Last Modified: 05-13-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000028DXX
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [11/2022 -           ]
Title: DOOR LOCK: POWER DOOR LOCK CONTROL SYSTEM: CHECK FOR INTERMITTENT PROBLEMS; 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]



  • If the vehicle or vehicle controls are operated (for example, during initial inspection when the vehicle is brought in for repair) before vehicle control history has been read out and saved, the vehicle control history information could be lost.
  • The function "Read vehicle control history" uses the current system time setting inside the GTS and the time counter inside the controlling ECU to calculate the timings shown in the vehicle control history. For this reason, before reading out the vehicle control history, first make sure that the GTS system clock is accurately set to the current time.
  • The time counter in the control ECU may deviate by up to +/- 10% due to the characteristics of the time counter.
  • The time counter in the control ECU is reset approximately 34 days before the "Current" value due to the characteristics of the time counter. Therefore, the time information stored before the 34th day may not be accurately displayed.

Vehicle Control History (RoB)


Vehicle Control History (RoB): The main body ECU (multiplex network body ECU) records the power door lock control system vehicle control history (RoB), which can be read out using the GTS.

(a) Check vehicle control history (RoB) according to the display on the GTS.

Body Electrical > Main Body > Utility

Tester Display

Vehicle Control History (RoB)



Item Description



Door Lock/Unlock

Stores the reason for a door lock/unlock operation that occurred

When doors are locked or unlocked, this stores the method by which operation was performed.


Automatic Door Lock Inoperative

Stores the reason for auto lock non-operation when collision sensor detection or malfunction occurs

Stores the reason for the automatic door lock function becoming inoperative when a collision is detected.


Automatic Door Lock Switching

Stores setting value when auto lock/unlock (speed/shift/door open) setting changes

Stores operating history for auto lock switching. For vehicles with navigation system, stores switching by navigation system; for vehicles without navigation system, stores switching due to shift information and manual lock/unlock switch operation.


Some items are not displayed depending on the type of vehicle.

According to the display on the GTS, read and save the operation history.

Item List

Manual Lock

Door Lock (Voice)

Door Key Linked Lock

Wireless Lock

Wireless Double Lock Set

Wireless Auto Lock (30s)

Auto Entry Lock

Auto Entry Double Lock Set

Auto Entry Lock (30s)

Auto Lock by remote parking

Power Back Door Lock signal by Back Door Control Switch

Walk Away PBD Close & Lock

RH PSD Close & Lock

LH PSD Close & Lock

Security Forced Lock

Shift Linked Auto Lock

Vehicle Speed Linked Auto Lock (North America)

Auto Lock Switch Answerback Lock

Door Lock by Active Test

Remote Door Lock

Door Lock by Pre A/C

Automatics Relock (Remote)

Remote Door Lock (Trunk Lid/Back Door)

Manual Unlock

Door Unlock (Voice)

Manual Unlock (Passenger Door)

Manual Unlock (RR Door)

Manual Unlock (RL Door)

Door Key Linked Unlock

D-Seat Key Linked Unlock (Twice)

Wireless Unlock

Wireless Unlock (Twice)

Auto Entry Unlock

Auto Entry Preparation Unlock

Unlock by kick Sensor Input

Key in Vehicle Detected Unlock

Key Detected Unlock 1

Key Detected Unlock 2

Key Detected Unlock 3

Unlock by Emblem Sensor Input

Urgent Stop Support Unlock

Shock Detection Unlock

Shift Linked Auto Unlock

Door Open/Close Linked Auto Unlock

Auto Lock Switch Answerback Unlock

Door Unlock by Active Test

Remote Door Unlock

One Motion PBD Open/Stop judgment during the closing operation

One Motion PSD Open/Stop judgment during the closing operation

Remote Door Unlock (Trunk Lid/Back Door)

Fail Safe Unset

Shock Sensor Malfunction

Shock Sensor Detected

Changed the Automatics Door Lock Setting

Changed the Shift Linked Automatic Door Lock Setting

Changed the Automatic Door Unlock Setting When D-Door Open

Changed the Shift Linked Automatic Door Unlock Setting

(b) Following the instructions on the screen, save the vehicle control history.


Some items are not displayed depending on the type of vehicle.

Symptom Simulation

Click here 2019 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [06/2018 -        ]; INTRODUCTION: HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS: HOW TO PROCEED WITH TROUBLESHOOTING