A28-30 (+BS) - Body ground
G - Body ground
Parking brake motor power supply
11 to 14 V
A28-36 (IG1) - Body ground
B - Body ground
IG power supply
Engine switch ON
11 to 14 V
A28-46 (GND1) - Body ground
W-B - Body ground
Below 1 Ω
A28-14 (GND2) - Body ground
W-B - Body ground
Below 1 Ω
A28-2 (MRR+) - Body ground
Y - Body ground
Parking brake motor RH (parking brake actuator assembly RH) (+)
A28-3 (MRR-) - Body ground
L - Body ground
Parking brake motor RH (parking brake actuator assembly RH) (-)
A28-13 (MRL+) - Body ground
G - Body ground
Parking brake motor LH (parking brake actuator assembly LH) (+)
A28-12 (MRL-) - Body ground
W - Body ground
Parking brake motor LH (parking brake actuator assembly LH) (-)
A28-18 (POL) - Body ground
L - Body ground
Electric parking brake switch indicator light
A28-31 (SWI1) - Body ground
P - Body ground
Electric parking brake switch
A28-32 (SWO1) - Body ground
SB - Body ground
Electric parking brake switch
A28-15 (SWI2) - Body ground
W - Body ground
Electric parking brake switch
A28-16 (SWO2) - Body ground
V - Body ground
Electric parking brake switch
A28-5 (CANH) - Body ground
Y - Body ground
CAN communication line H
A28-19 (CANL) - Body ground
W - Body ground
CAN communication line L