Last Modified: 04-05-2023 6.11:8.1.0 Doc ID: RM1000000018J4R
Model Year Start: 2018 Model: Sienna Prod Date Range: [11/2017 -           ]



(a) This panoramic view monitor system can be set from the diagnostic screen of the radio and display receiver assembly.

(b) If the following operations are performed, it is necessary to perform adjustments and checks on the diagnostic screen.


  • When the following procedures have been performed, it is necessary to perform calibration of the panoramic view monitor system.
  • Depending on the specific work procedures that are performed, calibration of other systems in addition to the panoramic view monitor system may be needed.
  • Before performing camera view adjustment (calibration), be sure to perform the pre-work checks (procedure 1).

Part Name


Adjustment Item

Proceed to

Spiral cable with sensor sub-assembly

  • Removal and installation of the steering sensor
  • Removal and installation of the connector of the steering sensor
  • Replacement

Steering angle neutral point (Initialize panoramic view monitor system)*


Adjust steering angle

Procedure 9

Parking assist ECU


Parking assist ECU initialization

Procedure 2

Procedure 7

Procedure 8

Adjust steering angle

Procedure 9

Suspension, tires, etc.

The vehicle height changes because of suspension or tire replacement

Parking assist ECU initialization

Procedure 2

Procedure 7

Procedure 8

Adjust steering angle

Procedure 9

Rear television camera assembly

  • Replacement
  • Installation angle of the rear television camera changes because of the removal and installation of the rear television camera, etc.

Rear television camera view adjustment

Procedure 2

Procedure 4

Procedure 8

  • Front television camera assembly
  • Front bumper assembly
  • Radiator grille
  • Replacement
  • Installation angle of the front television camera changes because of the removal and installation of the front television camera, etc.

Front television camera view adjustment

Procedure 2

Procedure 3

Procedure 8

Side television camera assembly LH

Outer rear view mirror assembly with cover LH

  • Replacement
  • Installation angle of the side television camera changes because of the removal and installation of the side television camera, etc.

Side television camera view adjustment

Procedure 2

Procedure 5

Procedure 8

Side television camera assembly RH

Outer rear view mirror assembly with cover RH

  • Replacement
  • Installation angle of the side television camera changes because of the removal and installation of the side television camera, etc.

Side television camera view adjustment

Procedure 2

Procedure 6

Procedure 8

  • Front television camera assembly, front bumper assembly or radiator grille
  • Rear television camera assembly
  • Side television camera assembly LH or outer rear view mirror assembly with cover LH
  • Side television camera assembly RH or outer rear view mirror assembly with cover RH
  • Replacement
  • Removal and installation of the connector of the front television camera assembly, etc.

Television camera view adjustment

Procedure 2

Procedure 7

Procedure 8

  • *: When an exclamation point "!" is displayed on the panoramic view monitor screen, perform memorization of the steering angle neutral point of the steering sensor.


The adjustment values stored while performing panoramic view monitor system calibration are stored in the parking assist ECU.


(a) Preliminary checks


  • Provide shadow to prevent back-up light from hitting the camera.
  • Use string that does not stretch.
  • Apply pieces of adhesive tape to serve as check markers. When placing the markers, make them 100 mm (3.94 in.) wide.

(1) Perform the work at a wide, level location (4000 to 7300 mm [13.12 to 23.94 ft.]).

(2) Park the vehicle on a flat surface with the steering wheel centered.


Before stopping the vehicle, move the vehicle backward and forward to ensure that both the steering wheel and the tires point straight ahead.

(3) Adjust the tire pressure to the specified value(s).

(4) Remove all luggage from the vehicle before starting work.

(b) Marker locations

(1) Secure the string to the locations required to make the checks and set markers as shown in the illustration.

  • Front camera adjustment only


    Cross Check Marker


    Check Marker


    String 1


    String 2


    String 3

  • Rear camera adjustment only


    Cross Check Marker


    Check Marker


    String 1


    String 2


    String 4

  • Left camera adjustment only


    Cross Check Marker


    Check Marker


    String 1


    String 2


    String 3


    String 4


    String 5

  • Right camera adjustment only


    Cross Check Marker


    Check Marker


    String 1


    String 2


    String 3


    String 4


    String 6

  • Adjustment of 4 cameras


    Cross Check Marker


    Check Marker


    String 1


    String 2


    String 3


    String 4


    String 5


    String 6

(c) Marker positions

(1) Set the check markers at the positions shown in the illustration.


5100 mm (16.73 ft.)


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


693 mm (2.27 ft.)


1900 mm (6.23 ft.)


2100 mm (6.89 ft.)


3200 mm (10.50 ft.)


3400 mm (11.15 ft.)


(a) Extend the datum line (string 1).

(1) Hang a weight with a pointed tip and accurately mark the center position on the road surface. (Mark A)


Make sure that the weight hangs straight down from the string.


Mark A



(2) Repeat the procedure to mark the right side. (Mark B)

(3) Secure string 1 so that it passes through marks A and B on the left and right sides.


String 1


Mark A


Mark B


When securing the string, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.

(b) Extend the vehicle center line (string 2).

(1) Hang a weight with a pointed tip so that it passes through the center of the front television camera assembly and accurately mark the center position on the road surface. (Mark C)


Front Television Camera Assembly




Center Point






Mark C

(2) Hang a weight with a pointed tip from the center of the rear emblem and accurately mark the center position on the road surface. (Mark D)








Mark D

(3) Secure string 2 so that it passes through marks C and D at the front and rear of the vehicle.


When securing string 2, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.


Set the point where strings 1 and 2 intersect as the datum point.


Datum Point


String 1


String 2


Mark C


Mark D

PROCEDURE 3: SET MARKERS (when checking front)


5100 mm (16.73 ft.)


Datum Point


String 1


String 2


Mark E

(a) In front of the vehicle, extend string 3 perpendicular to the vehicle center line (string 2), and place a marker.

(1) Mark the position on string 2 in front of the vehicle, 5100 mm (16.73 ft.) from the datum point. (Mark E)

(2) Secure the ends of 2 strings (800 mm [2.62 ft.] long) at 2 positions 400 mm (1.31 ft.) from mark E as shown in the illustration.


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


String 2


Mark E

(3) Move the free ends of the 2 strings and mark the point where the ends meet. (Marks F and G)


800 mm (2.62 ft.) String


String 2


Mark E


Mark F


Mark G



(4) Secure string 3 so that it passes through marks F and G as shown in the illustration.


When securing the string, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


String 1


String 2


String 3


Mark F


Mark G


Mark H


Mark I

(5) Mark positions on string 3, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) to the left and right of the vehicle center line (string 2). (Marks H and I).

(6) Place and secure the cross check markers, centered on marks H and I.


800 mm (2.62 ft.)


100 mm (0.33 ft.)


Cross Check Marker


Check Marker


Mark F


Mark G


Mark H


Mark I


  • Align the cross check markers perpendicular to the string.
  • Make each arm of the cross check markers 800 mm (2.62 ft.) long and 100 mm (0.33 ft.) wide.

(7) Place the check marker between marks F and G.

(8) Perform camera view adjustment (calibration) (procedure 8).

PROCEDURE 4: SET MARKERS (When checking rear)

(a) To the rear of the vehicle, extend string 4 perpendicular to the vehicle center line (string 2), and place a check marker.

(1) Mark a position on string 2 to the rear of the vehicle, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) from the datum point. (Mark J)


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


Datum Point


String 1


String 2


Mark J

(2) Secure the ends of 2 strings (800 mm [2.62 ft.]) at 2 positions 400 mm (1.31 ft.) from mark J as shown in the illustration.


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


String 1


String 2


Mark J

(3) Move the free ends of the 2 strings and mark the point where the ends meet. (Marks K and L)


800 mm (2.62 ft.) String


String 1


String 2


Mark J


Mark K


Mark L

(4) Secure string 4 so that it passes through marks K and L as shown in the illustration.


