Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM10000000255XW
Model Year Start: 2023 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [09/2022 -           ]
Title: G16E-GTS (BATTERY / CHARGING): CHARGING SYSTEM: VEHICLE CONTROL HISTORY (RoB); 2023 - 2025 MY GR Corolla [09/2022 -        ]



(a) Connect the GTS to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the GTS on.

(d) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine / Utility / Vehicle Control History (RoB).

Powertrain > Engine > Utility

Tester Display

Vehicle Control History (RoB)

Vehicle Control History Item


Tester Display

Measurement Item

Diagnostic Note


Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low at Start

History of low battery voltage at engine control system start



Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low at IG OFF

History of low battery voltage when ignition switch off



Auxiliary Battery Discharge at IG OFF

History of battery becoming discharged when ignition switch off



Auxiliary Battery Discharge at Running

History of battery becoming discharged while vehicle being driven



Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low during Running

History of drop in the battery voltage while vehicle being driven



Auxiliary Battery Voltage High during Running

History of rise in the battery voltage while vehicle being driven



(a) Connect the GTS to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the GTS on.

(d) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine / Utility / Vehicle Control History (RoB) / Clear.


By performing this procedure, all stored Vehicle Control History items will be cleared.


(a) Connect the GTS to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the GTS on.

(d) Enter the following menus: Powertrain / Engine / Utility / Vehicle Control History (RoB).

Powertrain > Engine > Utility

Tester Display

Vehicle Control History (RoB)

(e) Select a Vehicle Control History item to access the applicable Freeze Frame Data.

(f) Check the Freeze Frame Data recorded with the Vehicle Control History.

Vehicle Control History Data

GTS Display


Total Distance Traveled

Driving distance

Total Distance Traveled - Unit

Unit of driving distance

BATT Voltage

Battery voltage

Initial Engine Battery Minimum Voltage

Minimum voltage at engine start

Alternator Voltage - Non Active Test

Requested voltage when the regulator forced operation is not executed

Alternator Output Duty Ratio

LIN terminal output (power generation rate)

Auxiliary Battery Voltage

Battery voltage

(+B1, +B2 terminal)

Auxiliary Battery Integrated Current

Battery capacity taking into account battery deterioration.

Smoothed Value of Auxiliary Battery Temperature

Calculated battery fluid temperature by battery state sensor assembly

Auxiliary Battery Internal Resistance

Internal resistance of battery

Auxiliary Battery Internal Resistance Accuracy

Information on accuracy of battery internal resistance

  • Low: Not measured
  • Middle: Undefined
  • High: Measured
  • Disable: Initial value/malfunction

Auxiliary Battery Charge Rate

Battery charge percentage calculated by battery state sensor assembly

Auxiliary Battery Charging Rate Accuracy

Accuracy of battery charge percentage calculated by battery state sensor assembly

Auxiliary Battery Charging Capacity

Charge of battery calculated by battery state sensor assembly

Auxiliary Battery SOH Accuracy

Information on accuracy of battery capacity (SOH)

  • Low: Not learned
  • Middle: Undefined
  • High: Learning completed
  • Disable: Initial value/malfunction

Auxiliary Battery Charging Integrated Current

Battery charging integrated current from time battery was installed to present

Auxiliary Battery Discharging Integrated Current

Battery discharging integrated current from time battery was installed to present

Auxiliary Battery Integrated Thermal Load

Integrated thermal load from time battery was installed to present

Auxiliary Battery SOC at IG ON

Battery status of charge after ignition switch turned to ON

Auxiliary Battery SOC at IG OFF

Battery status of charge after ignition switch turned off

Estimated Open Ended Auxiliary Battery Voltage when IG OFF

Estimated battery release voltage calculated when ignition switch is off by the battery state sensor assembly

Auxiliary Battery Average Current during IG OFF

Average current while parked (average value of current consumed from when the ignition switch is off until lit is ON)

IG OFF Time just before IG ON

Parking duration (duration from when the ignition switch is off until it is ON)

Auxiliary Battery Average Current when Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low (during IG OFF)

Average current when system judges that voltage is low while parked (average current value when the ignition switch is off until the system judges the voltage is low while parked)

IG OFF Time when Auxiliary Battery Voltage Low (during IG OFF)

Parking duration when system judges that voltage is low while parked (duration from when the ignition switch is off until the system judges the voltage is low while parked)

Status of Alternator Temperature High

High temperature due to heavy load on alternator

Alternator Max Output Accumulated Time during Trip

Accumulated time of alternator maximum output (duty: 100%) during single trip

Alternator Output Voltage

Voltage generated by alternator

Alternator Speed

Speed of alternator

Alternator Temperature

Temperature of alternator

Alternator Target Voltage

Voltage commanded to alternator

Communication Error with Alternator

LIN communication malfunction in alternator

LIN Communication Error with Auxiliary Battery Sensor

LIN communication malfunction in battery state sensor assembly

Average Engine Speed

Average engine speed after engine starts during the current trip