Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000027Y5S
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [11/2022 -           ]
Title: ADVANCED DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEM: FRONT CAMERA: CAMERA AXIS ADJUSTMENT VALUE WRITE; 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]




  • When replacing the forward recognition camera or millimeter wave radar sensor assembly, always replace them with new ones. If they are replaced with used parts or parts from another vehicle, then an incorrect FOE is written and the system using the forward recognition camera may not operate properly.
  • This function cannot be used if you replace both the forward recognition camera and the millimeter wave radar sensor assembly at the same time.
  • Replacing or removing and reinstalling the windshield glass assembly changes the installation conditions of the forward recognition camera, so be sure to adjust the forward recognition camera by using either Target Adjustment (One Time Recognition) or Driving Adjustment.


  • Adjustment of the forward recognition camera by Target Adjustment (One Time Recognition) or Driving Adjustment can be omitted by writing the FOE values saved to the millimeter wave radar sensor assembly to the new forward recognition camera, by performing Camera Axis Adjustment Value Write.
  • If "Camera Axis Adjustment Value Write" cannot be performed, check that there are no DTCs or RoB codes.

    Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; ADVANCED DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEM: FRONT CAMERA SYSTEM: HOW TO PROCEED WITH TROUBLESHOOTING

  • If "Camera Axis Adjustment Value Write" cannot be performed, perform either "Target Adjustment (One Time Recognition)" or "Driving Adjustment".
    • Target Adjustment (One Time Recognition):

      Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; ADVANCED DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEM: FRONT CAMERA: TARGET ADJUSTMENT(ONE TIME RECOGNITION)

    • Driving Adjustment:

      Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; ADVANCED DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEM: FRONT CAMERA: DRIVING ADJUSTMENT



(a) Turn the ignition switch to off.

(b) Connect the GTS to the DLC3.

(c) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(d) Enter the following menus: Chassis / Front Recognition Camera / Utility / Camera Axis Adjustment Value Write.

Chassis > Front Recognition Camera > Utility

Tester Display

Camera Axis Adjustment Value Write

(e) Perform camera axis adjustment value write.

(f) Forward recognition camera optical axis learning is complete.

(g) After optical axis adjustment completes, clear the following system vehicle control history entries.

(1) Clear vehicle control history (Front Camera System).

Click here 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; ADVANCED DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEM: FRONT CAMERA SYSTEM: VEHICLE CONTROL HISTORY (RoB)