(Up&Down)G Sensor FR
Front acceleration sensor RH (up and down)
Min.: -1045.29 m/s2
Max.: 1045.26 m/s2
-0.98 to 0.98 m/s2 when stationary
The value changes when the vehicle (front RH) is bounced.
(Up&Down)G Sensor FL
Front acceleration sensor LH (up and down)
Min.: -1045.29 m/s2
Max.: 1045.26 m/s2
-0.98 to 0.98 m/s2 when stationary
The value changes when the vehicle (front LH) is bounced.
(Up&Down)G Sensor Rear
Rear acceleration sensor (up and down)
Min.: -1045.29 m/s2
Max.: 1045.26 m/s2
-0.98 to 0.98 m/s2 when stationary
The value changes when the vehicle (rear) is bounced.
IG Power Source Voltage
ECU power supply voltage
Min.: 0.0 V
Max.: 25.5 V
11 to 14 V (Actual ECU power supply voltage): Engine switch on (IG)
G Sensor Voltage
G sensor power supply voltage
Min.: 0.0 V
Max.: 25.5 V
4.8 to 5.2 V
ECU Substrate Temperature
Current ECU substrate temperature
Min.: 40°C
Max.: 120°C
Displays current ECU substrate temperature
FR Solenoid Aim Electric Current Level for Control
Target solenoid current value (front wheel RH)
Min.: 0 mA
Max.: 2040 mA
Changes depending on target damping force
FL Solenoid Aim Electric Current Level for Control
Target solenoid current value (front wheel LH)
Min.: 0 mA
Max.: 2040 mA
Changes depending on target damping force
RR Solenoid Aim Electric Current Level for Control
Target solenoid current value (rear wheel RH)
Min.: 0 mA
Max.: 2040 mA
Changes depending on target damping force
RL Solenoid Aim Electric Current Level for Control
Target solenoid current value (rear wheel LH)
Min.: 0 mA
Max.: 2040 mA
Changes depending on target damping force
FR Solenoid Electric Current
Solenoid current value (front wheel RH)
Min.: 0 mA
Max.: 2040 mA
Changes depending on target damping force
FL Solenoid Electric Current
Solenoid current value (front wheel LH)
Min.: 0 mA
Max.: 2040 mA
Changes depending on target damping force
RR Solenoid Electric Current
Solenoid current value (rear wheel RH)
Min.: 0 mA
Max.: 2040 mA
Changes depending on target damping force
RL Solenoid Electric Current
Solenoid current value (rear wheel LH)
Min.: 0 mA
Max.: 2040 mA
Changes depending on target damping force
Number of Trouble Codes
Number of DTCs stored
Min.: 0
Max.: 255