Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM10000000271WP
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [09/2022 -           ]
Title: AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE; 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]


General Function


Suspected Area


Each time the ignition switch is turned to ON, the loading window is displayed.

Inspect the auxiliary battery.


Inspect the wire harness and connector (terminals +B1 and ACC1 of the radio and display receiver assembly).

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): TERMINALS OF ECU

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

A message is displayed to inform the driver that the program cannot be read, and the system cannot be operated

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Display Function


Suspected Area


No image is displayed when the ignition switch is ACC (black screen).

If the screen is set to off, change the setting to on.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

White or blue screen is displayed when the ignition switch is turned to ACC.

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Color distortion occurs in all of the displays.

Check the settings of the display quality adjustment screen (check that each setting is centered).


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Audio Function


Suspected Area


When ASL (Auto Sound Levelizer) is operating and audio is being output, the sound volume does not change even when driving on a highway, etc.

Explain to the customer that if the sound volume is set to high, it is hard to notice the effect of ASL.


Check the settings of the sound quality adjustment screen (check that the ASL function on sound setting display 2 is set to on).


Check the settings of the sound quality adjustment screen (check that each setting is centered).


Function inspection/calibration - vehicle signal inspection (SPD signal)

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Inspect the wire harness and connector (radio and display receiver assembly (SPD) - combination meter assembly (+S) terminal).


Proceed to the troubleshooting procedure of the meter & gauge system (vehicle speed signal circuit)


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

In all modes, sound from all speakers cannot be heard, sound quality is poor in all modes (the displays and switch operations are correct)

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Sound from a specific speaker cannot be heard, sound quality is poor or sound is low in all modes

Check the settings of the sound quality adjustment screen (check that each setting is centered).


Check the settings of the sound quality adjustment screen (check that the ASL function on sound setting display 2 is set to off).


Speaker circuits

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Speaker Circuit

In all modes, noise occurs in all of the speakers.

Proceed to "In all modes, noise occurs in all of the speakers"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): In all Modes Noise Occurs in all of the Speakers

Night Illumination Function


Suspected Area


Even though headlights are turned on, the display is not dimmed.

Check that the interior lighting system is operating correctly.


Proceed to "Even Though Headlights are Turned On, Head-Unit does not Dim the Display"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Even though Headlights are Turned on Head-unit does not Dim the Display

The night illumination function of the steering pad switch does not function (audio operation on the steering pad switch is normal).

Inspect the steering pad switch assembly (IL+2, ILL) terminal.

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV [09/2022 -        ]; STEERING COLUMN: STEERING PAD SWITCH (except G16E-GTS): INSPECTION

Inspect the spiral cable sub-assembly (IL+2) terminal.

2019 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [06/2018 -        ]; SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: SPIRAL CABLE: INSPECTION

Inspect the wire harness and connector (spiral cable sub-assembly with sensor (IL+2) terminal).


Inspect the wire harness and connector (spiral cable sub-assembly with sensor (ILL-) terminal).


Replace combination meter assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; METER / GAUGE / DISPLAY: COMBINATION METER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; METER / GAUGE / DISPLAY: COMBINATION METER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; METER / GAUGE / DISPLAY: COMBINATION METER: REMOVAL

Switch Function


Suspected Area


Touch switch operation is not received.

Check that there is no foreign matter on the screen and remove it if necessary


Function Check/Setting - Touch Switch Check

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV [09/2022 -        ]; STEERING COLUMN: STEERING PAD SWITCH (except G16E-GTS): INSPECTION

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): OPERATION CHECK

System does not respond to operation of the touch screen.

Check that there is no foreign matter caught, etc. in the switch for which the problem is occurring, and remove it if necessary.


Function inspection/calibration - panel & steering switch function

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): OPERATION CHECK

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Audio system operation using the steering wheel switches does not function (sound output is normal and the operation of the panel switch is correct).

Check that there is no foreign matter caught, etc. in the switch for which the problem is occurring, and remove it if necessary.


