Last Modified: 11-20-2023 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000014V1G
Model Year Start: 2018 Model: Camry HV Prod Date Range: [07/2017 - 09/2018]




In the table below, the values listed under "Normal Condition" are reference values. Do not depend solely on these reference values when deciding whether a part is faulty or not.


Using the Techstream to read the Data List allows the values or states of switches, sensors, actuators and other items to be read without removing any parts. This non-intrusive inspection can be very useful because intermittent conditions or signals may be discovered before parts or wiring is disturbed. Reading the Data List information early in troubleshooting is one way to save diagnostic time.

(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the power switch on (IG).

(c) Turn the Techstream on.

(d) Enter the following menus:

(1) for Air Conditioner: Body Electrical / Air Conditioner / Data List.

(2) for Engine: Powertrain / Engine / Data List.

(3) for Rain and/or Humidity Sensor: Body Electrical / Rain and/or Humidity Sensor / Data List.

(e) Read the Data List according to the display on the Techstream.

Body Electrical > Air Conditioner > Data List

Tester Display

Measurement Item


Normal Condition

Diagnostic Note

Room Temperature Sensor

Cooler (room temp. sensor) thermistor

Min.: -6.50°C (20.30°F)

Max.: 57.25°C (135.05°F)

Actual cabin temperature displayed

Cooler (room temp. sensor) thermistor circuit malfunction

  • When open circuit: -6.50°C (20.30°F)
  • When short circuit: 57.25°C (135.05°F)

Ambient Temp Sensor

Thermistor assembly

Min.: -23.30°C (-9.94°F)

Max.: 65.95°C (150.71°F)

Actual ambient temperature displayed

Thermistor assembly circuit malfunction

  • When open circuit: -23.30°C (-9.94°F)
  • When short circuit: 65.95°C (150.71°F)

Adjusted Ambient Temp

Adjusted ambient temperature

Min.: -30.80°C (-23.44°F)

Max.: 50.80°C (123.44°F)

Adjust ambient temperature displayed

Air conditioning amplifier assembly circuit malfunction

Evaporator Fin Thermistor

No. 1 cooler thermistor

Min.: -29.70°C (-21.46°F)

Max.: 59.55°C (139.19°F)

Actual evaporator temperature displayed

No. 1 cooler thermistor circuit malfunction

  • When open circuit: -29.70°C (-21.46°F)
  • When short circuit: 59.55°C (139.19°F)

Evaporator Target Temp

Evaporator target temperature

Min.: -327.68°C (-557.82°F)

Max.: 327.67°C (621.81°F)

Evaporator target temperature displayed

No. 1 cooler thermistor circuit malfunction

  • When open circuit: -327.68°C (-557.82°F)
  • When short circuit: 327.67°C (621.81°F)

Solar Sensor (D Side)

Driver side automatic light control sensor

Min.: 0

Max.: 255

Driver side automatic light control sensor value increases as brightness increases

Driver side automatic light control sensor circuit malfunction

  • When open circuit: 0
  • When short circuit: 255

Solar Sensor (P Side)

Front passenger side automatic light control sensor

Min.: 0

Max.: 255

Front passenger side automatic light control sensor value increases as brightness increases

Front passenger side automatic light control sensor circuit malfunction

  • When open circuit: 0
  • When short circuit: 255

Engine Coolant Temp

Engine coolant temperature sensor

Min.: 1.30°C (34.34°F)

Max.: 90.55°C (194.99°F)

Actual engine coolant temperature displayed

  • SFI system malfunction
  • CAN communication system malfunction

Blower Motor Speed Level

Blower motor speed level

Min.: 0

Max.: 31

Displayed speed level increases in range between 0 and 31 as blower motor speed increases

Blower with fan motor sub-assembly circuit malfunction

Regulator Pressure Sensor

Air conditioner pressure sensor

Min.: -456.68 kPaG

Max.: 3294.37 kPaG

Actual refrigerant pressure displayed

  • Refrigerant line (gas leak etc.)
  • Air conditioner pressure sensor circuit malfunction

Air Outlet Servo Pulse (R)

No. 2 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly target pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • FACE: 260 (pulse)
  • B/L: 212 (pulse)
  • FOOT: 182 (pulse)
  • F/D: 223 (pulse)
  • SHUT: 158 (pulse)
  • D/F: 177 (pulse)

No. 2 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly circuit malfunction

Air Outlet Servo Actual Pls(R)

No. 2 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly actual pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • FACE: 260 (pulse)
  • B/L: 212 (pulse)
  • FOOT: 182 (pulse)
  • F/D: 223 (pulse)
  • SHUT: 158 (pulse)
  • D/F: 177 (pulse)

No. 2 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly circuit malfunction

Air Mix Servo Targ Pulse(D)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (driver side air mix) target pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • MAX COLD: 257 (pulse)
  • MAX HOT: 165 (pulse)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (driver side air mix) circuit malfunction

Air Mix Servo Actual Pulse(D)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (driver side air mix) actual pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • MAX COLD: 257 (pulse)
  • MAX HOT: 165 (pulse)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (driver side air mix) circuit malfunction

Air Mix Servo Targ Pulse(P)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (front passenger side air mix) target pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • MAX COLD: 255 (pulse)
  • MAX HOT: 347 (pulse)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (front passenger side air mix) circuit malfunction

Air Mix Servo Actual Pulse(P)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (front passenger side air mix) actual pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • MAX COLD: 255 (pulse)
  • MAX HOT: 347 (pulse)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (front passenger side air mix) circuit malfunction

Air Outlet Servo Pulse (D)

No. 3 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly target pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • FACE-R: 271 (pulse)
  • FACE: 256 (pulse)
  • FACE1: 256 (pulse)
  • FACE2: 256 (pulse)
  • B/L: 245 (pulse)
  • B/L2: 245 (pulse)
  • FOOT-R: 215 (pulse)
  • FOOT: 215 (pulse)
  • FOOT-D: 207 (pulse)
  • FOOT-0: 224 (pulse)
  • F/D: 192 (pulse)
  • DEF-FOOT: 173 (pulse)
  • DEF or SHUT: 164 (pulse)
  • S-FLOW: 278 (pulse)

No. 3 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly circuit malfunction

Air Outlet Servo Actu Pulse(D)

No. 3 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly actual pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • FACE-R: 271 (pulse)
  • FACE: 256 (pulse)
  • FACE1: 256 (pulse)
  • FACE2: 256 (pulse)
  • B/L: 245 (pulse)
  • B/L2: 245 (pulse)
  • FOOT-R: 215 (pulse)
  • FOOT: 215 (pulse)
  • FOOT-D: 207 (pulse)
  • FOOT-0: 224 (pulse)
  • F/D: 192 (pulse)
  • DEF-FOOT: 173 (pulse)
  • DEF or SHUT: 164 (pulse)
  • S-FLOW: 278 (pulse)

No. 3 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly circuit malfunction

Air Outlet Servo Targ Pulse(P)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (front passenger side mode) target pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • FACE-R: 241 (pulse)
  • FACE: 256 (pulse)
  • FACE1: 256 (pulse)
  • FACE2: 256 (pulse)
  • B/L: 267 (pulse)
  • B/L2: 267 (pulse)
  • FOOT-R: 297 (pulse)
  • FOOT: 297 (pulse)
  • FOOT-D: 305 (pulse)
  • FOOT-0: 288 (pulse)
  • F/D: 320 (pulse)
  • DEF-FOOT: 339 (pulse)
  • DEF or SHUT: 348 (pulse)
  • S-FLOW: 234 (pulse)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (mode) circuit malfunction

