Last Modified: 08-21-2023 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM100000001XSYA
Model Year Start: 2022 Model: Avalon Prod Date Range: [08/2021 -           ]
Title: BRAKE SYSTEM (OTHER): BRAKE PEDAL (for Gasoline Model): ADJUSTMENT; 2022 MY Avalon [08/2021 -        ]




(a) Remove the front door scuff plate LH.

Click here 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [08/2021 -        ]; INTERIOR PANELS / TRIM: ROOF HEADLINING: REMOVAL+

(b) Remove the cowl side trim sub-assembly LH.

Click here 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [08/2021 -        ]; INTERIOR PANELS / TRIM: ROOF HEADLINING: REMOVAL+

(c) Remove the No. 1 instrument panel under cover sub-assembly.

Click here 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [08/2021 -        ]; INTERIOR PANELS / TRIM: INSTRUMENT PANEL SAFETY PAD: REMOVAL+

(d) Remove the accelerator pedal pad.

for A25A-FKS: Click here 2021 - 2022 MY Avalon [08/2020 -        ]; A25A-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): ACCELERATOR PEDAL: REMOVAL+

for 2GR-FKS: Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon [04/2018 -        ]; 2GR-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): ACCELERATOR PEDAL: REMOVAL+

(e) Remove the accelerator pedal.

for A25A-FKS: Click here 2021 - 2022 MY Avalon [08/2020 -        ]; A25A-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): ACCELERATOR PEDAL: REMOVAL+

for 2GR-FKS: Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon [04/2018 -        ]; 2GR-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): ACCELERATOR PEDAL: REMOVAL+

(f) Check the brake pedal height.


Inspect and adjust the brake pedal height with the floor carpet and front floor mat folded back.

(1) Measure the shortest distance between the brake pedal pad surface and floor panel as shown in the illustration.


Brake Pedal Pad




Brake Pedal Height


Measuring Plane of Floor Panel


41 mm (1.61 in.)



Brake Pedal Height from Floor Panel:

147.5 to 161.5 mm (5.81 to 6.36 in.)


If the brake pedal height is not as specified, inspect and adjust the push rod length according to the procedure below.

(g) Adjust the push rod length.

(1) Remove the stop light switch assembly.

Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [04/2018 -        ]; LIGHTING (EXT): STOP LIGHT SWITCH: REMOVAL


Lock Nut


Stop Light Switch Assembly


Floor Panel


Brake Pedal Height

(2) Loosen the lock nut.

(3) Adjust the brake pedal height by turning the push rod.

Brake Pedal Height from Floor Panel:

147.5 to 161.5 mm (5.81 to 6.36 in.)

(4) Tighten the lock nut.


26 N·m {265 kgf·cm, 19 ft·lbf}

(5) Install the stop light switch assembly.

Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [04/2018 -        ]; LIGHTING (EXT): STOP LIGHT SWITCH: INSTALLATION

(h) Install the accelerator pedal.

for A25A-FKS: Click here 2021 - 2022 MY Avalon [08/2020 -        ]; A25A-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): ACCELERATOR PEDAL: INSTALLATION+

for 2GR-FKS: Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon [04/2018 -        ]; 2GR-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): ACCELERATOR PEDAL: INSTALLATION+

(i) Install the accelerator pedal pad.

for A25A-FKS: Click here 2021 - 2022 MY Avalon [08/2020 -        ]; A25A-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): ACCELERATOR PEDAL: INSTALLATION+

for 2GR-FKS: Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon [04/2018 -        ]; 2GR-FKS (ENGINE CONTROL): ACCELERATOR PEDAL: INSTALLATION+

(j) Install the No. 1 instrument panel under cover sub-assembly.

Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [04/2018 -        ]; INTERIOR PANELS / TRIM: INSTRUMENT PANEL SAFETY PAD: INSTALLATION+

(k) Install the cowl side trim sub-assembly LH.

Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [04/2018 -        ]; INTERIOR PANELS / TRIM: INSTRUMENT PANEL SAFETY PAD: INSTALLATION+

(l) Install the front door scuff plate LH.

Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [04/2018 -        ]; INTERIOR PANELS / TRIM: INSTRUMENT PANEL SAFETY PAD: INSTALLATION+


(a) Stop the engine and firmly depress the brake pedal several times until no vacuum is left in the brake booster assembly.

(b) Depress the brake pedal until a slight resistance is felt. Measure the distance as shown in the illustration.

Brake Pedal Free Play:

1.0 to 6.0 mm (0.0394 to 0.236 in.)


  • If the brake pedal free play is not as specified, check the stop light switch clearance.

    Click here 2019 - 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [04/2018 -        ]; LIGHTING (EXT): STOP LIGHT SWITCH: INSTALLATION+

  • If the brake pedal free play is as specified, proceed to the Inspect Brake Pedal Reserve Distance procedure.


Brake Pedal Free Play



Measure the distance at the same point used for the brake pedal height inspection.

(a) With the engine running, depress the brake pedal and measure the brake pedal reserve distance as shown in the illustration.


Brake Pedal Pad




Brake Pedal Reserve Distance


Measuring Plane of Floor Panel


41 mm (1.61 in.)



Brake Pedal Reserve Distance from Floor Panel at 300 N (31 kgf, 67.4 lbf):

81 mm (3.19 in.) or more


If the distance is not as specified, troubleshoot the brake system.

Click here 2020 - 2022 MY Avalon [08/2019 -        ]; BRAKE SYSTEM (OTHER): BRAKE SYSTEM (for Gasoline Model): PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE