Last Modified: 12-11-2024 |
6.11:8.1.0 |
Doc ID: RM100000001N4PP |
Model Year Start: 2021 |
Model: Corolla |
Prod Date Range: [04/2020 -
] |
Title: CELLULAR COMMUNICATION: SAFETY CONNECT SYSTEM (for HV Model): DCM ACTIVATION; 2021 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla HV [04/2020 - ] |
If the DCM (telematics transceiver) has been replaced, it is necessary to perform the Register Vehicle Information procedure.
(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
(b) Turn the power switch on (IG).
(c) Turn the Techstream on.
(d) Choose "Telematics" from the System Selection Menu, and then click "Utility".
(e) Click "VIN Synchronization" on the Utility Selection Menu.
Body Electrical > Telematics > Utility
Tester Display
VIN Synchronization
(f) According to the display on the Techstream, read the IMEI, ICCID, software version and VIN.
(g) Turn the power switch off.
(h) Turn the power switch to on (IG) and wait until only the manual (SOS) switch green indicator turns on.
If only the manual (SOS) switch green indicator does not turn on even after 1 minutes elapse with the power switch on (IG), refer to "GREEN INDICATOR REMAINS OFF".
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