Last Modified: 12-11-2024 |
6.11:8.1.0 |
Doc ID: RM100000001CUR0 |
Model Year Start: 2019 |
Model: GR Corolla |
Prod Date Range: [06/2018 - 09/2022] |
Title: CRUISE CONTROL: FRONT CAMERA SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model): UTILITY; 2019 - 2022 MY Corolla Corolla Hatchback GR Corolla [06/2018 - 09/2022] |
If the forward recognition camera has been replaced with a new one or the windshield glass has been removed and installed, it is necessary to perform forward recognition camera adjustment.
Forward recognition camera adjustment can be performed by using either One Time Recognition or Sequential Recognition.
One Time Recognition: Click here
Sequential Recognition: Click here
When replacing the windshield glass of a vehicle equipped with a forward recognition camera, make sure to use a Toyota genuine part. If a non-Toyota genuine part is used, the forward recognition camera may not be able to be installed due to a missing bracket or the front camera system may not operate properly due to a difference in the transmissivity or black ceramic border.
Recognition Camera/Target Position Memory
Recognition Camera/Target Position Memory is used to enter required information into the forward recognition camera.
(a) Perform Recognition Camera/Target Position Memory according to the display on the Techstream.
Chassis > Front Recognition Camera > Utility
Tester Display
Recognition Camera/Target Position Memory
For forward recognition camera adjustment procedures.
Forward recognition camera adjustment can be performed by using either One Time Recognition or Sequential Recognition.
One Time Recognition: Click here
Sequential Recognition: Click here
Recognition Camera Axis Adjust is used to calibrate the internal data of the forward recognition camera to enhance its recognition accuracy.
Recognition Camera Axis Adjust
(a) Perform Recognition Camera Axis Adjust according to the display on the Techstream.
Type A
Chassis > Front Recognition Camera > Utility
Tester Display
Recognition Camera Axis Adjust
Type B
Chassis > Front Recognition Camera > Utility
Tester Display
Recognition Camera Axis Adjust
For forward recognition camera adjustment procedures.
Forward recognition camera adjustment can be performed by using either One Time Recognition or Sequential Recognition.
One Time Recognition: Click here
Sequential Recognition: Click here
PCS Image Information Clear
PCS Image Information Clear is used to clear the PCS Image Information data.
(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
(b) Turn the engine switch on (IG).
(c) Turn the Techstream on.
(d) Enter the following menus: Chassis / front recognition camera / Utility / PCS Image Information Clear.
(e) Perform PCS Image Information Clear according to the display on the Techstream.
Chassis > Front Recognition Camera > Utility
Tester Display
PCS Image Information Clear
PCS Image Record Setting
PCS Image Record Setting is used to activate/deactivate the PCS image recording function.
(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
(b) Turn the engine switch on (IG).
(c) Turn the Techstream on.
(d) Enter the following menus: Chassis / front recognition camera / Utility / PCS Image Record Setting.
(e) Perform PCS Image Record Setting according to the display on the Techstream.
Chassis > Front Recognition Camera > Utility
Tester Display
PCS Image Record Setting