Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000026ZDV
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [09/2022 -           ]
Title: PARK ASSIST / MONITORING: BLIND SPOT MONITOR SYSTEM (w/ Safe Exit Assist Function): FREEZE FRAME DATA; 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]



(a) Whenever DTCs are detected, the blind spot monitor sensor stores the current vehicle (sensor) state as freeze frame data.


(a) Turn the blind spot monitor system on.

(b) According to the display on the GTS, display the freeze frame data for the selected DTC.

Body Electrical > Blind Spot Monitor "B" > Trouble Codes

Body Electrical > Blind Spot Monitor "A" > Trouble Codes

Body Electrical > Blind Spot Monitor "B"

Tester Display

Measurement Item


Normal Condition

Diagnostic Note

Total Distance Traveled

Total distance traveled

0 to 16777215



Total Distance Traveled - Unit

Total Distance Traveled - Unit

km / mile



Power Supply Voltage

Power supply voltage

0 to 49.95 V



BSM Outer Mirror Indicator Information (Left)

Status of indicator

Extinction / Lighting / Blinking



BSM Outer Mirror Indicator Information (Right)

Status of indicator

Extinction / Lighting / Blinking



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Voltage (Currently Value)

Voltage value of indicator

0 to 25.5 V



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Currently Value)

Electrical current value of indicator

0 to 255 mA



Dimmer Signal

Status of dimmer signal




Door Open Buzzer Sound Request

Displays the status of the SEA (Safe Exit Assist) function door open buzzer.

OFF / ON (Reject) / ON (Warning)

OFF: The SEA (Safe Exit Assist) function buzzer not sounding

ON (door open cancel): Not used for the SEA (Safe Exit Assist) function

ON (warning): The SEA (Safe Exit Assist) function buzzer sounding


Shift Position R

State of the shift position R signal


OFF: Shift position in any other than R

ON: Shift position in R


Vehicle Speed

Vehicle speed signal

-327.68 to 327.67 km/h

Almost same as actual vehicle speed


Steering Angle

Steering angle sensor

-3072 to 3070.5 deg

Left turn: Increases

Right turn: Decreases


Yaw Rate

Yaw rate sensor

-125.000 to 124.612 deg/s

Turning right: -125.000 to 0 deg/s

Turning left: 0 to 124.612 deg/s


Turn Switch

State of the turn signal switch

Left / Right / OFF

Left: Left turn signal switch on

Right: Right turn signal switch on

OFF: Turn signal switch off


BSM Main Switch Operation Count (Data 1)

Number of times BSM main switch was operated

0 to 65535



BSM Main Switch Operation Count (Data 2)

Number of times BSM main switch was operated

0 to 65535



RCTA Main Switch Operation Count (Data 1)

Number of times RCTA main switch was operated

0 to 65535



RCTA Main Switch Operation Count (Data 2)

Number of times RCTA main switch was operated

0 to 65535



L-BSM Mode Operation Count

Number of times L-BSM was operated

0 to 65535



Outer Mirror Indicator Brightness Setting Operation Count

Number of times outer mirror indicator brightness setting was operated

0 to 65535



RCTA Buzzer Volume Level Operation Count

Number of times RCTA buzzer volume setting was operated

0 to 65535



Driver User Number

Displays the user number of the driver seat

Indeterminate / User 1 / User 2 / User 3 / Guest



Driver Classification

Displays the driver classification

Undefined / Normal / Plus Support



Plus Support Function

Displays the plus support function

Without / With

With: Equipped with plus support function

Without: Not equipped with plus support function


Outer Mirror Indicator Brightness

Status of outer mirror indicator brightness setting

Dim / Bright

Dim: Outer mirror indicator is dimmed

Bright: Outer mirror indicator is not dimmed


LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Dimmer OFF, Bright)

Electrical current flow to indicator in Bright setting with dimmer OFF

0 to 100 mA



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Dimmer OFF, Dim)

Electrical current flow to indicator in Dim setting with dimmer OFF

0 to 100 mA



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Dimmer ON, Bright)

Electrical current flow to indicator in Bright setting with dimmer ON

0 to 100 mA



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Dimmer ON, Dim)

Electrical current flow to indicator in Dim setting with dimmer ON

0 to 100 mA



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Blinking Duty Ratio

Duty ratio when indicator blinking

0 to 100 %



L-BSM Mode

Status of L-BSM mode setting

Early / Middle / Late



Beam Axis Revision Angle

Compensation angle of beam axis

-327.68 to 327.67 deg



Body Electrical > Blind Spot Monitor "A"

Tester Display

Measurement Item


Normal Condition

Diagnostic Note

Total Distance Traveled

Total distance traveled

0 to 16777215



Total Distance Traveled - Unit

Total Distance Traveled - Unit

km / mile



Power Supply Voltage

Power supply voltage

0 to 49.95 V



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Voltage (Currently Value)

Voltage value of indicator

0 to 25.5 V



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Currently Value)

Electrical current value of indicator

0 to 255 mA



Dimmer Signal

Status of dimmer signal




Buzzer Sound Request

Alarm status of RCTA buzzer (No. 2 clearance warning buzzer)




Shift Position R

State of the shift position R signal


OFF: Shift position in any other than R

ON: Shift position in R


Vehicle Speed

Vehicle speed signal

-327.68 to 327.67 km/h

Almost same as actual vehicle speed


Steering Angle

Steering angle sensor

-3072 to 3070.5 deg

Left turn: Increases

Right turn: Decreases


Yaw Rate

Yaw rate sensor

-125.000 to 124.612 deg/s

Turning right: -125.000 to 0 deg/s

Turning left: 0 to 124.612 deg/s


Turn Switch

State of the turn signal switch

Left / Right / OFF

Left: Left turn signal switch on

Right: Right turn signal switch on

OFF: Turn signal switch off


BSM Main Switch Operation Count (Data 1)

Number of times BSM main switch was operated

0 to 65535



BSM Main Switch Operation Count (Data 2)

Number of times BSM main switch was operated

0 to 65535



RCTA Main Switch Operation Count (Data 1)

Number of times RCTA main switch was operated

0 to 65535



RCTA Main Switch Operation Count (Data 2)

Number of times RCTA main switch was operated

0 to 65535



Outer Mirror Indicator Brightness

Status of outer mirror indicator brightness setting

Dim / Bright

Dim: Outer mirror indicator is dimmed

Bright: Outer mirror indicator is not dimmed


LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Dimmer OFF, Bright)

Electrical current flow to indicator in Bright setting with dimmer OFF

0 to 100 mA



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Dimmer OFF, Dim)

Electrical current flow to indicator in Dim setting with dimmer OFF

0 to 100 mA



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Dimmer ON, Bright)

Electrical current flow to indicator in Bright setting with dimmer ON

0 to 100 mA



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Current (Dimmer ON, Dim)

Electrical current flow to indicator in Dim setting with dimmer ON

0 to 100 mA



LED Outer Mirror Indicator Blinking Duty Ratio

Duty ratio when indicator blinking

0 to 100 %



RCTA Buzzer Volume

Status of RCTA buzzer volume

Small / Middle / Large


Although the item is displayed on the GTS, it is not applicable to this vehicle.

L-BSM Mode

Status of L-BSM mode setting

Early / Middle / Late



Beam Axis Revision Angle

Compensation angle of beam axis

-327.68 to 327.67 deg





Clearing the DTCs will also clear the freeze frame data.

(a) Turn the blind spot monitor system on.

(b) Clear the DTCs and freeze frame data.

Body Electrical > Blind Spot Monitor "B" > Clear DTCs

Body Electrical > Blind Spot Monitor "A" > Clear DTCs