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


String 1


String 2


String 4


Mark K


Mark L


Mark M


Mark N


When securing the string, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.

(5) Mark positions on string 4, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) to the left and right of the vehicle center line (string 2). (Marks M and N)

(6) Place and secure the cross check markers, centered on marks M and N.


800 mm (2.62 ft.)


100 mm (0.33 ft.)


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


Cross Check Marker


Check Marker


String 1


Mark K


Mark L


Mark M


Mark N


  • Align the cross check markers perpendicular to the string.
  • Make each arm of the cross check markers 800 mm (2.62 ft.) long and 100 mm (0.33 ft.) wide.
  • Extend the rear cross check markers to string 1.

(7) Place the check marker between marks K and L.

(8) Perform camera view adjustment (calibration) (procedure 8).

PROCEDURE 5: SET MARKERS (When checking left side)

(a) To the left side of the vehicle, extend string 5 perpendicular to the vehicle center line (string 2), and place a check marker.

(1) Mark the position on string 2 in front of the vehicle, 5100 mm (16.73 ft.) from the datum point. (Mark E)


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


5100 mm (16.73 ft.)


Datum Point


String 1


String 2


Mark E


Mark J

(2) Mark the position on string 2 to the rear of the vehicle, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) from the datum point. (Mark J)

(3) Secure the ends of 2 strings (800 mm [2.62 ft.] long) at 2 positions 400 mm (1.31 ft.) from mark E as shown in the illustration.


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


String 2


Mark E

(4) Move the free ends of the 2 strings and mark the point where the ends meet. (Marks F and G)


800 mm (2.62 ft.) String


String 2


Mark E


Mark F


Mark G



(5) Secure the ends of 2 strings (800 mm [2.62 ft.]) at 2 positions 400 mm (1.31 ft.) from mark J as shown in the illustration.


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


String 1


String 2


Mark J

(6) Move the free ends of the 2 strings and mark the point where the ends meet. (Marks K and L)


800 mm (2.62 ft.) String


String 1


String 2


Mark J


Mark K


Mark L

(7) Secure strings 3 and 4 so that they pass through marks F and G, marks K and L as shown in the illustration.


When securing the string, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


String 3


String 4


Mark F


Mark G


Mark H


Mark K


Mark L


Mark M

(8) Mark strings 3 and 4, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) to the left of the vehicle center line (string 2). (Marks H and M)

(9) Secure string 5 so that it passes through marks H and M as shown in the illustration.


1900 mm (6.23 ft.)


2100 mm (6.89 ft.)


3200 mm (10.50 ft.)


3400 mm (11.15 ft.)


String 1


String 5


Mark H


Mark M


Mark O


Mark P


Mark Q


Mark R


When securing the string, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.

(10) Make marks on string 5 that are 1900 mm (6.23 ft.), 2100 mm (6.89 ft.), 3200 mm (10.50 ft.), and 3400 mm (11.15 ft.) from the datum line (string 1) as shown in the illustration. (Marks O, P, Q and R)

(11) Place and secure the cross check markers, centered on marks H and M.


100 mm (0.33 ft.)


800 mm (2.62 ft.)


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


Cross Check Marker


Check Marker


String 1


String 5


Mark H


Mark M


Mark O


Mark P


Mark Q


Mark R


  • Align the cross check markers perpendicular to the string.
  • Make each arm of the cross check markers 800 mm (2.62 ft.) long and 100 mm (0.33 ft.) wide.
  • Extend the rear cross check markers to string 1.

(12) Place check markers between marks O and P, and marks Q and R.

(13) Perform camera view adjustment (calibration) (procedure 8).

PROCEDURE 6: SET MARKERS (When checking right side)

(a) At the right side of the vehicle, extend string 6 parallel to the vehicle and place a marker.

(1) Mark the position on string 2 in front of the vehicle, 5100 mm (16.73 ft.) from the datum point. (Mark E)


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


5100 mm (16.73 ft.)


