A24-1 (BATT) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Battery (for measuring battery voltage and ECM memory)
11 to 14 V
A24-2 (IGSW) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
Ignition switch signal
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
A24-3 (VPMP) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Vent valve (built into canister pump module)
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
A24-5 (MPMP) - A24-10 (E1)
V - W-B
Leak detection pump (canister pump module)
Leak detection pump OFF
Below 3 V
Leak detection pump ON
11 to 14 V
A24-6 (FPC) - A24-10 (E1)
R - W-B
Fuel pump control
Ignition switch ON
Below 1.5 V
A24-8 (CANH) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
CAN communication line
Engine stopped, ignition switch ON
Pulse generation
(See waveform 1)
A24-9 (+B) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Power source of ECM
Power source of throttle actuator
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
A24-10 (E1) - Body ground
W-B - -
Below 1 Ω
A24-12 (PWMS)*3 - A24-10 (E1)
LG - W-B
Drive mode switch (SPORT mode)
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, SPORT mode switch being pushed and held at SPORT position (SPORT mode)
0 to 1.5 V
A24-13 (SPCN)*3 - A24-10 (E1)
V - W-B
Drive mode switch (NORMAL mode)
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, NORMAL mode switch being pushed and held (NORMAL mode)
0 to 1.5 V
A24-14 (S) - A24-10 (E1)
GR - W-B
S shift position switch signal
Ignition switch ON, shift lever in S
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, shift lever not in S
Below 1.5 V
A24-15 (MREL) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
EFI-MAIN NO. 1 relay operation signal
Ignition switch ON
Below 1.5 V
A24-16 (NEO)*2 - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
Engine speed signal sent to other ECUs
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 2)
A24-18 (CANL) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
CAN communication line
Engine stopped, ignition switch ON
Pulse generation
(See waveform 3)
A24-21 (STP) - A24-10 (E1)
SB - W-B
Stop light switch assembly signal
Brake pedal depressed
7.5 to 14 V
Brake pedal released
0 to 1.5 V
A24-22 (ST1-) - A24-10 (E1)
LG - W-B
Stop light switch assembly signal
(opposite to STP terminal)
Ignition switch ON, brake pedal depressed
0 to 1.5 V
Ignition switch ON, brake pedal released
7.5 to 14 V
A24-23 (NSW) - A24-10 (E1)
BE - W-B
Park/Neutral position switch assembly signal
Ignition switch ON, shift lever not in P or N
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, shift lever in P or N
Below 3.0 V
A24-30 (STA) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Starter assembly signal
6.0 V or higher
A24-32 (RFC) - A24-10 (E1)
LG - W-B
Cooling fan control signal
Ignition switch ON, A/C switch on (max cool)
Pulse generation
(See waveform 4)
A24-34 (IREL) - A24-10 (E1)
P - W-B
D INJ relay operation signal
Ignition switch ON
Below 1.5 V
A24-35 (+B2) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Power source of ECM
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
A24-36 (E2) - Body ground
W-B - -
Below 1 Ω
A24-39 (KSW) - A24-10 (E1)
R - W-B
Key unlock warning switch signal*1 or electrical key in vehicle signal*2
No key in ignition key cylinder*1 or electrical key outside vehicle*2
11 to 14 V
A24-42 (SPD) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Vehicle speed signal from combination meter assembly
Driving at 20 km/h (12 mph)
Pulse generation
(See waveform 5)
A24-45 (EC) - Body ground
W-B - -
Below 1 Ω
A24-48 (VCPP) - A24-49 (EPPM)
B - LG
Power source for canister pressure sensor (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
A24-50 (PPMP) - A24-49 (EPPM)
P - LG
Canister pressure sensor (built into canister pump module)
Ignition switch ON
3.0 to 3.6 V
A24-52 (TC) - A24-10 (E1)
GR - W-B
Terminal TC of DLC3
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
A24-53 (+BD1) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
Power source of ECU (injector driver)
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
A24-54 (E1D1) - Body ground
W-B - -
Below 1 Ω
A24-55 (VPA) - A24-56 (EPA)
G - L
Accelerator pedal position sensor signal (for engine control)
Ignition switch ON, accelerator pedal fully released
0.5 to 1.1 V
Ignition switch ON, accelerator pedal fully depressed
2.6 to 4.5 V
A24-57 (VCPA) - A24-56 (EPA)
BE - L
Power source of accelerator pedal position sensor (for VPA)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
A24-58 (VPA2) - A24-59 (EPA2)
GR - P
Accelerator pedal position sensor signal
Ignition switch ON, accelerator pedal fully released
1.2 to 2.0 V
Ignition switch ON, accelerator pedal fully depressed
3.4 to 4.75 V
A24-60 (VCP2) - A24-59 (EPA2)
SB - P
Power source of accelerator pedal position sensor (for VPA2)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
C101-23 (D) - A24-10 (E1)
R - W-B
D shift position switch signal
Ignition switch ON, shift lever in D or S
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, shift lever not in D or S
Below 1 V
C101-24 (N) - A24-10 (E1)
LG - W-B
N shift position switch signal
Ignition switch ON, shift lever in N
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, shift lever not in N
Below 1 V
C101-25 (R) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
R shift position switch signal
Ignition switch ON, shift lever in R
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, shift lever not in R
Below 1 V
C101-26 (P) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