Air Outlet Servo Actu Pulse(P)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (front passenger side mode) actual pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • FACE-R: 241 (pulse)
  • FACE: 256 (pulse)
  • FACE1: 256 (pulse)
  • FACE2: 256 (pulse)
  • B/L: 267 (pulse)
  • B/L2: 267 (pulse)
  • FOOT-R: 297 (pulse)
  • FOOT: 297 (pulse)
  • FOOT-D: 305 (pulse)
  • FOOT-0: 288 (pulse)
  • F/D: 320 (pulse)
  • DEF-FOOT: 339 (pulse)
  • DEF or SHUT: 348 (pulse)
  • S-FLOW: 234 (pulse)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (mode) circuit malfunction

Air Inlet Damper Targ Pulse

No. 1 blower damper servo sub-assembly target pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • Recirculation: 256 (pulse)
  • Fresh: 220 (pulse)

No. 1 blower damper servo sub-assembly circuit malfunction

Air Inlet Damper Actual Pulse

No. 1 blower damper servo sub-assembly actual pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

  • Recirculation: 256 (pulse)
  • Fresh: 220 (pulse)

No. 1 blower damper servo sub-assembly circuit malfunction

Electric Heater Count

Maximum electric heater operation level

Min.: 0

Max.: 2

Maximum possible operation level of electric heater displayed

PTC heater circuit system malfunction

Electric Heater Active Level

Actual electric heater operation level

Min.: 0

Max.: 2

Actual operation level of electric heater displayed

PTC heater circuit system malfunction

Compressor Speed

Compressor speed

Min.: 0 rpm

Max.: 65535 rpm

Actual compressor speed displayed


Compressor Target Speed

Compressor target speed

Min.: 0 rpm

Max.: 65535 rpm

Compressor target speed displayed


Shift Set Temperature

Shift set temperature

2C decr, 1C decr, Normal, 1C incr or 2C incr

Customized value displayed


Air Inlet Mode

Air inlet mode

Auto or Manual

Customized value displayed

except USA and Canada

Compressor Mode

Compressor mode

Auto or Manual

Customized value displayed


Noise and Vibration Reduction

Function to change the speed of the compressor when set to ON


Customized value displayed



Function to cancel ECO mode when set to ON


Customized value displayed


ECO Switch

ECO switch assembly (electric parking brake switch assembly)


OFF: ECO switch assembly (electric parking brake switch assembly) not pushed

ON: ECO switch assembly (electric parking brake switch assembly) pushed and held

ECO switch assembly (electric parking brake switch assembly) circuit malfunction

Refrigerant Shortage Check

Refrigerant shortage check


Customized value displayed


Fan speed increment control

Fan speed increment control

Slow, Normal or Fast

Customized value displayed


Foot/DEF Auto Mode

Foot/defroster auto mode


Customized value displayed


Foot/DEF Auto Blow Up

Foot/defroster auto blower speed increase


Customized value displayed


Ambient Temperature Shift

Ambient temperature shift

3C decr, 2C decr, 1C decr, Normal, 1C incr, 2C incr or 3C incr

Customized value displayed


Compressor Drive Check

Compressor drive check

OK or NG

OK: Compressor drives

NG: Compressor does not drive


Glass Temperature

Windshield glass temperature

Min.: -327.68°C (-557.82°F)

Max.: 327.67°C (621.81°F)

Actual windshield glass temperature is displayed


Glass Surroundings Temperature

Temperature around windshield glass

Min.: -327.68°C (-557.82°F)

Max.: 327.67°C (621.81°F)

Actual temperature around windshield glass is displayed


Glass Humidity

Windshield glass humidity

Min.: 0.00%

Max.: 100.00%

Actual windshield glass humidity is displayed


Refrigerant Gas Type

Refrigerant gas type

R134a or 1234yf

Refrigerant gas type displayed


Set Temperature (D Side)

Driver side set temperature



Driver side set temperature displayed


Set Temperature (P Side)

Front passenger side set temperature



Front passenger side set temperature displayed


Outside Air Mode Auto Switch Function

Outside air mode auto switch function


Customized value displayed


S-FLOW Control Auto Function

S-FLOW control auto function


Customized value displayed


Number of Trouble Codes

Number of trouble codes

Min.: 0

Max.: 255

Number of DTCs displayed


Refrigerant High Pressure History

Refrigerant high pressure history

Min.: 0

Max.: 255

Number of times refrigerant high pressure history stored displayed


  • *: Refer to the following procedure to clear the refrigerant high pressure history.

