HD Radio Tuner Malfunction
When any of the following conditions is met:
"HD Radio" tuner decorder malfunction
"HD Radio" tuner audio output section malfunction
"HD Radio" tuner decorder RF/IF malfunction
Radio and display receiver assembly
Video Signal Stoppage
The internal video signal of the radio and display receiver assembly is interrupted
Radio and display receiver assembly
LAN Master Malfunction
When either of the following conditions is met:
Bus malfunction
EEPROM error
Radio and display receiver assembly
Display Screen Malfunction
Picture circuit (TFT unit) malfunction
Radio and display receiver assembly
Radio Tuner Malfunction
When any of the following conditions is met:
AM tuner PLL is unlocked
FM tuner PLL is unlocked
Tuner malfunction
Radio and display receiver assembly
Bluetooth Module Malfunction
"Bluetooth" module malfunction
Radio and display receiver assembly
XM Tuner Malfunction
When either condition below is met:
Internal IC malfunction
Tuner malfunction
Radio and display receiver assembly