Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000026YWA
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [09/2022 -           ]
Title: AUDIO / VIDEO: RADIO RECEIVER: REGISTRATION; 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]



1. REGISTER VEHICLE INFORMATION (w/ Telematics Transceiver)


When the radio and display receiver assembly is replaced, perform the Register Vehicle Information procedure.

(a) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Telematics / Utility / VIN Synchronization

Body Electrical > Telematics > Utility

Tester Display

VIN Synchronization

(b) According to the display on the GTS, perform VIN Synchronization.

(c) Turn the ignition switch off and wait for 5 minutes.

(d) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(e) Check that a banner indicating that the VIN synchronization was successful is displayed at the top of the screen within 10 minutes of turning the ignition switch to ON.



  • When the following parts are replaced, check the software version.
    • Radio and display receiver assembly
  • When replacing the radio and display receiver assembly, make sure to check that the software has been updated for the following parts prior to replacing the assembly.

    If the radio and display receiver assembly is replaced during a software update, the internally stored information will no longer match the information from the radio and display receiver assembly, the software update will not be completed normally and the part will need to be replaced.

(a) Select settings on the multi-display to display the settings screen.

(b) Select "Software update" on the settings screen to display the software update screen.

(c) Select "Model info" on the software update screen and check the software version information of the replaced part.

(d) Compare the latest software version with the software version of the replaced part.

(e) If the software version is not the latest, proceed to the following step.


If the software version is the latest, the procedure is complete.



Refer to Service Bulletin.

(a) Download the software update data and store it in the root folder of a USB memory device.


  • The USB memory device must be formatted as FAT32 only.
  • Prepare a USB memory device with free space of at least 4 GB.


(a) Check for DTCs and note any codes that are output.

Body Electrical > Navigation System > Trouble Codes

(b) Insert the USB memory device containing the update data into the stereo jack adapter assembly.


It may take several minutes to detect update data.

(c) Select settings on the multi-display to display the settings screen.

(d) Select "Software update" on the settings screen to display the software update screen.

(e) If the "Update Software" button is displayed on the software update screen, perform the following.

(1) Select "Update Software" on the software update screen.

(2) Terms of service screen is displayed. Select "Accept".


Content displayed on the terms of service screen is not displayed appropriately in the case of USB reprogramming. However, continue the procedure.

(f) If the "Update Software" button is not displayed on the software update screen, perform the following.

(1) Select "View" on the software update screen.

(2) Update available screen is displayed. Select "OK".

(3) Terms of service screen is displayed. Select "Accept".


Content displayed on the update available and terms of service screens is not displayed appropriately in the case of USB reprogramming. However, continue the procedure.

(g) The software update starts and a progress bar of the software rewriting status is displayed.


  • Do not remove the USB memory device until the software update is completed.
  • Update the software with the engine or hybrid system started and the parking brake operated.
  • Do not operate the multi-display or the vehicle while updating software, as the following could occur.
    • The software update is suspended or canceled.
    • Multi-display response becomes noticeably worse.

(h) Check that the installation is completed and an installation complete notification is displayed.


  • The installation complete notification is automatically cleared after 3 seconds.
  • Once installation is complete, "Software will be updated to latest edition after ignition on or off" is displayed on the software update screen.

(i) Turn the ignition switch off.

(j) Turn the ignition switch to ON, wait approximately 1 minute, and then check that a software update complete notification is displayed.


An update complete report output notification may be displayed depending on the communication status, and a update complete report (a file with a json extension) may be created in the USB memory device. Delete this file as it is unnecessary.

(k) Check for DTCs.

Body Electrical > Navigation System > Trouble Codes

(l) If a DTC is output, clear the DTC.

Body Electrical > Navigation System > Clear DTCs


A CAN communication system DTC may be stored while updating software.