Last Modified: 08-21-2023 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM100000001PY47
Model Year Start: 2021 Model: Avalon HV Prod Date Range: [08/2020 -           ]
Title: CELLULAR COMMUNICATION: SAFETY CONNECT SYSTEM: ACN CALL END; 2021 - 2022 MY Avalon Avalon HV [08/2020 -        ]



This function terminates the ACN (Automatic Collision Notification) to the telematics provider. After a collision in which the DCM receives "Collision Detection Signal", the vehicle will send the emergency call notification to the telematics provider until the emergency call cancellation utility has been run, or the BUB (Back-Up Battery) (if equipped) is depleted. Use the emergency call cancellation utility to stop the ACN call.


The BUB (Back-Up Battery) must not be replaced while an ACN call is in progress.

(a) Connect the GTS to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(c) Turn the GTS on.

(d) Choose "Telematics" from the System Selection Menu, and then click "Utility".

(e) Click "Emergency Call Cancellation " on the Utility Selection Menu.

Body Electrical > Telematics > Utility

Tester Display

Emergency Call Cancellation

(f) Follow the instructions on the GTS.