Function inspection/calibration - panel & steering switch function

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): OPERATION CHECK

Inspect the steering pad switch assembly (AU1, AU2, EAU) terminal.

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV [09/2022 -        ]; STEERING COLUMN: STEERING PAD SWITCH (except G16E-GTS): INSPECTION

Inspect the spiral cable sub-assembly (AU1, AU2, EAU) terminal.

2019 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [06/2018 -        ]; SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: SPIRAL CABLE: INSPECTION

Inspect the wire harness and connector (spiral cable sub-assembly - radio and display receiver assembly terminal).


Inspect the radio and display receiver assembly (SWG) terminal.

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): TERMINALS OF ECU

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Radio Function


Suspected Area


Noise occurs only for radio

Proceed to "Noise occurs only for radio"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Noise Occurs only for Radio

Radio wave reception failure (poor radio wave reception)

Proceed to "Radio wave reception failure (poor radio wave reception)"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Radio Wave Reception Failure

Radio can be received, but broadcasting station name is not displayed

When the broadcasting station name has not been recorded such as when the broadcasting station is newly established, etc., it will not be displayed


When the radio wave reception is poor, it may not be displayed


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

FM is not displayed on the audio source screen

Check that the setting of FM radio is valid.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

AM is not displayed on the audio source screen

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

USB Function


Suspected Area


Sound cannot be heard or sound quality is poor only when playing a USB storage device or "iPod".

Proceed to "Sound cannot be Heard Sound Quality is Poor only when Replaying USB Storage Device or "iPod""

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Sound cannot be Heard Sound Quality is Poor only when Replaying USB Storage Device or "iPod"

USB storage device or "iPod" cannot be detected or played.

Proceed to "USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error

Track information such as track number, track name, elapsed time and playlist is not displayed.

Proceed to "USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error

Although a USB storage device or "iPod" can be detected, the track cannot be played or cannot be played in the sorted order.

Proceed to "USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error

When "iPod" is replaying, cover art cannot be displayed.

Check that cover art settings are set to be displayed.


Check that a JPEG file is used for the cover art.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

When playing back from a "iPod", repeat cannot be turned off

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

USB storage device or "iPod" cannot be charged.

Proceed to "USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error

Screen is distorted or not displayed only when using the USB storage device.

Check using other media or check the media with which the malfunction occurs using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the No. 1 stereo jack adapter assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: STEREO JACK ADAPTER ASSEMBLY: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: STEREO JACK ADAPTER ASSEMBLY: REMOVAL

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

The display color distortion occurs only when playing a USB storage device (normal for other types).

Check the settings of the display quality adjustment screen (check that each setting is centered).


Check using another device or check the device with which the malfunction occurs using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

"IF-BOX_USB" not displayed on the system check mode screen.

Proceed to "USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): USB Audio System Recognition/Play Error

Bluetooth Hands-free Function


Suspected Area


"Bluetooth" is inoperative (in-vehicle device cannot be recognized by the cellular phone)

Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

"Bluetooth" compatible cellular phone cannot be registered

Proceed to "Cellular Phone Registration Failure"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Registration Failure

Proceed to ""Bluetooth" Connection History"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Bluetooth Connection History

"Bluetooth" compatible cellular phone cannot be registered

Check that another cellular phone is not already connected as a hands-free device


Bring the cellular phone near the in-vehicle device and reconnect it


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Proceed to "'Bluetooth' Connection History"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Bluetooth Connection History

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

"Bluetooth" compatible cellular phone cannot be connected automatically (can be connected manually)

Select a phone on the registration screen of the in-vehicle device and check that "phone" is ON.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

2 "Bluetooth" compatible cellular phones cannot connect at the same time

Check that the sign-in completes after opening the My Settings (user profile) screen


Check that another cellular phone is not already connected as a hands-free device


Move the main cellular phone and sub-cellular phone close to the in-vehicle device and connect again


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Proceed to "'Bluetooth' Connection History"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Bluetooth Connection History

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Ringtone of a "Bluetooth" compatible cellular phone cannot be heard