Datum Point


String 1


String 2


Mark E


Mark J

(2) Mark the position on string 2 to the rear of the vehicle, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) from the datum point. (Mark J)

(3) Secure the ends of 2 strings (800 mm [2.62 ft.] long) at 2 positions 400 mm (1.31 ft.) from mark E as shown in the illustration.


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


String 2


Mark E

(4) Move the free ends of the 2 strings and mark the point where the ends meet. (Marks F and G)


800 mm (2.62 ft.) String


String 2


Mark E


Mark F


Mark G



(5) Secure the ends of 2 strings (800 mm [2.62 ft.]) at 2 positions 400 mm (1.31 ft.) from mark J as shown in the illustration.


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


String 1


String 2


Mark J

(6) Move the free ends of the 2 strings and mark the point where the ends meet. (Marks K and L)


800 mm (2.62 ft.) String


String 1


String 2


Mark J


Mark K


Mark L

(7) Secure strings 3 and 4 so that they pass through marks F and G and marks K and L as shown in the illustration.


When securing the string, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


String 3


String 4


Mark F


Mark G


Mark I


Mark K


Mark L


Mark N

(8) Mark strings 3 and 4, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) to the left of the vehicle center line (string 2). (Marks I and N)

(9) Secure string 6 so that it passes through marks I and N as shown in the illustration.


1900 mm (6.23 ft.)


2100 mm (6.89 ft.)


3200 mm (10.50 ft.)


3400 mm (11.15 ft.)


String 1


String 6


Mark I


Mark N


Mark S


Mark T


Mark U


Mark V


When securing the string, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.

(10) Make marks on string 6 that are 1900 mm (6.23 ft.), 2100 mm (6.89 ft.), 3200 mm (10.50 ft.), and 3400 mm (11.15 ft.) from the datum line (string 1) as shown in the illustration. (Marks S, T, U and V)

(11) Place and secure the cross check markers, centered on marks I and N.


100 mm (0.33 ft.)


800 mm (2.62 ft.)


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


Cross Check Marker


Check Marker


String 1


String 6


Mark I


Mark N


Mark S


Mark T


Mark U


Mark V


  • Align the cross check markers perpendicular to the string.
  • Make each arm of the cross check markers 800 mm (2.62 ft.) long and 100 mm (0.33 ft.) wide.
  • Extend the rear cross check markers to string 1.

(12) Place check markers between marks S and T, and marks U and V.

(13) Perform camera view adjustment (calibration) (procedure 8).

PROCEDURE 7: SET MARKERS (When checking all cameras)

(a) Set markers in every direction from the vehicle.


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


5100 mm (16.73 ft.)


Datum Point


String 1


String 2


Mark E


Mark J

(1) Mark the position on string 2 in front of the vehicle, 5100 mm (16.73 ft.) from the datum point. (Mark E)

(2) Mark the position on string 2 to the rear of the vehicle, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) from the datum point. (Mark J)


400 mm (1.31 ft.)


String 2


Mark E

(3) Secure the ends of 2 strings (800 mm [2.62 ft.] long) at 2 positions 400 mm (1.31 ft.) from mark E as shown in the illustration.

(4) Move the free ends of the 2 strings and mark the point where the ends meet. (Marks F and G)


800 mm (2.62 ft.) String


String 2


Mark E


Mark F


Mark G




400 mm (1.31 ft.)


String 1


String 2


Mark J

(5) Secure the ends of 2 strings (800 mm [2.62 ft.]) at 2 positions 400 mm (1.31 ft.) from mark J as shown in the illustration.

(6) Move the free ends of the 2 strings and mark the point where the ends meet. (Marks K and L)


800 mm (2.62 ft.) String


String 1


String 2


Mark J


Mark K


Mark L

(7) Secure strings 3 and 4 so that they pass through marks F, G, K and L as shown in the illustration.


1600 mm (5.25 ft.)


