4A-10 - Body ground
G - Body ground
Back-up lights drive output
Ignition switch off, reverse (R) not selected
Below 1 V
Ignition switch ON, reverse (R) selected
11 to 14 V
4A-30 - Body ground
L - Body ground
Taillights, rear side marker lights and license plate lights drive output
Taillights on
11 to 14 V
Taillight off
Below 1 V
4B-19 - Body ground
GR - Body ground
BKUP LP relay drive output
Ignition switch off, reverse (R) not selected
Below 1 V
Ignition switch ON, reverse (R) selected
11 to 14 V
4B-23 - Body ground
LG - Body ground*2
R - Body ground*3
BKUP LP relay drive output
Ignition switch off
Below 1 V
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
4B-28 - Body ground
P - Body ground
Daytime running light system drive output
Daytime running light system operating
Below 1 V
Daytime running light system not operating
11 to 14 V
4B-31 - Body ground
G - Body ground
H-LP LH relay drive output
Light control switch in head position
Below 1 V
Taillight off
11 to 14 V
4B-32 - Body ground
L - Body ground
Front side marker lights, parking lights and accessory lights*7 drive output
Taillights on
11 to 14 V
Taillight off
Below 1 V
4E-38 - Body ground*1
SB - Body ground
Parking brake switch input
Ignition switch ON, parking brake switch on
Below 1 V
Ignition switch ON, parking brake switch off
11 to 14 V
4E-40 - Body ground*2
R - Body ground
BKUP LP relay drive output
Ignition switch off
Below 1 V
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
4E-52 - Body ground*4
R - Body ground
FR FOG relay drive output
Taillights on, fog light switch in front position
Below 1 V
Taillights on, fog light switch in off position
11 to 14 V
4F-11 - Body ground*4
GR - Body ground
Tail signal output
Taillights on
11 to 14 V
Taillights off
Below 1 V
I84-21 (AHID) - Body ground*5
LG - Body ground
Auto high beam switch indicator drive output
Ignition switch ON, auto high beam switch on
Below 1 V
Ignition switch ON, auto high beam switch off
11 to 14 V
I85-12 (HRY2) - Body ground
G - Body ground
H-LP RH relay drive output
Light control switch in head position
Below 1 V
Taillight off
11 to 14 V
I85-13 (DIM) - Body ground
Y - Body ground
High beam headlight drive output
Light control switch in head position and dimmer switch in high or high flash position
Below 1 V
Dimmer switch not in high or high flash position
11 to 14 V
I85-16 (HEAD) - Body ground
L - Body ground
Light control switch head position input
Light control switch in head position
Below 1 V
Light control switch not in head position
11 to 14 V
I85-23 (CLTB) - I85-25 (CLTE)
R - B
Automatic light control sensor power supply output
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
I85-24 (CLTS) - Body ground
W - Body ground
Automatic light control sensor signal input
Ignition switch off
Below 1 V
Ignition switch ON
Pulse generation
(See waveform 1)
I85-26 (AHBI) - Body ground*5
L - Body ground
Auto high beam switch signal input
Auto high beam switch on
Below 1 V
Auto high beam switch off
11 to 14 V
I86-14 (LLEW) - Body ground*6
L - Body ground
Light control ECU signal input
Ignition switch ON, taillight off
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, light control switch in head position
Pulse generation
I86-15 (RLEW) - Body ground*6
B - Body ground
Light control ECU signal input
Ignition switch ON, taillight off
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, light control switch in head position
Pulse generation
I86-19 (GND2) - Body ground
W-B - Body ground
Below 1 Ω