Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000028KBG
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [11/2022 -           ]
Title: THEFT DETERRENT / KEYLESS ENTRY: THEFT DETERRENT SYSTEM: SYSTEM DESCRIPTION; 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]



  • The theft deterrent system can be set by locking the doors using any of the following operations:
    • Entry lock operation*1
    • Wireless lock operation*2
    • Key linked lock operation
    • Opening and closing the doors
      • *1: w/ Entry Function
      • *2: w/ Wireless Door Lock Control System
  • The alarm function will be activated when someone attempts to forcibly unlock any of the doors or open any of the doors or the engine hood while the system is in the armed state.
  • In the alarm sounding state, the system illuminates the interior lights and blinks the turn signal lights and the exterior lights. At the same time, the system sounds the vehicle horns and security horn assembly to deter break-in and theft as well as to warn people around the vehicle.


    The interior lights are illuminated if the interior light door switches in the map light assembly is on.

  • The theft deterrent system can be canceled by unlocking the doors using any of the following operations:
    • Entry unlock operation*1
    • Wireless unlock operation
    • Key linked unlock operation*2
      • *1: w/ Entry Function
      • *2: This function is set through the customize function.

        Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; THEFT DETERRENT / KEYLESS ENTRY: THEFT DETERRENT SYSTEM: CUSTOMIZE PARAMETERS

  • The theft deterrent system has an active arming mode. There are 5 states in this mode; a disarmed state, an arming preparation state, an armed state, a pre alarm sounding state and an alarm sounding state.

(a) Disarmed state:

  • The alarm function is not operating.
  • The theft deterrent system is not operating.

(b) Arming preparation state:

  • The time until the system goes into the armed state.
  • The theft deterrent system is not operating.

(c) Armed state:

  • The theft deterrent system is operating.

(d) Pre alarm sounding state:

  • The door is unlocked with a mechanical key and a small warning sound is being emitted.

Alarm time:

Approximately 10 seconds

Pre Alarm Methods

Alarm Method

  • Exterior Lights
    • Low Beams
    • Taillights


Turn Signal Lights


Interior Lights


Vehicle Horns


(Approximately 0.1-second on / 1.9 second off cycles)

(e) Alarm sounding state:

  • The alarm function is operating.

Alarm time:

Approximately 57 seconds

Alarm Methods

Alarm Method

  • Exterior Lights
    • Low Beams
    • Taillights


Turn Signal Lights


Interior Lights


Vehicle Horns


(Approximately 0.4-second cycles)

Security Horn Assembly


(Approximately 0.4-second cycles)




Security indicator light

Informs driver of theft deterrent system status.

Security horn assembly

Sounds when attempted break-in or theft is detected.

Low beams

Blink when attempted break-in or theft is detected.


  • Blink when attempted break-in or theft is detected.
  • Come on when theft deterrent system has entered alarm sounding state.

Turn signal lights

Blink when attempted break-in or theft is detected.

Interior lights

Comes on when attempted break-in or theft is detected.

Vehicle horns

Sound when attempted break-in or theft is detected.

Door courtesy light switch

Detects door status (open or closed).

Door unlock detection switch

Detects door status (locked or unlocked).

Engine hood courtesy switch (Hood lock assembly)

Detects engine hood status (open or closed).

Back door lock assembly with courtesy light switch (back door courtesy light switch)*1

Detects back door status (open or closed).

Luggage compartment door lock assembly*2

Detects luggage compartment door status (open or closed).

Certification ECU (Smart key ECU assembly)*3

  • Receives wireless door lock/unlock signal.
  • Receives entry door lock/unlock signal.

Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)*4

Receives wireless door lock/unlock signal.

  • *1: except Sedan
  • *2: for Sedan
  • *3: w/ Smart Key System
  • *4: w/o Smart Key System



Transition Conditions



Transitions to armed when all the doors are locked with a wireless operation or smart operation while all the doors, the luggage compartment door and the engine hood are closed

For 30 seconds after locking doors: Security indicator light turns on

After 30 seconds elapse after locking doors: Security indicator light blinks


Transitions to warning when any of the following operations is performed after the security indicator light turns off

  • The closed engine hood is opened.
  • The closed luggage compartment door is opened. *
  • Any door is opened when all doors are closed
  • When all the door lock positions are locked, any position is unlocked
  • The vehicle battery is reconnected while the engine hood, luggage compartment door* or any door is open, or any door lock position is unlocked
  • Ignition switch off → Ignition switch ON
  • Engine start is operated.

Alarm activation


Transitions to armed after 30 seconds have elapsed since start of warning

Alarm stop


Transitions to not armed when any of the following operations is performed during warning

  • All doors are unlocked with a wireless operation or smart operation

Alarm stop


Transitions to not armed when the engine is started while carrying the electrical key during warning

Warning stops after 3 seconds have elapsed since engine was started


Transitions to not armed when the following operations are performed after the security indicator light turns off

  • All doors are unlocked with a wireless operation or smart operation


  • *: for Sedan


(a) The forced door lock control prevents the vehicle from being tampered with. Immediately after a door is unlocked (armed state), all doors are forced to lock by a forced door lock signal.

(1) If the following conditions are met, the forced door lock control is operated.

  • The theft deterrent system is in the armed state.
  • Any door is unlocked.


(a) If the alarm is set off (tampering is detected) while the theft deterrent system is in the armed state, it will be stored by the alarm memory function. Whenever the theft deterrent system is canceled, the alarm memory function causes the taillights to light up for 2 seconds in order to inform the user that the alarm has been set off.

(1) Condition that cause the taillights to light up for 2 seconds:

The theft deterrent system has entered the alarm sounding state (tampering has been detected) at least once.


Active arming mode: See Active Arming Mode.


(a) Panic alarm control makes it possible to voluntarily set off the panic alarm by pressing the panic switch on the key.

(1) Conditions that cause panic alarm control to set off the panic alarm:

The panic switch on the key is pressed under the following conditions:

  • The ignition switch is off.
  • The theft deterrent system is not in the alarm sounding state.

(2) Conditions that cause the panic alarm control to shut off the alarm:

Any of the following conditions is met during panic alarm control operation:

  • The ignition switch is turned to ON.
  • The panic switch is pressed again.
  • Any of the switches on the key (lock/unlock) is pressed.
  • The panic alarm ends (approximately 57 seconds have elapsed).
  • The theft deterrent system switches to the alarm sounding state. Under this condition, the theft deterrent system controls the alarm rather than the panic alarm control. In order to cancel this alarm, refer to the theft deterrent system alarm sounding state cancellation procedure.


(a) According to the state of the theft deterrent system, the main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU) outputs a signal to turn the security indicator light on. However, some of the actual lighting conditions of the security indicator light are different from the output signals of the main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU).


State of Theft Deterrent System

Security Indicator Light

Output Signal from Main Body ECU (Multiplex Network Body ECU)

Actual Lighting Condition

Disarmed state (1), (2)


  • Off (Immobiliser function unset)
  • Blinking (Immobiliser function set)

Arming preparation state (1), (2)



Armed state (1), (2)



Pre Alarm sounding state (1), (2)



Alarm sounding state



Blinking Cycle


Security Indicator Light

0.125 sec.


1.875 sec.



When the immobiliser function is set, the security indicator light blinks during both the disarmed state and the armed state due to output signals from the immobiliser function.