P shift position switch signal
Ignition switch ON, shift lever in P
11 to 14 V
Ignition switch ON, shift lever not in P
Below 1 V
C100-1 (M-) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Throttle actuator operation signal (negative signal)
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 6)
C100-2 (M+) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
Throttle actuator operation signal (positive terminal)
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 7)
C100-3 (EGA+) - A24-10 (E1)
R - W-B
EGR valve assembly operation signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 8)
C100-4 (EGA-) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
EGR valve assembly operation signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 8)
C100-6 (EGB+) - A24-10 (E1)
GR - W-B
EGR valve assembly operation signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 8)
C100-5 (EGB-) - A24-10 (E1)
V - W-B
EGR valve assembly operation signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 8)
C100-7 (HTHM) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Thermostat heater (water inlet with thermostat sub-assembly) operation signal
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
C100-8 (HA1B) - A24-10 (E1)
R - W-B
Air fuel ratio sensor (sensor 2) heater operation signal
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
Idling with cold engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 9)
C100-9 (HA1A) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Air fuel ratio sensor (sensor 1) heater operation signal
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
Idling with cold engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 10)
C100-11 (#2D+) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Direct fuel injector assembly signal (No. 2 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 11)
C100-10 (#2D-) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Direct fuel injector assembly signal (No. 2 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 11)
C100-12 (#3D+) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
Direct fuel injector assembly signal (No. 3 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 11)
C100-13 (#3D-) - A24-10 (E1)
R - W-B
Direct fuel injector assembly signal (No. 3 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 11)
C100-15 (#4D+) - A24-10 (E1)
P - W-B
Direct fuel injector assembly signal (No. 4 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 11)
C100-14 (#4D-) - A24-10 (E1)
V - W-B
Direct fuel injector assembly signal (No. 4 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 11)
C100-16 (#1D+) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
Direct fuel injector assembly signal (No. 1 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 11)
C100-17 (#1D-) - A24-10 (E1)
BR - W-B
Direct fuel injector assembly signal (No. 1 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 11)
C100-19 (FP1+) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Fuel pump assembly (for high pressure side) signal
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 12)
C100-18 (FP1-) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Fuel pump assembly (for high pressure side) signal
Idling with warm engine, Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Direct"
Pulse generation
(See waveform 12)
C100-21 (VOP+) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Oil pressure control valve operation signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 13)
C100-20 (VOP-) - A24-10 (E1)
P - W-B
Oil pressure control valve operation signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 13)
C100-26 (OE1+) - C100-25 (OE1-)
P - L
Cam timing oil control solenoid assembly operation signal
Pulse generation
(See waveform 14)
C100-28 (EDT1) - A24-10 (E1)
P - W-B
Cam timing control motor with EDU assembly signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 15)
C100-41 (WSV2) - A24-10 (E1)
LG - W-B
Flow shutting valve (for ATF control) operation signal
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
C100-42 (WSV1) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
Flow shutting valve (for heater control) operation signal
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
C100-44 (ACM) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Vacuum switching valve (for active control engine mount system) operation signal
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
C100-46 (IGT4) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
No. 4 ignition coil assembly signal
(ignition signal)
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 16)
C100-47 (IGT3) - A24-10 (E1)
P - W-B
No. 3 ignition coil assembly signal
(ignition signal)
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 16)
C100-48 (IGT2) - A24-10 (E1)
V - W-B
No. 2 ignition coil assembly signal
(ignition signal)
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 16)
C100-49 (IGT1) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
No. 1 ignition coil assembly signal
(ignition signal)
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 16)
C100-50 (WPO) - A24-10 (E1)
LG - W-B
Electric water pump assembly signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 17)
C100-51 (WPI) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
Electric water pump assembly signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 18)
C100-66 (PRG) - A24-10 (E1)
P - W-B
Purge VSV operation signal
Ignition switch ON
11 to 14 V
Idling with warm engine, under purge control
Pulse generation