String 2


String 3


String 4


Mark F


Mark G


Mark H


Mark I


Mark K


Mark L


Mark M


Mark N


Secure strings 3 and 4 so that they pass through marks F, G, K and L as shown in the illustration.

(8) Mark string 3, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) to the left of the vehicle center line (string 2). (Marks H and I)

(9) Mark string 4, 1600 mm (5.25 ft.) to the left of the vehicle center line (string 2). (Marks M and N)

(10) Secure strings 5 and 6 so that they pass through marks H, M, I and N as shown in the illustration.


When securing the string, check that there is no slack and the string is not twisted.


String 1


String 2


String 3


String 4


String 5


String 6


Mark H


Mark I


Mark M


Mark N


1900 mm (6.23 ft.)


2100 mm (6.89 ft.)


3200 mm (10.50 ft.)


3400 mm (11.15 ft.)


String 1


String 2


String 3


String 4


String 5


String 6


Mark O


Mark P


Mark Q


Mark R


Mark S


Mark T


Mark U


Mark V

(11) Make marks on string 5 that are 1900 mm (6.23 ft.), 2100 mm (6.89 ft.), 3200 mm (10.50 ft.), and 3400 mm (11.15 ft.) from the datum line (string 1) as shown in the illustration. (Marks O, P, Q and R)

(12) Make marks on string 6 that are 1900 mm (6.23 ft.), 2100 mm (6.89 ft.), 3200 mm (10.50 ft.), and 3400 mm (11.15 ft.) from the datum line (string 1) as shown in the illustration. (Marks S, T, U and V)

(13) Place and secure the cross check markers, centered on marks H, I, M and N.


  • Align the cross check markers perpendicular to the string.
  • Make each arm of the cross check markers 800 mm (2.62 ft.) long and 100 mm (0.33 ft.) wide.
  • Extend the rear cross check markers to string 1.


100 mm (0.33 ft.)


800 mm (2.62 ft.)


Cross Check Marker


Check Marker


String 1


Mark F


Mark G


Mark H


Mark I


Mark K


Mark L


Mark M


Mark N


Mark O


Mark P


Mark Q


Mark R


Mark S


Mark T


Mark U


Mark V



(14) Place check markers between marks F and G, marks K and L, marks O and P, marks Q and R, marks S and T, and marks U and V.

(15) Perform camera view adjustment (calibration) (procedure 8).


(a) Start diagnostic mode.

  • Click here 2018 - 2020 MY Sienna [11/2017 -        ]; NAVIGATION / MULTI INFO DISPLAY: NAVIGATION SYSTEM: DTC CHECK / CLEAR


The following must be carried out with the engine running. Apply the parking brake, depress the brake pedal, check that the shift lever is in P, and ensure that the vehicle is not moving.

(b) Select "Function Check/Setting" from the "Service Menu" screen.

(c) Select "Camera Setting" on the "Function Check/Setting" screen to display the Mode Setting screen.

(d) Select "View Adjustment" on the Mode Setting screen to display the adjustment screen.


To select a grayed out item, select and hold the item for 2 seconds or more.

(e) After checking the screen, press the "NEXT" button on the "Signal Check" screen.


  • When "CHK" (red) is displayed, perform the inspections.
  • If performing the adjustment after proceeding to the next screen, check that all items display "OK" (blue) before selecting "Next".

(f) Perform the view adjustment.


Red Line


Cross Check Marker


Adjustment Button


Camera Select Button


Height Control Button




If replacing a camera, select the repaired camera and press "New Camera".

(1) Check that the cross check markers displayed on the adjustment screen appear connected.


  • Before checking the adjustment screen, ensure that the check markers have been placed correctly.
  • If a cross check marker appears displaced on the adjustment screen, use the camera select buttons to select the corresponding camera, and then use the adjustment buttons or vehicle height adjustment buttons to adjust the screen.


If adjustment is needed, select "All View Reset" button and reset all adjustment values.

(2) Check the check marker is in the adjustment screen.