Check that mute of the cellular phone is off


Adjust the sound volume of the cellular phone, and try again


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

"Bluetooth" compatible cellular phone connection is disconnected

Bring the cellular phone near the in-vehicle device and check if it is reconnected


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Proceed to "'Bluetooth' Connection History"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Bluetooth Connection History

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Bring the cellular phone near the in-vehicle device and check if it is reconnected

Check that the sign-in completes after opening the My Settings (user profile) screen


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Registration Failure"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Registration Failure

Message that prompts to check the cellular phone is displayed

Bring the cellular phone near the in-vehicle device and reconnect it


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Phonebook data cannot be transferred

Check that the sync contact setting of the in-vehicle device is on


Enter "1234" into the "Bluetooth" phone (when transferring phonebook data, OBEX authentication may be required)


Check that no application on a cellular phone is operating


If using "Bluetooth" audio function, cancel the "Bluetooth" audio player connection and check the operation


Transfer phonebook data manually


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Phonebook data is cleared

Check that the phonebook data automatic transfer has been completed


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Phonebook data cannot be edited

Check if the in-vehicle device phonebook data automatic transfer setting is set to "OFF"


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

All the transferred phonebook data is sorted to "Other"

Check that no application on a cellular phone is operating


Check that phonebook data in the cellular phone is not stored to the SIM card


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Explain to the customer that all the transferred phonebook data may be stored to "Other" depending on cellular phone


Cellular phone cannot make outgoing/incoming calls

Move the vehicle into a cellular phone service area, check that the cellular phone is connected to the vehicle via "Bluetooth" and operate the in-vehicle device again


Check that the cellular phone can make outgoing/incoming calls properly when not connected via "Bluetooth"


Check if a call confirmation message is displayed when attempting to call


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Proceed to "'Bluetooth' Connection History"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Bluetooth Connection History

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Message cannot be viewed*

Check that the cellular phone message forwarding setting is set to on


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

No notification when a new message has arrived*

Check that the message notification setting is not set to off on the cellular phone


Check that the application has not been left open on the cellular phone


Check that an SMS/MMS can be sent


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Message cannot be sent*

Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Message synchronization cannot be set to off*

Check if the cellular phone message forwarding is set off


Proceed to "Cellular Phone Inspection"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Cellular Phone Inspection

Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Other caller's voice is interrupted by noise or sound quality is poor

Check the receiving voice volume (if it is too high, voice may sound distorted)


Function inspection/calibration - hands-free sound quality settings

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): OPERATION CHECK

Make a call with the cellular phone disconnected from "Bluetooth" and check that other callers voice can be heard clearly


Check that audio is correctly output for the radio


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Other caller`s voice cannot be heard

Check that audio is correctly output for the radio


Make a call with the cellular phone disconnected from "Bluetooth" and check that other callers voice can be heard clearly


Using the cellular phone setting display, confirm that the audio output device is registered to the in-vehicle device.


Check that reception voice volume is not set to minimum.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Caller's voice (your voice) is interrupted by noise or sound quality is poor.

Check the transmitting voice volume (if it is too high, voice may sound distorted).


Function inspection/calibration - hands-free sound quality settings

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): OPERATION CHECK

If any additional devices are installed, turn on/off the power switch and check whether noise occurs.


Turn the ignition switch from ACC to off for a few times at a certain interval and check the sound volume of the calls.


Using another cellular phone with another cellular phone carrier, check the sound volume of the calls a few times at a certain interval.


Proceed to "When voice recognition switch is pressed, a short beep is not emitted and the voice recognition system does not start"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): When Voice Recognition Switch is Pressed a Short Beep is Emitted but the Voice Recognition System does not Start

Proceed to "Microphone Circuit"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Microphone Circuit

Other caller cannot hear your voice

When talking on the cellular phone, check that the mute button is not pressed.


Proceed to "When voice recognition switch is pressed, a short beep is not emitted and the voice recognition system does not start"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): When Voice Recognition Switch is Pressed a Short Beep is Emitted but the Voice Recognition System does not Start

Proceed to "Microphone Circuit"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Microphone Circuit

Sound output too low (other caller cannot hear your voice at an appropriate volume level)

Turn the ignition switch from ACC to off a few times at a certain interval and check the sound volume of the calls.


