Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM100000001HUQR
Model Year Start: 2020 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [03/2019 - 09/2022]
Title: MAINTENANCE: TIRE AND WHEEL: REMOVAL; 2020 - 2022 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [03/2019 - 09/2022]



1. REMOVE WHEEL CAP (w/ Wheel Cap (except Bolt-On Cover Type))

(a) Remove the wheel cap.


(a) w/o Lock Nut:

(1) Loosen the axle hub nuts approximately 90°.

(2) Lift up the vehicle and remove the axle hub nuts and wheel assembly.

(b) w/ Lock Nut:

(1) Loosen the lock nut approximately 90°.

(2) Loosen the axle hub nuts approximately 90°.

(3) Lift up the vehicle and remove the lock nut, axle hub nuts and wheel assembly.

3. REMOVE WHEEL CAP (w/ Wheel Cap (for Bolt-On Cover Type))

(a) Remove the wheel cap.