    Click here 2018 MY Camry HV [07/2017 - 09/2018]; HEATING / AIR CONDITIONING: AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM: UTILITY

Powertrain > Engine > Data List

Tester Display

Measurement Item


Normal Condition

Diagnostic Note

Coolant Temperature

Engine coolant temperature

Min.: -40°C (-40°F)

Max.: 140°C (284°F)

75 to 100°C (167 to 212°F): After warming up

This is the engine coolant temperature.


  • After warming up the engine, the engine coolant temperature will be 75 to 100°C (167 to 212°F).
  • After a long soak, the engine coolant temperature, intake air temperature and ambient air temperature will be approximately equal.
  • If the value is -40°C (-40°F), or higher than 135°C (275°F), the sensor circuit is open or shorted.
  • Check if the engine overheats if the value indicated is higher than 135°C (275°F).

Body Electrical > Rain and/or Humidity Sensor > Data List

Tester Display

Measurement Item


Normal Condition

Diagnostic Note

Glass Humidity

Windshield glass humidity

Min.: 0.00%

Max.: 100.00%

Actual windshield glass humidity is displayed


Glass Temperature

Windshield glass temperature

Min.: -327.68°C (-557.82°F)

Max.: 327.67°C (621.81°F)

Actual windshield glass temperature is displayed


Glass Surroundings Temperature

Temperature around windshield glass

Min.: -327.68°C (-557.82°F)

Max.: 327.67°C (621.81°F)

Actual temperature around windshield glass is displayed


Number of Trouble Code

Number of trouble codes

Min.: 0

Max.: 255

Number of DTCs displayed




Using the Techstream to perform Active Tests allows relays, VSVs, actuators and other items to be operated without removing any parts. This non-intrusive functional inspection can be very useful because intermittent operation may be discovered before parts or wiring is disturbed. Performing Active Tests early in troubleshooting is one way to save diagnostic time. Data List information can be displayed while performing Active Tests.

(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the power switch on (IG).

(c) Turn the Techstream on.

(d) Enter the following menus:

(1) for Air Conditioner: Body Electrical / Air Conditioner / Active Test.

(2) for Engine: Powertrain / Engine / Active Test.

(e) Perform the Active Test according to the display on the Techstream.

Body Electrical > Air Conditioner > Active Test

Tester Display

Measurement Item

Control Range

Diagnostic Note

Blower Motor

Blower motor with fan sub-assembly

Min.: 0

Max.: 31


Compressor Target Speed

Compressor with motor assembly

Min.: 0

Max.: 7500


Defogger Relay (Rear)

Rear window defogger



Heater Active Level

Quick heater assembly

Min.: 0

Max.: 2


Air Mix Servo Targ Pulse(D)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (driver side air mix) pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

Operates between 165 to 257 pulses

Air Mix Servo Targ Pulse(P)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (front passenger side air mix) pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

Operates between 255 to 347 pulses

Air Outlet Servo Pulse (D)

No. 3 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

Operates between 164 to 278 pulses

Air Inlet Damper Targ Pulse

No. 1 blower damper servo sub-assembly pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

Operates between 220 to 256 pulses

Air Outlet Servo Pulse (P)

No. 1 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly (front passenger side mode) pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

Operates between 234 to 348 pulses

A/O Servo Pulse(Rr D)

No. 2 air conditioning radiator damper servo sub-assembly pulse

Min.: 128

Max.: 383

Operates between 158 to 260 pulses

Powertrain > Engine > Active Test

Tester Display

Measurement Item

Control Range

Diagnostic Note

Control the Engine Cooling Fan Duty Ratio

Control the cooling fan

0 to 100%

Perform this test when vehicle is stopped.