Using another cellular phone with another cellular phone carrier, check the sound volume of the calls a few times at a certain interval.


Proceed to "When voice recognition switch is pressed, a short beep is not emitted and the voice recognition system does not start"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): When Voice Recognition Switch is Pressed a Short Beep is Emitted but the Voice Recognition System does not Start

Proceed to "Microphone Circuit"

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Microphone Circuit

The telephone button on the steering pad switch cannot be operated but the displayed telephone button can be operated.

Check that there is no foreign matter caught, etc. in the switch for which the problem is occurring, and remove it if necessary


Check that the voice recognition switch on the steering pad switch can be operated. If it cannot be operated, proceed to "When voice recognition switch is pressed, a short beep is not emitted and the voice recognition system does not start"


Inspect the steering pad switch assembly.

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): PRECAUTION

  • *: w/ SMS/MMS/message Function

"Bluetooth" Audio Function


Suspected Area


"Bluetooth" portable audio player cannot be detected

Check if the portable audio player is not connected to the in-vehicle device via "Android Auto" or "Apple CarPlay".


Confirm that the portable audio player is "Bluetooth" compatible.


Check that the portable audio player is being connected to the in-vehicle device via "Bluetooth" using the correct procedure.


Check the portable audio player that the malfunction occurred for using another vehicle of the same type.


Check after removing all additional devices which use radio waves.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Portable audio player cannot be connected manually/automatically.

Confirm that the portable audio player is "Bluetooth" compatible.


Check that the portable audio player is being connected to the in-vehicle device via "Bluetooth" using the correct procedure.


Check that the "Bluetooth" audio connection setting of the "Bluetooth" portable audio player is set to on.


Select the customers portable audio player on the device registration screen of the in-vehicle device and check that the "Audio" setting is set to on


Check that the portable audio player is not in standby/sleep mode.


Check that the portable audio player is not being connected to another device via "Bluetooth".


Check the portable audio player that the malfunction occurred for using another vehicle of the same type.


Confirm after removing all additional devices which use radio waves.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Cellular phone with portable audio player function is connected via "Bluetooth" but cannot be detected as a "Bluetooth" compatible device.

Check that the cellular phone with portable audio player function is not connected to the in-vehicle device by "Apple CarPlay" or "Android Auto".


Confirm that the cellular phone with portable audio player function is "Bluetooth" compatible.


Check that the cellular phone with portable audio player function is being connected to the in-vehicle device via "Bluetooth" using the correct procedure


Check the cellular phone with portable audio player function using another vehicle of the same type.


Confirm after removing all additional devices which use radio waves.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Portable audio player automatically starts.

Check that the cellular phone with portable audio player function is being connected to the in-vehicle device via "Bluetooth" using the correct procedure.


Check that "Audio" is set to off on the in-vehicle device


Check the cellular phone with portable audio player function using another vehicle of the same type.


Sound from portable audio player cannot be heard, sound is low or sound quality is poor

Place the portable audio player to an appropriate position.


Check that the portable audio player is on and that the sound volume is not set to zero and mute is off


Confirm that use of Wi-Fi connection is set to off. If Bluetooth, Miracast and Wi-Fi devices are connected at the same time, depending on the specification of each device, one of them will be prioritized to output its audio.


Check the portable audio player using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Sound from portable audio player is interrupted or noise occurs

Put the portable audio player in an appropriate location.


Confirm that Wi-Fi is set to off. If Bluetooth, Miracast and Wi-Fi devices operate at the same time, the connection may be disconnected due to wave interference (the 2.4 GHz frequency band will be congested, etc.)).


Check the portable audio player using another vehicle of the same type.


Confirm after removing all additional devices which use radio waves.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Portable player does not play even after "Bluetooth" audio mode is selected.

Check that the portable audio player is operating correctly.


Check the portable audio player using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Track information such as track number, track name, elapsed play time and playlist is not displayed or the displayed contents is not correct.