  • Before checking the adjustment screen, ensure that the check markers have been placed correctly.
  • If a check marker appears displaced on the adjustment screen, use the camera select buttons to select the corresponding camera, and then use the adjustment buttons or vehicle height adjustment buttons to adjust the screen.


    If performing adjustment again, select "All View Reset" to initialize the adjustment status.

(g) When all adjustments are completed, press "OK".

(h) If data writing ends normally, "The view data writing was completed." is displayed.

(i) Press "OK".

(j) Finish diagnostic mode.

  • Click here 2018 - 2020 MY Sienna [11/2017 -        ]; NAVIGATION / MULTI INFO DISPLAY: NAVIGATION SYSTEM: DTC CHECK / CLEAR


(a) Preparation for adjustment

(1) Park the vehicle with the steering wheel centered.


Before parking the vehicle, be sure to move the vehicle forward and in reverse to check that the tires are facing straight ahead with the steering wheel centered.

(2) Adjust the tire pressure to the specified value(s).

(b) Start diagnostic mode.

  • Click here 2018 - 2020 MY Sienna [11/2017 -        ]; NAVIGATION / MULTI INFO DISPLAY: NAVIGATION SYSTEM: DTC CHECK / CLEAR


The following must be carried out with the engine running. Apply the parking brake, depress the brake pedal, check that the shift lever is in P, and ensure that the vehicle is not moving.

(c) Select "Function Check/Setting" on the "Service Menu" screen.

(d) Select "Camera Setting" on the "Function Check/Setting" screen.

(e) Select "Steering Angle Setting" on the Mode Setting screen to display the Signal Check screen.


To select a grayed out item, select and hold the item for 2 seconds or more.

(f) Select "Next" on the Signal Check screen to display the Steering Angle Setting screen.


  • If "CHK" (red) is displayed for an item on the Signal Check screen, selecting "Next" will not change to the Steering Angle Setting screen.
  • Check the Signal Check screen when "CHK" (red) is displayed for an item on the Signal Check screen.

    Click here 2018 - 2020 MY Sienna [11/2017 -        ]; PARK ASSIST / MONITORING: PANORAMIC VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM: DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM

(g) Adjust the steering angle

(1) Check that the steering wheel is centered (approximately +/- 5 degrees or less) and then select "Steering Center Memorize".

(2) Turn the steering wheel fully to the left and fully to the right, and then press "Max Steering Angle Memorize". (Turning right and then left is OK)

(3) When "Max Steering Angle Memorize" is selected, the system beeps, the steering angle setting values (steering neutral point and maximum steering angle) are stored, and the Mode Setting screen is displayed again.


  • A beep will sound to confirm that the adjustment values have been stored.
  • If all signals are input normally, the Mode Setting screen is displayed automatically after the maximum steering angle is stored.
  • If steering angle setting is incomplete, "OK" cannot be selected.
  • Even if no DTC is detected, a steering sensor malfunction may disable the use of "Max Steering Angle Memorize".
  • If selecting "Max Steering Angle Memorize" does not cause the adjustment value to be stored after adjusting the steering angle, replace the steering sensor.

    Click here 2018 - 2020 MY Sienna [11/2017 -        ]; BRAKE CONTROL / DYNAMIC CONTROL SYSTEMS: STEERING ANGLE SENSOR: REMOVAL

(h) Finish diagnostic mode.

  • Click here 2018 - 2020 MY Sienna [11/2017 -        ]; NAVIGATION / MULTI INFO DISPLAY: NAVIGATION SYSTEM: DTC CHECK / CLEAR

(i) Check steering angle adjustment.


If the steering angle has been adjusted, check the steering angle adjustment on the panoramic view monitor screen after finishing diagnosis mode.

(j) Check on the parking assist monitor screen that the estimated course line moves until the steering wheel is fully turned to either the left or right.


If the estimated course line stops moving before the steering wheel is fully turned to either the left or right, the steering angle adjustment values have not been stored correctly. In this case, perform "Steering Center Memorize" and "Max Steering Angle Memorize" again.