Last Modified: 12-11-2024 |
6.11:8.1.0 |
Doc ID: RM100000001GV4H |
Model Year Start: 2020 |
Model: GR Corolla |
Prod Date Range: [01/2019 -
] |
Title: LIGHTING (EXT): REAR LIGHT ASSEMBLY (for Sedan): INSPECTION; 2020 - 2025 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback Corolla HV GR Corolla [01/2019 - ] |
1. INSPECT REAR LIGHT LENS AND BODY LH (for LED Type Rear Side Marker Light)
Component without harness connected
(Rear Light Lens and Body LH)
(a) Illumination Inspection
(1) Install the rear light socket and wire LH.
(2) Apply auxiliary battery voltage to the rear light lens and body LH and check that the light illuminates.
Specified Condition
Auxiliary battery positive (+) → Terminal O110-3 (B)
Auxiliary battery negative (-) → Terminal O110-2 (E)
Tail light illuminates
If the result is not as specified, replace the rear light lens and body LH.
2. INSPECT REAR LIGHT LENS AND BODY RH (for LED Type Rear Side Marker Light)
Component without harness connected
(Rear Light Lens and Body RH)
(a) Illumination Inspection
(1) Install the rear light socket and wire RH.
(2) Apply auxiliary battery voltage to the rear light lens and body RH and check that the light illuminates.
Specified Condition
Auxiliary battery positive (+) → Terminal O109-3 (B)
Auxiliary battery negative (-) → Terminal O109-2 (E)
Tail light illuminates
If the result is not as specified, replace the rear light lens and body RH.