Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000028DB8
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [11/2022 -           ]
Title: LIGHTING (INT): LIGHTING SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECU; 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]



(a) Measure the voltage and check for pulses according to the value(s) in the table below.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

*1: HV model

*2: Gasoline model

*3: for Hatchback

*4: for Sedan

*5: w/ Unlock Detection Switch

*6: Differs depending on the vehicle model

8K-1 - Body ground

Auxiliary battery power supply

Ignition switch off*1


11 to 14 V

MB-27 (IGR) - Body ground

IG power supply

Ignition switch ON

11 to 14 V

Ignition switch off

Below 1 V

8H-27 - Body ground

Rear door courtesy light switch assembly RH input

Rear door RH open

Below 1 V

Rear door RH closed

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

8D-11 - Body ground

Interior lights power supply

DOME CUT relay on

11 to 14 V

DOME CUT relay off

Below 1 V

I85-3 (LSFR) - Body ground

Front door unlock detection switch RH input

Front door RH locked

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

Front door RH unlocked

Below 1 V

I85-9 (LSFL) - Body ground

Front door unlock detection switch LH input

Front door LH locked

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

Front door LH unlocked

Below 1 V

I85-10 (LSWL) - Body ground*5

Rear door unlock detection switch LH input

Rear door LH locked

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

Rear door LH unlocked

Below 1 V

I86-23 (LSWR) - Body ground*5

Rear door unlock detection switch RH input

Rear door RH locked

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

Rear door RH unlocked

Below 1 V

I85-5 (ILE) - Body ground

Illuminated entry system drive output

Illuminated entry system inactive

11 to 14 V

Illuminated entry system operation

Below 1 V

8H-24 - Body ground

No. 1 luggage compartment light assembly power supply

DOME CUT relay on

11 to 14 V

DOME CUT relay off

Below 1 V

8H-18 - Body ground

Rear door courtesy light switch assembly LH input

Rear door LH open

Below 1 V

Rear door LH closed

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

8H-5 - Body ground

back door lock with courtesy light switch assembly*3 or luggage compartment door lock assembly*4 input

Back door*3 or luggage compartment door*4 open

Below 1 V

Back door*3 or luggage compartment door*4 closed

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

8H-23 - Body ground

Front door courtesy light switch assembly LH input

Front door LH open

Below 1 V

Front door LH closed

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

8H-22 - Body ground

Front door courtesy light switch assembly RH input

Front door RH open

Below 1 V

Front door RH closed

11 to 14 V or pulse output (maximum 14 V)*6

8H-19 - Body ground

No. 1 luggage compartment light assembly drive output

No. 1 luggage compartment light assembly off

11 to 14 V

No. 1 luggage compartment light assembly on

Below 1 V


(a) Measure the voltage according to the value(s) in the table below.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

I167-20 (SWIL) - I167-30 (AGND)

Engine switch illumination drive output

Engine switch illumination on

11 to 14 V

Engine switch illumination off

Below 1 V