEMS: POWER STEERING SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I21 and I42 power steering ECU with motor assembly connectors.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Power Steering ECU with Motor Assembly)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I21-7 (CANH) - I21-8 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I21-7 (CANH) - I42-2 (PGND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I21-8 (CANL) - I42-2 (PGND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I21-7 (CANH) - I42-1 (PIG)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I21-8 (CANL) - I42-1 (PIG)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: AIRBAG SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I47 airbag sensor assembly connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to Airbag Sensor Assembly)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I47-26 (CAFH) - I47-27 (CAFL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I47-26 (CAFH) - I47-33 (E1)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I47-27 (CAFL) - I47-33 (E1)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I47-26 (CAFH) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I47-27 (CAFL) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; HEATING / AIR CONDITIONING: AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model with Automatic Air Conditioning System): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I49 air conditioning amplifier assembly connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Air Conditioning Amplifier Assembly)

Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I49-2 (CANH) - I49-1 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I49-2 (CANH) - I49-17 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I49-1 (CANL) - I49-17 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I49-2 (CANH) - I49-5 (B)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I49-1 (CANL) - I49-5 (B)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

BLIND SPOT MONITOR SENSOR LH (B) (w/ Blind Spot Monitor System)

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; PARK ASSIST / MONITORING: BLIND SPOT MONITOR SYSTEM (w/ Safe Exit Assist Function): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the O57 blind spot monitor sensor LH (B) connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to Blind Spot Monitor Sensor LH (B))



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

O57-2 (CA1P) - O57-7 (CA1N)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

O57-2 (CA1P) - O57-10 (BLGD)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

O57-7 (CA1N) - O57-10 (BLGD)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

O57-2 (CA1P) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

O57-7 (CA1N) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [03/2023 -        ]; ADVANCED DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEM: FRONT CAMERA SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the T21 forward recognition camera connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to Forward Recognition Camera)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

T21-2 (CA2P) - T21-1 (CA2L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

T21-2 (CA2P) - T21-13 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

T21-1 (CA2L) - T21-13 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

T21-2 (CA2P) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

T21-1 (CA2L) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

T21-10 (CA1P) - T21-9 (CA1N)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

T21-10 (CA1P) - T21-13 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

T21-9 (CA1N) - T21-13 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

T21-10 (CA1P) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

T21-9 (CA1N) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [03/2023 -        ]; ADVANCED DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEM: FRONT CAMERA SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the A128 millimeter wave radar sensor assembly connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to Millimeter Wave Radar Sensor Assembly)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A128-4 (CA2H) - A128-3 (CA2L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A128-4 (CA2H) - A128-5 (SGND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A128-3 (CA2L) - A128-5 (SGND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A128-4 (CA2H) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A128-3 (CA2L) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A128-10 (CA3H) - A128-9 (CA3L)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

A128-10 (CA3H) - A128-5 (SGND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A128-9 (CA3L) - A128-5 (SGND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

A128-10 (CA3H) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

A128-9 (CA3L) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

DCM (TELEMATICS TRANSCEIVER) (w/ Telematics Transceiver)

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; CELLULAR COMMUNICATION: SAFETY CONNECT SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I143 DCM (telematics transceiver) connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to DCM (Telematics Transceiver))

Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I143-25 (CANP) - I143-26 (CANN)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I143-25 (CANP) - I143-20 (E)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I143-26 (CANN) - I143-20 (E)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I143-25 (CANP) - I143-1 (+B)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I143-26 (CANN) - I143-1 (+B)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I174 option connector (bus buffer ECU) connector.


Disconnect any CAN compatible optional devices from the option connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to Option Connector (Bus Buffer ECU))



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I174-2 (CAN+) - I174-1 (CAN-)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

108 to 132 Ω

I174-2 (CAN+) - I26-4 (CG)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I174-1 (CAN-) - I26-4 (CG)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I174-2 (CAN+) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I174-1 (CAN-) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

RADIO AND DISPLAY RECEIVER ASSEMBLY (w/ Radio and Display Receiver Assembly)

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

  • for Audio and Visual System (for Single Knob Type)

    Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for 8 Inch Display Type (w/ Single Knob Type) or 10.5 Inch Display Type): TERMINALS OF ECU

  • for Navigation System (for Knobless Type)

    Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I175 radio and display receiver assembly connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to Radio and Display Receiver Assembly)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I175-13 (CANH) - I175-14 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I175-13 (CANH) - I26-4 (CG)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I175-14 (CANL) - I26-4 (CG)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I175-13 (CANH) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I175-14 (CANL) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

TIRE PRESSURE WARNING ECU AND RECEIVER (w/ Tire Pressure Warning System (w/ Smart Key System))

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING: TIRE PRESSURE WARNING SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model (for Type B)): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the O170 tire pressure warning ECU and receiver connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver)

Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

O170-9 (CANH) - O170-10 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

O170-9 (CANH) - O170-12 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

O170-10 (CANL) - O170-12 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

O170-9 (CANH) - O170-7 (+B)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

O170-10 (CANL) - O170-7 (+B)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

TIRE PRESSURE WARNING ECU AND RECEIVER (w/ Tire Pressure Warning System (w/o Smart Key System))

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING: TIRE PRESSURE WARNING SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model (for Type B)): TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the O171 tire pressure warning ECU and receiver connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.


Front view of wire harness connector

(to Tire Pressure Warning ECU and Receiver)

Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

O171-9 (CANH) - O171-10 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

O171-9 (CANH) - O171-12 (GND)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

O171-10 (CANL) - O171-12 (GND)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

O171-9 (CANH) - O171-7 (+B)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

O171-10 (CANL) - O171-7 (+B)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher


Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; GF1A (TRANSFER / 4WD / AWD): ACTIVE TORQUE SPLIT AWD SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the O177 4WD ECU assembly connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to 4WD ECU Assembly)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

O177-17 (CANH) - O177-26 (CANL)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

O177-17 (CANH) - I26-4 (CG)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

O177-26 (CANL) - I26-4 (CG)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

O177-17 (CANH) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

O177-26 (CANL) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

CLEARANCE WARNING ECU ASSEMBLY (w/ Intuitive Parking Assist System)

Refer to Terminals of ECU.

Click here 2024 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [08/2023 - 09/2024]; PARK ASSIST / MONITORING: INTUITIVE PARKING ASSIST SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECU

(a) Disconnect the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal.

(b) Disconnect the I24 clearance warning ECU assembly connector.

(c) Measure the resistance according to the value(s) in the table below.






Front view of wire harness connector

(to Clearance Warning ECU Assembly)



Standard Resistance:

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I24-17 (R1) - I24-18 (R2)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - LOW-level CAN bus line

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

54 to 69 Ω

I24-17 (R1) - I24-31 (E)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I24-18 (R2) - I24-31 (E)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Ground

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

200 Ω or higher

I24-17 (R1) - I26-16 (BAT)

HIGH-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher

I24-18 (R2) - I26-16 (BAT)

LOW-level CAN bus line - Battery positive (+)

Cable disconnected from negative (-) battery terminal

6 kΩ or higher