Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000025UOD
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [09/2022 - 09/2024]
Title: EA67F / EA68F (MANUAL TRANSMISSION / TRANSAXLE): MANUAL TRANSAXLE SYSTEM: TERMINALS OF ECM; 2023 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [09/2022 - 09/2024]




The standard voltage and resistance of each ECM terminal is shown in the table below.

The appropriate conditions for checking each pair of terminals are also indicated. The result of checks should be compared with the standard voltage or resistance for that pair of terminals shown in the "Specified Condition" column

Use the illustration above as a reference for the ECM terminals.

Terminal No. (Symbol)

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

A139-4 (MTMS) - A139-10 (E1)

iMT switch (pattern select switch assembly) signal

Engine switch on (IG), iMT switch (pattern select switch assembly) pushed

Below 1.5 V

Engine switch on (IG), iMT switch (pattern select switch assembly) not pushed

11 to 14 V

A139-43 (VCCL) - A139-44 (E2CL)

Power supply for clutch stroke sensor

Engine switch on (IG)

4.5 to 5.5 V

A139-52 (CLS) - A139-44 (E2CL)

Clutch pedal stroke sensor signal

Engine switch on (IG), clutch pedal fully released

0.2 to 1.5 V

Engine switch on (IG), clutch pedal fully depressed

2.5 to 4.8 V

C142-104 (THOM) - C142-126 (ETHM)

Manual transaxle oil temperature sensor (temperature sensor) signal

manual transaxle oil temperature: 60 to 120°C (140 to 248°F)

0.2 to 1.0 V