G16-1 (ILL-) - Body ground
LA-L - Body ground
Illumination signal
Taillights off → Taillights on
Below 1 V → Pulse generation
G16-2 (EP) - Body ground
W-B - Body ground
Below 1 Ω
G16-4 (INT) - Body ground
L - Body ground
Tire pressure warning ECU and receiver signal
Engine switch on (IG)
Steering pad switch assembly operated, "TPWS" selected on the multi-information display and "OK" switch (steering pad switch assembly) pressed and held → "OK" switch (steering pad switch assembly) off
Below 1.5 V → 8 to 15 V
G16-5 (SI) - Body ground
W - Body ground
Speed signal for other systems (Input)
Engine switch on (IG), wheel being rotated
Pulse generation (See waveform 1)
G16-6 (+S) - Body ground
L - Body ground
Speed signal for other systems (Output)
Engine switch on (IG), wheel being rotated
Pulse generation (See waveform 1)
G16-7 (VCM) - Body ground
BE - Body ground
Vacuum warning switch signal
Engine started, vacuum warning switch off (brake warning light off) → Vacuum warning switch on (brake warning light on)
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
G16-9 (S) - Body ground*1
LA-R - Body ground
Engine oil pressure signal
Engine not started → Engine started
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V
G16-12 (SW) - Body ground
G - Body ground
Brake fluid level signal
Engine switch on (IG), brake fluid level not low (brake warning light off) → Brake fluid level low (brake warning light on)
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
G16-14 (FR) - G16-33 (FE)
LG - BE*2 or SB*3
Fuel level signal
Engine switch on (IG), fuel level full → Fuel level low (fuel level warning light on)
Pulse generation (See waveform 2)
G16-15 (FV) - Body ground
GR*2 or L*3 - Body ground
Fuel sender gauge (Power source)
Engine switch on (IG)
Pulse generation (See waveform 3)
G16-17 (WLVL) - Body ground
LG - Body ground
Washer fluid level signal
Engine switch on (IG), washer fluid level not low → Washer fluid level low
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
G16-18 (RLMT) -Body ground
BE - Body ground
Rear seat belt warning light LH signal
Rear seat belt warning light LH (radio and display receiver assembly) off → Rear seat belt warning light LH (radio and display receiver assembly) on
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
G16-19 (RCMT) -Body ground
R - Body ground
Rear seat belt warning light center signal
Rear seat belt warning light center (radio and display receiver assembly) off → Rear seat belt warning light center (radio and display receiver assembly) on
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
G16-20 (RRMT) -Body ground
G - Body ground
Rear seat belt warning light RH signal
Rear seat belt warning light RH (radio and display receiver assembly) off → Rear seat belt warning light RH (radio and display receiver assembly) on
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
G16-21 (ES) - Body ground
W-B - Body ground
Below 1 Ω
G16-24 (RLSB) - Body ground
SB - Body ground
Rear seat belt buckle switch LH signal
Engine switch on (IG), rear seat belt LH unfastened → Fastened
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V
G16-25 (RCSB) - Body ground
B - Body ground
Rear seat belt buckle switch center signal
Engine switch on (IG), rear seat belt center unfastened → Fastened
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V
G16-26 (RRSB) - Body ground
LG - Body ground
Rear seat belt buckle switch RH signal
Engine switch on (IG), rear seat belt RH unfastened → Fastened
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V
G16-27 (OILW) - Body ground
W - Body ground
Engine oil level signal
Engine switch on (IG), engine oil level not low → Engine oil level low
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V
G16-28 (MSM+) - Body ground
GR - Body ground
Steering pad switch assembly signal
Engine switch on (IG), up, down, right and left switches on steering pad switch assembly not pushed
4.8 to 5.2 V
G16-29 (MSTI) - Body ground
R - Body ground
Steering pad switch assembly signal
Engine switch on (IG), OK and back switches on steering pad switch assembly not pushed
4.8 to 5.2 V
G16-31 (CANL)
CAN communication line
G16-32 (CANH)
CAN communication line
G16-33 (FE) - Body ground
BE*2 or SB*3 - Body ground
Below 1 Ω
G16-35 (FR2) - G16-33 (FE)*3
V - SB
Fuel level signal
Engine switch on (IG), fuel level full → Fuel level low (fuel level warning light on)
Pulse generation (See waveform 2)
G16-36 (TX+)
Local bus communication line
G16-37 (TX-)
Local bus communication line
G16-39 (IG+) - Body ground
GR - Body ground
Engine switch signal
Engine switch off → Engine switch on (IG)
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V
G16-40 (B) - Body ground
LA-B - Body ground
11 to 14 V
G15-1 (ODO) - Body ground
LA-L - Body ground
ODO/TRIP switch signal
Engine switch on (IG), ODO/TRIP switch (trip switch) not pushed
4.8 to 5.2 V
G15-2 (TR) - Body ground
L - Body ground
Light control rheostat switch signal
Engine switch on (IG), light control rheostat up switch (trip switch) and light control rheostat down switch (trip switch) not pushed
4.8 to 5.2 V
G15-3 (HAZ) - Body ground
LA-R - Body ground
Hazard warning switch signal
Hazard warning switch assembly (radio and display receiver assembly) off → Hazard warning switch assembly (radio and display receiver assembly) pushed
11 to 14 V → Below 1 V
G15-5 (SW3) - Body ground
LA-B - Body ground
Ground for trip switch
Below 1 Ω
G15-7 (LR) - Body ground
LA-G - Body ground
Front turn signal light RH signal
RH turn indicator light off → RH turn indicator light blinking
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V ←→ Below 1 V
G15-8 (B) - Body ground
LA-B - Body ground
11 to 14 V
G15-10 (TRNL) - Body ground
BE - Body ground
Rear turn signal light LH signal
LH turn indicator light off → LH turn indicator light blinking
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V ←→ Below 1 V
G15-11 (LL) - Body ground
LA-LG - Body ground
Front turn signal light LH signal
LH turn indicator light off → LH turn indicator light blinking
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V ←→ Below 1 V
G15-13 (TRNR) - Body ground
BE - Body ground
Rear turn signal light RH signal
RH turn indicator light off → RH turn indicator light blinking
Below 1 V → 11 to 14 V ←→ Below 1 V