Confirm that the cellular phone with portable audio player function is "Bluetooth" compatible.


Check that the track information is displayed on the portable audio player.


Check the portable audio player using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Operation switches for portable player such as play, pause, repeat are not displayed.

Check the portable audio player using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Portable player cannot pause, skip, fast forward, fast rewind, play at random, repeat

Check the portable audio player using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Registered device cannot be deleted.

Check that the portable audio player is being cleared from the in-vehicle device using the correct procedure.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Track information is not listed or the displayed contents are not correct.

Check the portable audio player using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Repeat cannot be set to off

Check the portable audio player using another vehicle of the same type.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Apple CarPlay Function


Suspected Area


Apple CarPlay cannot be started by USB connection

Check that the customers device is compatible with Apple CarPlay


If a USB hub is being used, remove it


Check the USB cable connection status and check that a genuine Apple USB cable or MFi certified USB cable is being used


Check that the customers "Siri" function can be used on their device


Select the customers device on the in-vehicle device registration screen and check that the "Apple CarPlay" setting is set to on


Proceed to "Sound cannot be Heard Sound Quality is Poor only when Replaying USB Storage Device or "iPod""

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Sound cannot be Heard Sound Quality is Poor only when Replaying USB Storage Device or "iPod"

When the voice recognition switch is pressed, even though "Hey Siri" is spoken, Siri does not start*

Check that the voice recognition function is operating correctly.


Check that the version of the customers device is not earlier than iOS14.3


Check the value of the "Wake word" setting on the in-vehicle device.


Check that the wake word in the settings of the in-vehicle device is not set to off.


Check that the "Hey Siri" listening function is set to on (enabled) on the customers device


Select the customers device on the in-vehicle device registration screen and check that the "Apple CarPlay" setting is set to on.


Restart the customers device and check again.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

No audio when Apple CarPlay starts

(Customers device is sufficiently charged)

Check that the audio function is operating correctly.


Check that sound can be heard from the device.


Check that the sound volume is not set to zero.


Check that the mute setting is set to off


Check if a Miracast connection can be established using another device.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

  • *: The availability of functions differs depending on the region and destination.

Android Auto Function


Suspected Area


Android Auto cannot be started by USB connection

Check that the customers device is compatible with Android Auto


If a USB hub is being used, remove it


Check that the cable connecting the customers device is a communication compatible cable


  • Use a cable with a USB mark that is less than 1.8 meters
  • If a connection cannot be established, use a known good cable


Check that Android Auto is installed on the customers device


Select the customers device on the in-vehicle device registration screen and check that the "Android Auto" setting is set to on


Proceed to "Sound cannot be Heard Sound Quality is Poor only when Replaying USB Storage Device or "iPod""

2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM (for Knobless Radio and Display Receiver): Sound cannot be Heard Sound Quality is Poor only when Replaying USB Storage Device or "iPod"

Even though "OK Google" is spoken, Google does not start

Check that the voice recognition function is operating correctly.


Check the value of the "Wake word" setting on the in-vehicle device.


Check that "Wake word" is set to on in the settings of the in-vehicle device.


Select the customers device on the in-vehicle device registration screen and check that the "Android Auto" setting is set to on.


Check if "HotSpot" is set to off for the in-vehicle device.


Restart the customers device and check again.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

Call information is not displayed on the combination meter assembly.

Restart the customers device and check again.


Check that a different device can connect.


Select the customers device on the in-vehicle device registration screen and check that the "Android Auto" setting is set to on.


After clearing the registered device from the in-vehicle device, register the device again and check that it is displayed on the combination meter assembly.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL

No audio when Android Auto starts

(Customers device is sufficiently charged)

Check that the audio function is operating correctly.


Check that sound can be heard from the device.


Check that the sound volume is set to zero.


Check that the mute setting is set to off.


Check if a Miracast connection can be established using another device.


Replace the radio and display receiver assembly.

2023 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 - 11/2022]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [11/2022 - 09/2024]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2024 -        ]; AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REMOVAL