Last Modified: 12-11-2024 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM100000001G8P7
Model Year Start: 2020 Model: GR Corolla Prod Date Range: [01/2019 - 09/2022]
Title: DOOR LOCK: POWER DOOR LOCK CONTROL SYSTEM (for Sedan, Gasoline Model): CUSTOMIZE PARAMETERS; 2020 - 2022 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [01/2019 - 09/2022]




  • When the customer requests a change in a function, first make sure that the function can be customized.
  • Be sure to make a note of the current settings before customizing.
  • When troubleshooting a function, first make sure that the function is set to the default setting.


The following items can be customized.

(a) Customizing with the Techstream

(1) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(2) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(3) Turn the Techstream on.

(4) Enter the following menus: Customize Setting / Door Lock.

(5) Select the setting by referring to the table below.

Door Lock

Tester Display





Unlock Key Twice

Function that unlocks only the driver door when the driver door key cylinder is turned to unlock once, and unlocks all doors when it is turned to unlock twice. For the OFF setting, turning it once unlocks all doors.



Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

Auto Lock

for Manual Transaxle

  • Function that locks all doors when the vehicle reaches a certain speed.



Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

All Unlock/Open-Close

for Manual Transaxle

  • Function that unlocks the other doors when the driver door is opened within approximately 43 seconds of the ignition switch being turned off



Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

Automatic Door Lock Function

except Manual Transaxle

  • Link Shift: Function that locks all doors when the shift lever is moved out of P, with the ignition switch ON and all doors closed
  • Link Speed: Function that locks all of the doors when the vehicle speed reaches a certain level

Link Shift

00:OFF,01:Link Shift,10:Link Speed

Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

Automatic Door Unlock Function

except Manual Transaxle

  • Link D-door: Function that unlocks the other doors when the driver door is opened within approximately 43 seconds of the ignition switch being turned off
  • Link Shift: Function that unlocks all doors when the shift lever is moved to P from any position other than P with the ignition switch ON

Link Shift

00:OFF,01:Link D-door,10:Link Shift

Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

Trunk Link with Door Lock

Function that opens the luggage compartment door when the luggage electrical key switch is pressed and all doors are unlocked using the entry unlock function*, wireless door unlock function, mechanical key or door control switch.



Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

  • *: w/ Smart Key System

(b) Customizing with the multi-display

(1) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(2) Enter the following menus: Setup / Vehicle / Vehicle Customization / Door Lock Settings.

(3) Select the setting by referring to the table below.





Relevant ECU

Auto Lock by Speed

for Manual Transaxle

  • Function that locks all doors when the vehicle reaches a certain speed.


On or Off

Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

Auto Unlock by Driver Door

for Manual Transaxle

  • Function that unlocks the other doors when the driver door is opened within approximately 43 seconds of the ignition switch being turned off


On or Off

Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

Automatic Door Lock

except Manual Transaxle

  • By Shift from P: Function that locks all doors when the shift lever is moved out of P, with the ignition switch ON and all doors closed
  • By Speed: Function that locks all of the doors when the vehicle speed reaches a certain level

By Shift from P

By Speed, By Shift from P or Off

Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)

Automatic Door Unlock

except Manual Transaxle

  • By Driver Door: Function that unlocks the other doors when the driver door is opened within approximately 43 seconds of the ignition switch being turned off
  • By Shift to P: Function that unlocks all doors when the shift lever is moved to P from any position other than P with the ignition switch ON

By Shift to P

By Shift to P, By Driver Door or Off

Main body ECU (Multiplex network body ECU)