(See waveform 19)
C100-70 (EMR1) - A24-10 (E1)
LG - W-B
Cam timing control motor with EDU assembly signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 20)
C100-71 (EMF1) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
Cam timing control motor with EDU assembly signal
Idling with warm engine
Below 5.0 V
C100-72 (EMD1) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Cam timing control motor with EDU assembly signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 21)
C100-73 (#40) - A24-10 (E1)
P - W-B
Port fuel injector assembly signal (No. 4 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine (Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Port")
Pulse generation
(See waveform 22)
C100-74 (#30) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
Port fuel injector assembly signal (No. 3 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine (Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Port")
Pulse generation
(See waveform 22)
C100-75 (#20) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Port fuel injector assembly signal (No. 2 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine (Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Port")
Pulse generation
(See waveform 22)
C100-76 (#10) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
Port fuel injector assembly signal (No. 1 cylinder)
Idling with warm engine (Data List item "Injection Mode" displaying "Port")
Pulse generation
(See waveform 22)
C100-78 (VCVG) - A24-10 (E1)
R - W-B
Power source of mass air flow meter sub-assembly (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.8 to 5.2 V
C100-84 (VCPF) - A24-10 (E1)
LG - W-B
Power source of fuel pressure sensor (fuel delivery pipe with sensor sub-assembly) (for low pressure side) (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
C100-87 (VTA2) - C100-110 (ETA)
V - G
Throttle position sensor signal (for sensor malfunction detection)
Ignition switch ON, accelerator pedal fully released
2.1 to 3.1 V
Accelerator pedal fully depressed (engine running)
4.6 to 5.0 V
C100-88 (VCV1) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Power source of camshaft position sensor (for intake camshaft) (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
C100-90 (VV1+) - C100-89 (VV1-)
B - LG
Camshaft position sensor (for intake camshaft) signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 23)
C100-91 (EV1+) - C100-114 (EV1-)
V - G
Camshaft position sensor (for exhaust camshaft) signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 23)
C100-93 (NE+) - C100-115 (NE-)
L - P
Crankshaft position sensor signal
Idling with warm engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 24)
C100-94 (A1A-) - A24-10 (E1)
G - W-B
Air fuel ratio sensor (sensor 1) signal
Ignition switch ON
1.24 to 4.22 V
C100-95 (A1A+) - A24-10 (E1)
R - W-B
Air fuel ratio sensor (sensor 1) signal
Ignition switch ON
1.46 to 4.22 V
C100-97 (PR) - C100-96 (EPR)
L - V
Fuel pressure sensor (for high pressure side) signal
Idling with warm engine
0.5 to 4.5 V
C100-98 (VCPR) - C100-96 (EPR)
LG - V
Power source of fuel pressure sensor (for high pressure side) (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.75 to 5.25 V
C100-99 (VCPE) - C100-100 (EPEO)
R - G
Power source of engine oil pressure sensor (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
C100-101 (VG) - C100-79 (E2G)
W - G
Mass air flow meter sub-assembly signal
Ignition switch ON
Pulse generation
(See waveform 25)
C100-102 (THA) - C100-79 (E2G)
V - G
Intake air temperature sensor (mass air flow meter sub-assembly) signal
Idling, intake air temperature 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F)
0.5 to 3.4 V
C100-107 (PFL) - C100-61 (EPFL)
V - L
Fuel pressure sensor (fuel delivery pipe with sensor sub-assembly) (for low pressure side) signal
Idling with warm engine
0.75 to 4.5 V
C100-108 (VTA1) - C100-110 (ETA)
P - G
Throttle position sensor signal (for engine control)
Ignition switch ON, accelerator pedal fully released
0.6 to 1.1 V
Accelerator pedal fully depressed (engine running)
3.2 to 4.8 V
C100-109 (VCTA) - C100-110 (ETA)
R - G
Power source of throttle position sensor (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
C100-111 (KNK1) - C100-112 (EKNK)
B - W
Knock control sensor signal
Engine speed maintained at 4000 rpm after warming up engine
Pulse generation
(See waveform 26)
C100-113 (VCE1) - A24-10 (E1)
L - W-B
Power source of camshaft position sensor (for exhaust camshaft) (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
C100-116 (VCNE) - A24-10 (E1)
V - W-B
Power source of crankshaft position sensor (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.5 to 5.5 V
C100-117 (A1B-) - A24-10 (E1)
W - W-B
Air fuel ratio sensor (sensor 2) signal
Ignition switch ON
1.17 to 4.49 V
C100-118 (A1B+) - A24-10 (E1)
B - W-B
Air fuel ratio sensor (sensor 2) signal
Ignition switch ON
1.53 to 5.96 V
C100-120 (PIM) - C100-119 (EPIM)
P - G
Manifold absolute pressure sensor signal
Ignition switch ON
3.0 to 4.5 V
C100-121 (VCPM) - C100-119 (EPIM)
B - G
Power source of manifold absolute pressure sensor (specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON
4.75 to 5.25 V
C100-122 (PEO) - C100-100 (EPEO)
W - G
Oil pressure sensor signal
Idling with warm engine
0.5 to 4.5 V
C100-123 (THEO) - C100-104 (ETHE)
V - W
Engine oil temperature sensor signal
Ignition switch ON
0.14 to 4.93 V
C100-125 (THW) - C100-124 (ETHW)
L - P
Engine coolant temperature sensor signal
Idling, engine coolant temperature 75 to 100°C (167 to 212°F)
0.2 to 1.0 V